DON't flirf Eddy Sturmph!!

Farley the snarley bareled down to the clown-conference in his big red shoes. He trailed fury pooh on a string that the fell from his bare-plush butt that was reveiled by falling trousers.

No other source of snorse will reporce your devorce from the door knob. Being a slob has the benifit of a messy floor and desk. Test your knowledge of colledge girl reputiation results and list the things that are backwards.

I am in Santiago de Chile. I am listening to internet radio, something called new demention radio on somthing called live 365 dot com. The topic is the relationship with money that people have is being discussed by a woman called Lynn Twist or something. She talks about poor, poor people who have mutalated their children to make them better beggers. I don't see that happening in this country.

There are wars that are decades old that I am currently not aware of. There was a internation agreement to control the international arms trade and the United States was the only nation to not sign on....but they want to tell Iran that they have to stop their nuclear tinkering as a show of good faith.

What about all those things that you talk about that you, HEY! Wait a minute! I am trying to read a little bit of liturature by a man named Albert Pike. He is a famous freemason who was a civil war general and PCTs think of him to be a dark and scarey man or at least they spin him that way to sell DVDs and books. Albert Pikes book "Morals and Dogma" is a strange and cryptic thing that is much like the random garbage that I have bothered to put on paper. It is like the free writing that many writers have encouraged apireing writers to do. It is odd.

speaking of odd...there is a person named Paul, he is bored and would like to spend time with people. He is nice, but he is prone to lonlyness and has difficulty finding things to do to pass the minutes and seconds of life untill there is no more.

I work at the University of Calgary. I work at night. I sweep floors and I wipe the hopes and dreams of young adults off some of the toilets that are installed on campus. These young adults are students and they are slobs. I am sitting at one of the public computer terminals and I can hear some of them now. Noisey animals, having fun and makeing messes. Oh I am jelous and jadded and annoyed with their noise. Seize the day...yeah yeah life to its fullest...yeah yeah totally inconsiderate of people who might be trying to study...what-ever...

Links to other sites on the Web

A description of why you will be doing these things...


Things that I wrote on my palm pilot...Incidentally, I have lost the palm pilot that I wrote these things on. It was a Palm Zire.

Hey, c'mon...

Attack of the cowards.

Hereis an artical that I am working on about the proposed high speed rail link between Calgary and Edmonton.

Oh and don't forget to return often.

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