Death can not be avoided forever. It is foolish to think otherwise. However, I will do what I can to keep this gift of life for a long, long time. I will eat right, get lots of exercise and reduce the stress in my life to level that is optimal for lengthy duration of the various interwoven organs that make up my body.

However, the time will come when these flesh machines become unreliable. At such times, they can be replaced. Heart first, I think, to be safe and what is needed and/or available after that, and I must be ready for the inevitable day what the members of my race are faced with dramatic change and I will be ready and in good health for every possible situation that could result.

Come with me, if you wish, beyond this era, beyond this World Order into what may be and what must be. Join me in the study of longevity and everything else. I want to live comfortably after before, during and after the end of the world as it has been under the brief rule of various empires. I want to watch the house of cards collapse and blow away as the bewildered people who lived in it panic, fight and die.

Drink tea with me, as it all comes undone and hold my hand on a hill and watch the sun set on tall, dark buildings and let the moon shine down on our bare bio-mechanical-cybernetic bodies as we make love in the quiet, peaceful streets. We will have the universities and libraries and digital records to our selves and we can learn to do anything. We can learn to modify and repair our selves as the centuries ware away at everything.

I want to walk across the prairies, savannahs and the bottoms of the oceans and look with electronic eyes at creation and ponder it purpose. Now and then I will scream from the top of a mountain, "What does it all mean?" That mountain will slowly erode into nothing. The continents will move under our feet and a cacophony of clouds rushes overhead this way and that. Rocks will fall from the sky and pound the planet. We can travel to the moon while the dust settles and make love in the sun light that is reflected from the Earth.

But the sun will not shine forever and we must consider the day when it will swell towards us. With some forward thinking we can easily escape this violence. I will scan the heavens for the perfect glowing cloud of gas and dust and when the time comes we must go to it across a ridiculous distance aboard a giant crystal spaceship, wearing capes.

With the large dieing sun far, far behind us, we can look forward to a calm corner of the universe where a humble star fuses its bulk slowly and softly and provides us with warmth and energy for eons and eons. We can watch other frivolous suns piss away their life while we play chess on a beautiful beach. The night sky will change through the depths of time as the fusion cycle creates and destroys places that are similar to the one that we are from.

Great rocks and blocks of ice will certainly crash there they way they do here. We can take shelter from these occasional cataclysms in caves and burn wood from the dead forests. Let it snow! Let the planet be covered!

The night sky will change through the depths of time as the fusion cycle creates and destroys places that are similar to the one that we are from.

The stars will flicker in and out of existence and, at great, great length; there will be less and less of them. One day the sky will be dim and even our little sun will begin to fail. When this happens, there will be nowhere warm and beautiful left to run. Might as well die then...

***STORY OVER*** (stop reading)


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