The door opened and they got onto the elevator. Doctor Chase pushed a button and they elevator rushed upwards. "So what's it like working with president?" The door opened and they entered a similar corridor.


"It’s a job."


"I hear he's going senile."


"The president undergoes regular physical and mental evaluation. I assure you, he is perfectly healthy."


"Not loosing his mind at all, huh?"


"Of course not."


"You've never caught him in walking naked around the White House with a confused look on his face?"




"Does he always change the subject of conversation from something really important like education or the economy to something trivial like Christmas or Tom and Jerry? Or is that some sort of public relations strategy?"


"He's a story teller. That's how he expresses himself."


Doctor Chase thought about that for a moment, "Good answer! He's like a wise old grandfatherly character who speaks wonders in his rocking chair beside the fire. I guess that's how the people of this great country want to feel about the man that they elected.

My grandfather lost it big time. He was sharp as a tack until two months before he was eighty three. Suddenly he couldn't remember where he was or why he was there. He was scared at first, but he eventually he even forgot about fear. He was actually pretty happy most of the time, babbling away to himself and laughing. Sometimes at dinner, without any warning, he would spit out his whatever he was drinking and just start laughing his ass off. Sometimes he'd laugh so suddenly that he start choking and we'd have to do the Heimlich and then he'd start barfing all over the place, and then he might start swearing and go into a violent fit, throwing stuff and spitting. Eventually we just couldn't take him to a restaurant without clearing the place out. One day when he was eighty five he wandered off took a nap on some train tracks, lost his legs." They stopped in front of a door marked RECREATION.


"Oh my god!"


"Yeah. That slowed him down for a while, but he forgot about his legs almost immediately and he learned to walk on his hands."




"Oh yeah. It was unbelievable. He still had to be kept under constant supervision or he could wander off and get into trouble." Doctor Chase opened the door. They walked into a room with a large plasma TV mounted on the far wall with several video game consoles on a shelf below. There were three couches with a total of five people on them. There was a pool table and a foosball table. There were computers and a kitchen.


"Stock car racing?!" Doctor Chase protested. "You fucken' rednecks."


"Get the fuck back in your cage lab rat!" A man with thick southern accent responded. The room was filled the sound of a race.


"It’s so fucked that your into you're into this shit when you work on aircraft that the general public is not going to know about for ten years. I mean, you worked on the.  For fuck's sake, you predicted the Challenger disaster when we were working for NASA."


"Look man, people who don't love stock cars can eat my fucken' shit and go to hell!"


"Amen!" said the person sitting next to him. The two of them touched their beer bottles together.


"Anyway, this is Agent Johnson, secret service. This is Steve Watson, perhaps the best Engineer in America."


"Nice to meet you."


"There's beer in the fridge." Steve responded.


"You want a beer?" Doctor Chase asked as he opened the refrigerator.




"We've got beer and we've got lite beer."




"If it wasn't for me, there'd be nothing but this lite beer horse piss. I'm worried about America because the people here don't understand what beer is all about." Doctor Chase raised his voice at Steve who chucked. He then opened the refrigerator and took out two beers.


"Could we play a game of pool?"


"Oh sure. Rack 'em up." The man that the president's aide had sent set the balls into a plastic triangle which he then removed. Doctor Chase handed him a que. "You break." He aimed and scattered the balls; the ten fell into a side pocket and the two and the three stopped last. The serious, dull man then half circled the table and aimed again and banked the 12 into a side pocket. "Uh-oh" said Doctor Chase after a combo shot, "You're supposed to loose and then play me for money. Don't you know anything?"


"My father did that sometimes."


"How about we quit our jobs and head to Vegas."


"I don't think so."


"It's only eighty miles away."


"No thank-you."


"Oh, you're no fun."


"That is an important aspect of being in the secret service."


"I think is also something that they had in mind when they invented Stockcar racing!"


"Sit on it, Lab Rat!" Shouted Steve.


The man from the secret service played serious and focused. The first game was over with only three of Doctor Chase's balls in pockets. His opponent immediately began emptying the pockets into the plastic triangle.


"Want another beer?" Doctor Chase asked.


"Yes please."


"Red necks? Another pseudo-beer?"


Two of them responded with thumbs up, the other was too absorbed in the race. Doctor Chase walked over to him and waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Another pseudo-beer?"


"Uh, yes sir, thank-you."


Doctor Chase pulled three lite beers from the refrigerator and opened them on the kitchen counter. He then brought them to the men on the couches. He returned to refrigerator and removed two regular beers and opened those and returned to the pool table where the triangle was being removed. The man from the secret service moved into position and aimed and loudly scattered the balls.


The men watching TV were suddenly agitated as the race they watched became littered with smoke, debris and flipping, disintegrating cars. "Oh shit!" shouted Steve, "Oh shit who's that? That's McBane and who else?"


"That's Watters in the Home Depot car and Franklin in the McDonald’s Car...and I don't know who's in the Fuji car. Luis Peters I think."


"Hey look!" Shouted Doctor Chase, "Something's happening. Wow. This must be real exiting after watching them just go around and around and around." Steve pointed the remote control and laughed as he turned up the volume briefly to an uncomfortable level. "They shouldn't drive so fast." He added, "If they slowed down, I bet they wouldn't crash like that. Either that or they should stop driving like a bunch of spaced-out Prozac bitches."


"Come to Alabama and say that."


"I'm not going to Alabama! Look at how they drive there!" He gestured to the image of wrecked race cars. "Besides, they all drink lite beer in Alabama and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus. You people won't have to hang me for making fun of stock car racing 'cause I'd just end up shooting my self."


"It's your turn." Said the man from the secret service.


Doctor Chase looked at the table and there were only two striped balls left, "Jesus Christ, you're cheating!"


"I Swear..."


"No just joking. You just play too fast. You need to slow down like them good ol' boys on the television there, so that you don't crash." He found a shot and aimed his que. He paused, thinking. "What if it slows down?" He said under his breath.


There was a slow motion replay on the television of the speeding race cars moving steadily along until two of them bumped. A wisp of smoke came from the leading car's tires as it began to fish-tail before sliding sideways and beginning to roll like a log after causing three other cars to begin loosing control.


"I think we should check the simulation. Chug your beer."


"Don't you want to finish the game?"


"No. Chug your beer. I want to check something."


They excused themselves and went back down to the meeting room where they left the computer.


"What’s the problem?" Asked the man from the secret service.


"I got a feeling that it's not going to crash into the ocean." He paused the simulation which showed in false colour the 500x500x500 metre pyramid plunging into the ocean. "This is where a bigger computer comes in handy; checking other calculations after a few beers gets your thinking about things. I'm going to look at its trajectory again and factor in a contingency for deceleration. I want to see what happens if it decides to put the breaks on. Had anybody talked about this possibility before?"


"Not that I know of."


"Well, were you in the briefing?"


"Well, No."


"Why would they assume that it is just going to plunge into the ocean?"


Doctor Chase typed quickly at the keyboard and pointed and clicked with the touch pad.


"So, we'll assume that at some point at 200,000 miles out, it decides to slow down. This line here tells us where it will land depending on how hard that deceleration is and when it begins." on a map of the Atlantic Ocean was a red circle with a white line tracking west-south west, "and if the deceleration is strong enough, it won't crash. It will land softly, or not touch the ground at all. But look where a breaking manoeuvre could take it." Using the lap-top's touch-pad, Doctor Chase pointed to the place on the line where it made land fall on North America and zoomed it to New York and then to Central Park. "If it lands here, it will be perfectly aligned to Manhattan’s street grid. The odds of that being coincidence must be a million to one. I think this thing is going to land right there."


#######STOP####There is no more for now! Go Home! It is where you keep your powdered katsup.
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