Christmas Math Activities

Graphing Activities - The holidays provide wonderful opportunities for graphing. Here are some fun graphs to do with your class:
A Charlie Brown Christmas Pasta Graph - Kraft makes macaroni and cheese pasta in the shape of characters from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" Place some pieces of the pasta in a ziploc bag. Students place them on the graph where they belong. Click below for a reproducible for the Charlie Brown Christmas Graph.

A Charlie Brown Christmas Pasta Graph
Winter Lucky Charms Graph - Children graph Winter Lucky Charms. I found a box of Winter Lucky Charms at Wal-Mart! If you can get your hands on a box, here is a reproducible I made for the children to graph a baggie of Winter Lucky Charms.
Winter Lucky Charms Graph
Gingerbread Bites Graph - Give each child a gingerbread cookie. I usually buy the Little Debbie kind. Students take one bite and graph which part of the gingerbread he/she bit first. There are other wonderful Gingerbread unit activities at:
Mrs. Anderson's Kindergarten
Candy Cane Patterns - Trace a candy cane line on a large sheet of green construction paper, one for each student. Have 1X1, red and white squares cut. Each student decides on a pattern, for example red, red, white, or white, white, white, red, etc.. Students trace the line on the construction paper with glue and then lays the colored squares in a pattern along the line to make a candy cane. You can trim around them in a candy cane shape. I hang these outside on my wall to add to our gingerbread house display.
Santa's Gifts classroom book - Student draws a number of presents under a Christmas tree and fills in the blanks. Santa left __ gifts under the tree. ____ for you and ___ for me. Click below for the reproducible
Santa's Gifts

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