Holiday Songs and Fingerplays

A Sense-Sational Christmas Song
Tune of "Frere Jacques

Smells like Christmas, 
Smells like Christmas
Sniff, sniff, sniff, 
sniff, sniff, sniff.
I can smell the Christmas tree, 
I can smell the turkey,
Sniff, sniff, sniff, 
sniff, sniff, sniff.

Tastes like Christmas,
Tastes like Christmas,
Crunch, crunch, crunch
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
I can taste the cookies,
I can tastes the popcorn.
Crunch, crunch, crunch
Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Sounds like Christmas,
Sounds like Christmas,
Ding, ding, dong
Ding, ding, dong
I can hear the singing, 
I can hear the ringing.
Ding, ding dong.
Ding, ding, dong.

Looks like Christmas, 
Looks like Christmas
Blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink. 
I can see the lights.
They're such a pretty sight.
Blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink

Feels like Christmas,
Feels like Christmas.
Hug, hug, hug,
Hug, hug, hug.
I can feel the friendship.
I can feel the love.
Hug, hug, hug,
Hug, hug, hug.

Tune of "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain"

He'll be comin' down the chimney 
when he comes.
He'll be comin' down the chimney 
when he comes. 
He'll be comin' down the chimney,
comin' down the chimney,
He'll be comin' down the chimney
when he comes.

He'll be driving eight brown
reindeer when he comes,
He'll be driving eight brown
reindeer when he comes,
He'll be driving eight brown reindeer,
Driving eight brown reindeer.
He'll be driving eight brown
reindeer when he comes,

He'll be piled up with toys 
when he comes.
He'll be piled up with toys
when he comes.
He'll be piled up with toys,
For all the girls and boys.
He'll be piled up with toys,
when he comes.

He'll be dressed all in red
when he comes
He'll be dressed all in red
when he comes.
He'll be dressed all in red,
From his toes up to his head,
He'll be dressed all in red
when he comes.

Call Rudolph

Eight little reindeer pulling Santa's sled;
One fell down and bumped his head
The elves called Santa and Santa said,
"Can seven little reindeer pull my sled?"

Seven little reindeer...
Six little reindeer....
Five little reindeer....
Four little reindeer....
Three little reindeer....
Two little reindeer....

One little reindeer pulling Santa's sled;
He fell down and bumped his head.
The elves called Santa and Santa said,

Sing a Song of Christmas
Tune of "Sing a Song of Sixpence"

Sing a song of winter,
Frost is in the air.
Sing a song of winter,
Snowflakes everywhere.
Sing a song of winter, 
Hear the sleigh bells chime.
Can you think of anything,
As nice as christmas time.

Here Comes Santa!

Here are the reindeer
They're prancing... now whoa!!!
In jumps dash away - GO!
Here is the chimney,
Here is the top.
On Christmas evening,
Down Santa will drop.

Here is the Chimney

Here is the chimney
(make fist with thumb inside)
Here is the top.
(cover fist with palm of other hand)
Open the lid, (lift palm like a box lid)
Out Santa will pop! (pop thumb up)

Here's Our Little Pine Tree
Tune of, "I'm a Little Teapot"

Here's our little pine tree,
Tall and straight.
Let's find the things
So we can decorate.
First we want to put 
A star on top!
Then we must be careful
The balls don't drop.

Hand on all the tinsel,
Shiny and bright.
Put on the canes
And hook them just right.
Finally put some presents 
For you and me.
And we'll be ready
With our Christmas tree.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas 
with a Twist

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

(Hold hands an walk around in a circle as you sing this part. Then stop and sing the following verses:

Let's all do a little clapping,
Let's all do a little clapping,
Let's all do a little clapping,
To spread Christmas cheer.

Here are other verses:

Let's all do a little hopping...
Let's all do a little twirling...
Let's all do a little stomping...
Let's all do a little snapping...
Let's all do a little leaping...

Sing the chorus each time after stopping to do the above motions.

Five Little Christmas Trees 

Five little Christmas trees
Standing all alone.
Their hearts were very sad
Cause they hadn't found a home.
Then CHOP went the ax
And down fell the tree 
And off it went with the happy family.

Choose 5 children to be trees.
Choose two or three children to be in the happy family.
Choose one child to be the woodcutter.

Have students act out the poem.

Ring the Bells, It's Christmastime
Tune of, "London Bridge"

Ring the bells, it's Christmas time,
Christmas time, Christmas time,
Ring the bells, it's Christmas time.
Merry Christmas time.

More verses:
*Play the drums it's Christmas time
*Tap the sticks it's Christmas time
*Clap your hands, it's Christmas time.

Santa's Shop

Five busy elves at work in Santa's shop
Hammer, hammer, hammer, without a stop.
One little elf grew so very tired.
Hammer, hammer, hammer,
He closed his eyes.
WAKE UP! It's Christmas 

Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star

Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star,
You're so pretty where you are.
Way up on the Christmas tree,
Shining there for all to see.
Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star,
Bright and shiny where you are.

Reindeer Boogie

You put your red nose in,
You put your red nose out.
You put your red nose in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the reindeer boogie
And you dance yourself around.
That's what it's all about.

More verses:
*You put your antlers in
*You put your front legs in
*You put your hind legs in
*You put your body in.

Tune of "Bingo"

There was a man all dressed in red
And Santa was his name-O.
S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, 
And Santa was his name-O

More verses:
*He has a big white fluffy beard
*He rides a sleigh of 8 reindeer
*He has a sack all filled with toys
*He brings the toys for girls and boys
* He'll come again another year

Reindeer Rhythms

Santa's sleigh is ready to go!
Giddyap reindeer, and walk just so!

Substitute hop, run, tiptoe, skip, gallop, slide, jump, or any other movement.

My Peppermint Stick

Oh, I took a lick of my peppermint stick,
And I thought it tasted yummy!
Oh, it used to be on my Christmas tree,
But I like it better in my tummy!

Five Funny Elves

Five funny elves on Christmas Eve.
The first one said, "Santa's ready to leave"
The second one said, "I made lots of toys"
The third one said, "They're for 
girls and boys."
The fourth one said, "I hear 
reindeer prancing.'
The fifth one said, "Santa's eyes 
are a-dancing."
"Ho, ho, ho," said Santa and jumped
in his sleigh.
And the five funny elves sent 
him on his way.

Christmas Bells

Five little bells
Hanging in a row.
The first one said, "Ring me slow."
The second one said, "Ring me fast."
The third one said, "Ring me last."
The fourth one said, "I'm like a chime."
The fifth one said, "Ring me at Christmastime."

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