authentic awakening
slow down...turn inward...touch your true heart


havingness levels

an online class and support session
Coming Soon!

What are Havingness Levels?

Simply put, they are our current ability to have. What we have created right now, in our current lives�our relationships, our finances, the chaos or calm�all of what we have is determined by our own havingess levels. Think of it this way: When someone wins the lottery and loses it all within a few months, their havingness levels were not at a place where they could hold the money. This is true with relationships, with jobs, and with possessions. Havingness levels can be stretched or held back depending on whether we are feeding them, ignoring them, or denying them.

Why study this now?

We live in a time when there is an energy of desperation on the planet. We are consuming at such a rapid rate, and many people aren�t considering what the costs might be. That energy is being generated by tremendous fear and denial. The more individuals that we have working on their ability to have from a non-possessive energy, the more we can quiet the energy of fear and, in a sense, simplify it. By turning within and reaching for greater internal wealth, we can increase our own ability to have on a material level as well.

Why this format?

Because all of our lives are full. This format gives you a chance to read your email as you are able and to not be tied down to a schedule. This also gives people the chance to work in an energy that is being fed by people from different geographic locations.

How much does it cost, and what should I expect to gain?

  • The cost for the 43 day session is $43.00.
  • Because the group energy is so important, no one will be allowed to join after the fourth day.

  • Previous students can join the class with a friend on a two-for-one special.

Expect to gain:
  • 43 days of Energetic support both from the teacher and from the group as a whole

  • Daily emails to support and challenge you (Monday � Friday)

  • Supplemental materials to help ground your experience

  • Guidance to help you connect with your Money Guide

  • A �mini� reading from Jeanne to look into your akashic records to see what might be your blocks around havingness.

What is expected of you:
  • A willingness to create and email a bio (who you are, what you are hoping to gain from the class, and anything else you might want to share).

  • A willingness to chant a brief chant daily (or as often as possible).

  • A willingness to share your challenges and progress with the group�part of the magic is in the fact that we are all walking together as we stretch our havingness levels.

  • Internet access, either at home, work, or the library. Daily email checking is not necessary.

How do I register?

Please send me an email to let me know you are interested. When I receive your check, I will send you the information needed to join the online forum. When you join, please give a brief introduction to the rest of the group�part of the magic is in the fact that we are all walking together as we stretch our havingness levels.

Quotes from previous participants:

�This class was helpful for me. I could feel the support during the process (thanks everyone)!�

�I didn�t realize how many different ways we would approach our ability to have. My clutter was really getting in my way. Clearing it out and having support to do it was great!�

�I worked with my Money Guide and sure enough, in came a check for $475 that I wasn�t expecting.�

�Thanks for chanting and holding the energy during my interview. I�m meeting with the HR director tomorrow for an offer.�


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