authentic awakening
slow down...turn inward...touch your true heart


doula care

Post Partum, End of Life, or Post Surgical Doula Care

Physical and household support is available at $25.00 per hour. End of Life Care is offered at a sliding fee.

Post Partum Care can give a new mother~or mother again~time to enjoy her baby and rest her body from the intensity of pregnancy, labor, and birth. In our culture, it seems that woman have less support and a greater expectation to do it all. I believe every woman deserves a 40-day rest-period to build her strength and bond with her baby. 40 days is a common theme in many cultures. I ran into my Somali neighbor on the 41st day after her birth (which was the 45th day after the birth of my last son) and she was in her jogging shoes. She remarked, �It�s been 40 days!�. She had the rest and support of her community, and I wished that I had had the same. Without the support and rest, Women are predisposed to post partum mood issues and stress.

End of Life Doula Care gives caregivers and the dying person the ability to be in their process and not worry about meals, cleaning, grocery shopping, or the details of everyday life. The cares can be as personal as needed. My mother wanted someone to track down music from her childhood. Other people need help scheduling their volunteers or their appointments. Some need childcare for the grandkids. Some just want support for the family in the final hours. All types of support are often needed. An End of Life Doula can help with emotional comfort, practical concerns, and act as an advocate in healthcare and funeral planning matters.

Studies have shown that hospital personnel spend more time with people who have a chance of recovery. For many healthcare professionals, death is not something they want to face head on�even though they experience it often. Doula Care takes over when there is not sufficient time or sufficient consciousness to help the dying patient.


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