authentic awakening
slow down...turn inward...touch your true heart


Coming Home ~ A Year Long Exploration to Awaken Our True Selves

The year long class will focus on finding your way back to center and give you many tools to help bring you home. It is the hope that through this process you will expand your ability to nurture yourself, to honor your intuition, to strengthen your boundaries, and to help you really remember the joy you are meant to experience. It will be different things to different people. To some it will be a class to help focus intuition. To others it will be a class to find themselves after years of giving themselves away, for others a way to find a way back to the things that you love, for others it may be a way to increase your ability to have~and to value your gifts.

The Class Format and the Levels of Participation:

Option One:

Words to Walk With ~ Ideas, Quotes, Musing on the Monthly Topics. These come to you weekly.

Cost: Free!

Option Two:

Lessons ~ In addition to the ideas, quotes, and musing on the monthly topics, you will receive an in-depth lesson with challenges, journaling ideas, and more. These come to you weekly.

Cost: $10.00 per month (payable on the 15th of the previous month)

Option Three:

Lessons & Support ~ This option is a deeper and more interactive choice. In addition to the lessons, you will walk with a cohort of spiritual travelers, each interested in supporting the group energy as the individuals within it learn and grow. Each member will submit a bio and give feedback on their process. In addition to the group support you will also receive mid-week coaching emails from me, and once a month you will be able to submit a question for my intuitive feedback. Discounted clarity readings will also be available.

Cost: $25.00 per month (payable on the 15th of the previous month).

You may cancel or take a month off at any time! Plan changes should be made by the 15th of the previous month.

If you choose to continue with the class at the Option Two or Three Level, you may pay with check, money order, or through paypal. New members may be added during the year at any level.

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