authentic awakening
slow down...turn inward...touch your true heart


ethical wills

Ethical Wills are an opportunity for you to put a personal touch into the process of �The Will�. A Will is a legal document that is often dry and cold, albeit important.

An Ethical Will is a written or visual document given to loved ones upon your death. Often it is written or filmed over time. Begun during the final months of a terminal illness, or toward the end of life, this process gives people a chance to clarify and state their hopes, their values, their beliefs, the mark that they believe they have left on their loved ones. It often gives their hopes for the future and can also give precious comments and goodbyes to their family. Not only is it a priceless memory that is archived, it also helps the person who is aging or dying clarify and put closure on their gifts and dreams.

Consultation, Filming, and Editing Services

  • $35.00/hr

Photo or Video Montages for End of Life Celebrations, Birth, Birthdays, and More!

  • $65.00/hr

Group Classes on How to Create an Ethical Will be available.
Contact me for more information.

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