Basic Vegetable Platter

Size: 8 servings (Large Platter)

Amount Ingredient
2 cups soft lettuce leaves (Boston or similar; not iceberg}
1 cup fresh mint leaves
1 cup fresh coriander (Chinese parsley)
1 cup cucumber (peeled in lengthwise strips and with green strips in between, then cut in half lengthwise and into thin horizontal slices, forming semi-circles.)

  1. Arrange a mound of lettuce in the center of a platter. Around the lettuce, and touching it, arrange separate mounds of mint and coriander.
  2. Arrange the cucumbers in overlapping slices around the complete outer rim of the platter.
  3. This is the basic arrangement of the vegetable platter. On those occasions when a recipe calls for another vegetable, it can be added to this platter.
  4. Enjoy!

Cuisine | Rice | Chicken | Vegetables | Fish | Fruit | Flavoring

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