ASR-X PRO Sampler




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Recycling on the ASR-X Pro
Previously posted at E-mu<>Ensoniq; Author unknown.

The situation... you have 15+ Audio Sampling CD's which you bought for 99 bucks each but since they only give about 4 measures of the loop you can't seem to make a 4-5 minute song with it. If you can relate to this dilemna, here's some things you can do to help take the 4 bars to 4 minutes.

  1. Sample a break.
  2. Loop, truncate and normalize. When doing these processes you'll find that the X makes a new file, most times you don't want that old file. To delete, hit the pad, hold down the (Sound) button in the Pad Section and hit (No/Exit). Answer the question.
  3. Once looped and truncated it's 00 00 99 right? So just divide 100 by whatever you want to split it to. If it's 4 bars and you want a bar on every pad, do a Copy params only (Pad/Process) to four pads and set the Sample start/ends to 00 00 25, 26 00 50............. tweak to perfection.
  4. If you want to pull kicks and snares out. Do the same thing "Copy params only" to a bunch of pads, set playback to ONCE FORWARD instead of LOOP, find starts and ends to isolate the single instruments.
  5. Go to ENV3 and set all the pads to FINISH. This will make pad play through without having to hold it down.
  6. Make even more copies and edit them, some simple ones to try are:
    a) Panned versions
    b) filtered versions
    c) Effected and dry versions
    d) reversed versions
    e) detuned versions

There ya go, you should now have one kit with multiple variations of that one loop. Now that you've made the basic ingredients by "recycling" the break, next thing is to use the X's various synth, effect and editor features to take it to the next level.


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Date Last Modified: 10/17/03

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