Results Of Our Analysis

Chemistry Set

Here is a list of the analyses that we have conducted to date and a short synopsis of each. Please link on the appropriate link to view that piece of analysis. Be sure to check back often, as new results are being added all the time!

If you would like to submit anything to be analysed, please click on the "Ask the Analysts" link in the button bar and submit your requirements to us via email. Check back regularly, as new analysis is being added all the time!

Fibre and Fat Experiment
Requested by Anonymous on 25/01/2003.

The purpose of this piece of analysis was to determine whether fat or fibre causes stools to float, providing an answer to a question that has flummoxed scientists for generations.

King of the Beasts
Requested by Anonymous on 15/01/2003.

The purpose of this piece of analysis was to determine the toughest creature. A random selection of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish was chosen and each animal pitted against the others in two legs, at home and away. The results of each contest - a home win, a draw or an away win - were calculated and the identity of the winner revealed. Should the human race be wiped out, this winner is in a prime position to rule over the remainder of the beasts.

Planet Earth and Nuclear War
Requested by Greg Richards on 09/01/2003.

The aim of this piece of analysis was to investigate what would happen if the unspeakable were to happen. No, not if England wins the World Cup, but if the world descends into all-out Armageddon.

Polo Experiment
Requested by Dmitri Alexandrovich on 12/09/2002.

The purpose of this piece of analysis was to determine whether the surface area of a normal Polo mint would be greater if the mint lacked the hole for which it has become so well-known and well-loved throughout the world.

Seal Clubbing
Requested by John Barnes on 05/11/2002.

This analysis was to determine the favoured clubbing destination of seals. Would they prefer Aiya Napa or Ibiza?

Two Birds and One Stone
Requested by Anonymous.

Ancient Rome saw many a conflict between the learned wise men of the Senate on the best method of killing two birds with one stone. Two thousand years later and a lot of pondering later, this age-old riddle has been resolved.

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