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MIRROR SITE A General Systems Theory of Everything from Chaos, Quantum Mechanics and Gravity Applicable to Dynamical Systems of all Space-Time Scales from Subatomic Dynamics of Quantum Systems to Macro-Scale Fluid Flows



MIRROR SITE A General Systems Theory of Everything from Chaos, Quantum Mechanics and Gravity Applicable to Dynamical Systems of all Space-Time Scales from Subatomic Dynamics of Quantum Systems to Macro-Scale Fluid Flows



Updated on 16 August 2014



Book entitled CHAOTIC CLIMATE DYNAMICS by A.M.Selvam, Luniver Press is available at


Fractals: The beautiful complex patterns generated by simple iterative computations: Some examples
A hierarchy of selfsimilar structures: The large scale is a magnified version of the small scale.



A Theory of Everything for Chaos,Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, Applicable to Macroscale Weather Patterns




A superstring theory for atmospheric flow dynamics?

For a brief summary GO TO Universal quantification for self-organized criticality in atmospheric flows



For detailed theory GO TO Table of Contents



A Superstring Theory for Fractal Spacetime,Chaos and Quantumlike Mechanics in Atmospheric Flows by A.M.SELVAM and SUVARNA FADNAVIS published with modification in Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 10(8), 1321 - 1334 (1999)
The unmodified paper(html) is available at eprint archives



Cantorian Fractal Spacetime, Quantum-like Chaos and Scale Relativity in Atmospheric Flows by A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis published in Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 10(9), 1577 - 1582 (1999)
The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



A cell dynamical system model for thundercloud electrification by A.M.Selvam
Proc. 1988 Int'l Conf. Lightning and Static Electricity, 26-28 September 1989, University of Bath, U.K

The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



Cantorian Fractal Spacetime and Quantum-like Chaos in Neural Networks of the Human Brain by A.M.Selvam published with modifications in CHAOS,SOLITONS AND FRACTALS 10(1), 25 - 29, (1999)
The unmodified paper(html) is available at eprint archives



Possible Solar Influence on Atmospheric Electric Field by Poonam Sikka, A.Mary Selvam and A.S.Ramachandramurty
Preprint volume : VII International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 3-8, 1984, Albany, N. Y. American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass., USA

The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



A study of circadian rhythm and meteorological factors influencing acute myocardial infarction by A.M.Selvam,D.Sen and S.M.S.Mody
Research Report No. RR-073, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 411 008, India, April 1997

The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



Quantum-like Chaos in Prime Number Distribution and in Turbulent Fluid Flows by A.M.Selvam published with modifications in Canadian electronic Journal APEIRON 8(3), 29-64, (2001)
The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



The Dynamics of Fullerene Structure Formation : Order out of Chaos Phenomenon by A.M.Selvam accepted for publication in Fractalia, Romania
The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



A New Mechanism for the Maintenance of Fair Weather Electric Field and Cloud Electrification by A. Mary Selvam, A.S. Ramachandra Murty, G.K. Manohar ,S. S. Kandalgaonkar and Bh. V. Ramana Murty
Proc. VII International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 3-8,1984,Albany,N.Y.(American Meteorological Society),154-159.
The paper(html) is available at eprint archives



Numerical computations such as addition,multiplication,etc.,have inherent round-off errors. Iterative computations magnify this round-off error because of feedback with amplification. The round-off error growth structures generate the beautiful fractal patterns.

The complex structures found in nature are all fractals,i.e.,posses selfsimilar geometry. Simple iterative growth processes may underlie the complex patterns found in nature

The most fundamental selfsimilar structure is the forking (bifurcating) structure (Jean, 1994 References) of tree branches, tree roots, river tributaries, branched lightning, etc. The hierarchy of complex branching structures occupy only a part (fraction) of 3-dimensional space or a fraction of 2-dimensional space in a 2-dimensional projection, and therefore they belong to the recently identified (Mandelbrot, 1977) category of fractal objects. The study of fractals now belongs to the new field nonlinear dynamics and chaos, a multidisciplinary area of intensive research in all fields of science in recent years.
Golden mean and selfsimilar, fractal geometrical structures in nature



Some selfsimilar designs used in Indian hoseholds as decorations at doorsteps and also on auspicious occasions



Numerical integration schemes incorporate iterative computations.Propagation of round-off error into the main stream computation results in deterministic chaos in computer realizations of nonlinear mathematical models used for simulation of real world dynamical systems.

Selfsimilar spatial structures imply long-range spatial correlations or non-local connections.

Global cloud cover pattern exhibits fractal geometry.The existence of long-range spatial correlations such as the El-Nino impact on global climate is now accepted.The global atmosphere acts as a unified whole, where,local perturbations produce a global response.


Long-range spatiotemporal correlations (non-local connections) in atmospheric flows



some links to web sites dealing with New theories,quantum mechanics,gravity and chaos



List of research publications of A.M.Selvam and colleagues

List of publications(html) available at eprint archives at






Paper entitled Signatures of a Universal Spectrum for Atmospheric Interannual Variability in Some Disparate Climatic Regimes by A.M.Selvam and S.Fadnavis published in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 66, 87-112 (1998),Springer-Verlag Wien
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



A moment for reflection
2. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
2.1 Fractal Geometry
2.1.1 Fractals in Pure Mathematics
2.1.2 Fractal Time Signals and Power Laws
2.1.3 Self-Organized Criticality: Space-time Fractals
2.2 Golden Mean and Selfsimilar,Fractal Geometrical Structures in Nature
2.3 Turbulent(chaotic) Fluctuations and Selfsimilar Structure Formation
2.4 Fibonacci Sequence and Selfsimilar Structures
2.5 Fivefold and Spiral Symmetry Associated with Fibonacci Sequence
2.6 Quasicrystalline Structure : The Quasiperiodic Penrose Tiling Pattern
2.7 Selfsimilarity : A Signature of Identical Iterative Growth Process
3. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Iterative Processes
4. Cell Dynamical System Model for Atmospheric Flows
4.1 Basic Equations
4.2 Model Predictions
5. Data and Analysis
6. Results and Discussions
7. Applications for Prediction
8. Conclusions
9. Acknowledgements








11-Year Warm Cloud Modification Experiment in Maharashtra State, India
by A.S.R.Murty et al.
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives

Published in Journal Weather Modification (USA), Vol.32,10-20, 2000



Summary of observations indicating dynamic effect of salt seeding in warm cumulus clouds.
by A. S. Ramachandra.Murty, A. Mary Selvam and Bh. V. Ramana Murty

Published in Journal of Applied Meteorology, USA, 1975, Vol.14, 629-637



Electrical and microphysical measurements in warm cumulus clouds before and after seeding.
by A. S. Ramachandra Murty, A. M. Selvam, S. K. Paul, R. Vijayakumar and Bh. V. Ramana Murty

Published in Journal of Applied Meteorology, USA, 1976, Vol.15, 1295-1301.



Aircraft measurement of electrical parameters inside monsoon clouds.
by A. Mary Selvam, A. S. Ramachandra Murty, R. Vijayakumar and Bh.V. Ramana Murty

Published in Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology and Geophysics, 1976, Vol.27, 391-396.



A numerical technique for simulation of cloud seeding experiments.
by A. Mary Selvam, A. S. Ramachandra Murty and Bh.V. Ramana Murty

Published in Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1978, 87A, 179-191.



Some thermodynamical and microphysical aspects of monsoon clouds.
by A. Mary Selvam, A. S. Ramachandra Murty, R. Vijayakumar, S. K. Paul, G. K. Manohar, R. S. Reddy, B. K. Mukherjee and Bh. V. Ramana Murty

Published in Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 87(A), 2 July, 1980, 215-230.



A. Mary Selvam and A.S. Ramachandra Murty
Proc. of the 4th WMO Scientific Conf. on Weather Modification 12-14 August 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, 503-506.

The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



World Meteorological Organization, WMP Report No. 24, WMO/TD-No. 687 Eighteenth Session of the Executive Council Panel of Experts/CAS Working Group on Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research Geneva, Switzerland, 30 January – 3 February 1995 Appendix D, pp.1-5.



World Meteorological Organization, WMP Report No. 27, WMO/TD-No. 820 Eighteenth Session of the Executive Council Panel of Experts/CAS Working Group on Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research Geneva, Switzerland, 5 – 9 May 1997 Appendix D, pp.31-33.



A New Hypothesis for the Vertical Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosols
A.Mary Selvam, A.S.Ramachandra Murty and Bh.V. Ramanamurty
Proc.of the XI Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Aerosols, Condensation and Ice Nuclei, 2-7 Sept.1984, Budapest, Hungary, 77-81.
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Cantorian Fractal Space-Time Fluctuations in Turbulent Fluid Flows and the Kinetic Theory of Gases
A.M Selvam
The original paper(html) is available in eprint archives
The modified paper is published in Canadian electronic journal APEIRON 9(2) April 2002, 1-19.



Remote Sensing of Geomagnetic Field and Applications to Climate Prediction
by A.Mary Selvam
Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'87)
, 18-21 May 1987, Michigan, USA.
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Simulation of Urban Effects of Cloud Physical Parameters
by A.Mary Selvam and A.S.R.Murty
Proc. International Conference on Energy Transformations and Interactions with Small and Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes
, 2-6 March 1987, Switzerland
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Universal quantification for deterministic chaos in dynamical systems
by A.Mary Selvam
Published in Applied Mathematical Modelling,1993,Vol.17, 642-649



Deterministic chaos, fractals and quantumlike mechanics in atmospheric flows
by A.Mary Selvam
Published in Canadian J. Physics, 68, 831 - 841 (1990)
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Signatures of quantum-like chaos in spacing intervals of non-trivial Riemann zeta zeros and in turbulent fluid flows
by A.Mary Selvam
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives
Published with modification in the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON8(4), 10-40.



Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Applications for Prediction of Weather and Climate
by J.S.Pethkar and A.M.Selvam
Proc. TROPMET 97, Bangalore, India, 10-14 Feb. 1997.

The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Universal Spectrum for Natural Variability of Climate: Implications for Climate Change
by J. S. Pethkar and A. M. Selvam
Proc. Amer. Meteorol. Soc.10th Conf. Applied Climatology, Fall 1997, Western USA
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives



Signatures of Quantum-like Chaos in Dow Jones Index and Turbulent Fluid Flows
by A. M. Selvam
The complete paper(html)is available in eprint archives
Modified paper published in Apeiron 10, 1-28 (2003).



The Application of deterministic Chaos to Atmospheric Physics



Quantumlike Chaos in the Frequency Distributions of the Bases A, C, G, T in Drosophila DNA
by A. M. Selvam
Modified paper published in the October issue of the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON 9(4), 103-148, 2002
Also available in LANL archives



Quantumlike chaos in the frequency distributions of bases A, C, G, T in human chromosome1 DNA
by A. M. Selvam
Available in LANL archives
WSEAS MMACTEE-WAMUS-NOLASC 2003, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2003,
Published in the Canadian electronic journal APEIRON, Volume 11 Number 3 (July 2004), 134-146.



Deterministic Chaos: A signature of Quantumlike Mechanics in Self-Organized Adaptive Networks
by A. M. Selvam
Proc. IEEE, NAECON 91, Dayton, U. S. A. May 20-24, 1991.



Deterministic Chaos Model for Self-Organized Adaptive Networks in Atmospheric Flows
by A. Mary Selvam
Proceedings of the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference - NAECON 1989, Dayton, OH, May 22-26, 1989, 1145-1152.



The Dynamics of Deterministic Chaos in Numerical Weather Prediction Models
by A. Mary Selvam
Proc. American Meteorological Society 8th Conf. Numerical Weather Prediction, February 1988, Baltimore, MD., USA.



Identification of self-organized criticality in atmospheric low frequency variability
by R. R. Joshi and A. M. Selvam
published in Fractals, Vol. 7, No. 4 (1999) 421-425



The dynamics of non-linear ionospheric rf wave processes
by A. Mary Selvam
published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 159(1) pp. 460-463. September 1987



Self-organized criticality: A signature of quantumlike chaos in atmospheric flows
by A. M.Selvam
included in program of EARSeL Expert Meeting: Self-Organised Criticality in the Environment, 25-26 November 2003,Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 32 A, Moscow, Russia



A General Systems Theory for the Observed Fractal Space-Time Fluctuations in Dynamical Systems
by A. M.Selvam



Universal spectrum for DNA base C+G concentration variability in Human chromosome Y
by A. M.Selvam
Also available at
Proceedings of the WSEAS Multiconference: Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE '05), Udine, Italy, January 20-22, 2005



Fractal space-time fluctuations: A signature of quantumlike chaos in dynamical systems
by A. M.Selvam
Also available at
International Journal of Physics, Vol. 3, No. 1, January-June 2010 pp. 57-65



Signatures of a universal spectrum for nonlinear variability in daily columnar total ozone content. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 1994, 11(3), 335-342
by A. M.Selvam and M. Radhamani
Pages 335 to 342 are available at aas/aasp8.pdf



Identification of self-organized criticality in atmospheric total ozone variability. Proc. Int'l. Symp. Middle Atmospheric Sciences, (MAS Symposium), Kyoto, Japan, 23-27 March, 1992
by A. M.Selvam and M. Radhamani
Pages 76 and 77 are available at mas/mas2p.pdf



The Physics of deterministic chaos : Implications for Global Climate Model Predictions. Proc. Int'l. Conf. Global Climate Change : Science, Policy and Mitigation Strategies, April 5-8, 1994, Phoenix, Arizona. pp.412-417.
by A. M.Selvam



Universal spectrum for short period (days) variability in atmospheric total ozone. Mausam 46(3), 297-302 (1995).
by A.M.Selvam and M. Radhamani



The dynamics of deterministic chaos in single mode optical fiber laser transmission. Proc. National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON'87), 18-22 May, 1987, Ohio, USA.
by A.M.Selvam



A General Systems Theory for Chaos, Quantum Mechanics and Gravity for Dynamical Systems of all Space-Time Scales
by A.M.Selvam
Also available at
Published in ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA 2005, Vol.5, No.2(15) 160-176



Spectral Analysis of Dow Jones Index and Comparison with Model Predicted Cycles During 1900-2005
by A.M.Selvam
International Journal of Physics
Volume 2, Number 1, January-June 2009, pp. 27-43
Published By : Serials Publications



A Cell Dynamical System Model for Simulation of Continuum Dynamics of Turbulent Fluid Flows
by A.M.Selvam and S. Fadnavis

Trends in Continuum Physics, TRECOP ’98; Proceedings of the International Symposium on Trends in Continuum Physics, Poznan, Poland, August 17-20, 1998. Edited by Bogdan T. Maruszewski, Wolfgang Muschik, and Andrzej Radowicz. Singapore, World Scientific, 1999, 334(12).



Universal spectrum for DNA base C+G frequency distribution in Human chromosomes 1 to 24
by A.M.Selvam
World Journal of Modelling and Simulation Vol. 5 (2009) No. 2, pp. 151-160



Universal spectrum for DNA base CG frequency distribution in Takifugu rubripes (Puffer fish) genome
by A.M.Selvam


Fractal Fluctuations and Statistical Normal Distribution
by A.M.Selvam

The original version is available at
Fractals 17(3), 333-249 (2009)


Signatures of Universal Characteristics of Fractal Fluctuations in Global Mean Monthly Temperature Anomalies
by A.M.Selvam
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity Volume 24, Number 1, 14-38, DOI: 10.1007/s11424-011-9020-5


Universal Characteristics of Fractal Fluctuations in Prime Number Distribution
by A.M.Selvam
Accepted for publication in International Journal of General Systems


Universal Inverse Power law distribution for Fractal Fluctuations in Dynamical Systems: Applications for Predictability of Inter - annual Variability of Indian and USA Region Rainfall
by A.M.Selvam

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Applications in Atmospheric Sciences
by A.M.Selvam

J. Adv. Math. Appl. 1, 181-205 (2012)


Universal Inverse Power Law Distribution of Rainfall in the Indian Region
by A.M.Selvam

Environmental Science-An Indian Journal vol 9 issue 3 (2014)


Universal inverse power-law distribution for temperature and rainfall in the UK region
by A.M.Selvam

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 66 (2014) 138-150


A General Systems Theory for Rain Formation in Warm Clouds
by A.M.Selvam

Chaos and Complexity Letters Volume 8 Issue 1 (2014) 1-42pages


Chaos Theory: Applications in Atmospheric Sciences
Conference Papers
Chaos Theory in Atmospheric Sciences

World Meteorological Organization, WMP Report No. 24, WMO/TD-No. 687 Eighteenth Session of the Executive Council Panel of Experts/CAS Working Group on Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Research Geneva, Switzerland, 30 January – 3 February 1995 Appendix D, pp.1-5.



I am A.M.Selvam.The work reported here is in collaboration with S.Fadnavis

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Theory of everything for Chaos, Quantum mechanics and Gravity applicable to weather patterns


A.M.Selvam dedicates her lifetime work to her Parents I.R.Muthusamy and Ida Muthusamy


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