Inner Beings - an epic that never was

Pasukan Angkasa was the improved but unheralded sequel to Lubisan's first effort, the rarely seen Pasukan X of his childhood. While you could say that there was no official follow-up to that improved title, that wasn't exactly true either.

What Lubisan had done was to expand the scope (and membership) of the original trio of superheroes in Pasukan Angkasa - Alianur, Voltra & Bloc into the epic Inner Beings - a tale of superheroes and super-villains that had wasn't dissimilar to Marvel's X-Men and DC's Legion of Superheroes.

"I had just completed Pasukan Angkasa but I wasn't too happy with the finished product and I kept tinkering with the concept. Between 1987-88, the group remains at the core three but it was between 1990 and 1992 that I made the final improvements I wanted and added some members to Pasukan Angkasa family - namely Suria, Mentara and Nero."

The Inner Beings are a team of superheroes who have rallied together to combat the galactic forces of evil led by the despotic Sakan - who's the evolution of the original Sakitan villain of Pasukan X/Pasukan Angkasa days. This time its brought its friends.

The forces of darkness include Sutradara, Lore, Thermo, Rave, Magna, Thrust, Ferra, Aura and the legions of Zenobs - Lubisan's more insidious version of the alien brood found in the four Alien movies. The heroes had their work cut out for them.

The Inner Beings, while outnumbered, weren't exactly helpless. Their leader Alianur has the ability to produce sub zero and heat plasma energy and is able to change his appearance and people around him via a holographic field.

Alianur can fly and has immense strength. He is level-headed and cool under pressure.

Voltra has the ability to produce electrical charges which can be turned into a single solid blast. He is invulnerable and too can fly.

Bloc's powers and abilities comes forth from a mind crytal that is imbedded in his forehead. The crystal enables him to control matter. He can create an energy shield and channel powerful energy blasts through his hand. He's the most strongest of the team because the cystal protects him from harm.

Suria can fire off fireballs and is very, very good in demolitions, all standard weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. She is also a good pilot but is as firey as the fireballs she can launch.

Nero has the ability to produce large ammout of nuclear-based energy that is lethal but its radition is strangely harmless. He can fly and absorb another energy force directed to him - which makes him immune to attack.

Mentara is the scientist, an inventor for the Sandrian forces, who loses his left arm during the war. An outspoken and very dedicated man, he converts his missing arm into a powerful ion cannon that is fed from the electrical impulses in his own body. Mentara is good in combat. His right eye is an optic sensor.

In comparison to his previous work and even Atomik Mat, Inner Beings is a massive body of work that is huge in its scope. Unfortunately, despite writing, pencilling and inking three books in the series, no one has picked it up. Inner Beings remains a classic that has never been published.

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webpage created by Alfean Hardy Abu Bakar. All images on this page are the ownership of Mohamad Lubis Husain. You can drop a line to Lubisan at Lubisan
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