"I used to dream of having a regular series but now I'll just settle for being a husband to my Suria and a father to my two kids, Najmi & Danial." · Lubisan
Rare talent is a double-edged sword. It is both a benefit and a burden to those born fortunate/cursed with such abilities.
One such person is Lubisan, a young artist born with the talent to both create worlds of fantasy and imagination and be able to flesh it out in the international language of art. In another time or place he might have been the new Frank Miller, Todd McFarlane or Jim Lee.
In such a perfect world Lubisan would be a respected professional in his chosen medium - the art of the graphic novel. The reality is that he is a cut & paste technician for The Star newspaper in his native Malaysia. A man who works hard as the sole breadwinner to provide for a family that he is devoted heart & soul to.
"I used to dream of having a regular series but now i'll just settle for being a husband to my suria and a father to my two kids, najmi and
That, however, did not mean Lubisan does not excercise his gift. He draws & scripts Atomik Mat for the monthly Kuntum magazine for young children and is now working on a science fiction space-opera with friend - and former The Star journalist - Alfean Hardy.
"I once retired from drawing because I found no more joy from it. It was Atomik Mat and now Eric's Wanderers that brought the happiness back to me."
These pages present the collected works of Lubisan until now - from Pasukan X to Badang 2000, and other embryonic ideas. Included too are collected works of the artists who have served as an inspiration to him as they have inspired others who open the pages of a comic book. We hope you'll enjoy the show.