Babel Text

These words are from the "Good News Bible" Genesis 11:1-9 "The Tower of Babylon. This text is used to show how one's language sounds.

1.) At first, the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same words.

1.) En Eníκion, λa Génτa λoς enτiéρoς Múndoς θe haβángο σoλaμénτa únan Λínguan ce θe uσángo λoλ μéσμaλ Móτoλ

2.) As they wondered about in the East, they came to a plain in Babylonia and settled there.

2.) Ménτa θe doμandáno κíρκa en λon Éστon, θe βenéno únom Πλánom en Vavyλónìam ce θe eστaπλeκéno λá.

3.) They said to one another, “Come on! Let’s make bricks and bake them hard.”  So they had bricks to build with and tar to hold them together.

3.) Θa deκéno λom únom λon aλτéρon, “Aς adβanκiζéμìo! Aς φaκéμìo Vяoλ ce aw λoλ κoκéμìo duρaμénτa.”  Κóσi θe haβéno Бяoλ πoρ na κonστρuκτéno ce Κaτρáμon na λoλ τenéngo enσéμπλe.

4.) They said, “Now let’s build a city with a tower that reaches the sky, so that we can make a name for ourselves and not be scattered all over the earth.”

4.) Θa deκéno “Adóρa aς κonστρuκτéμìo únan Κíττan κon únam Τóρρam κue θa aλκanκьángo λon Κéλon, de Móδam de φaκьáμìo únen Ónoμan πoρ λiχoλ ce no na diσπeρσóμaστe σúπρa λam enτiéρam Τéρρam.

5.) Then the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which those men had built,

5.) Enτónκeς λo Σenióρo θe deσκendéngo na βidéngo λan Κíττan ce λan Τóρρan κue eκκuéστoθ Hóμμoθ θa haβéno κonστρuκτáτan,

6.) and he said, “Now then, these are all one people and they speak one language; this is just the beginning of what they are going to do.  Soon they will be able to do anything they want!

6.) ce θa deκéngo, “e бenaμénτa, eκκuéστoθ θa eσσóno τóτor únar Génτar ce θa πaρλáno únan Λíngua; eκκuéστo θa eσσéngo λar Κoμμenκíar πoρ λen κué θu φàκáno.  Πρéστo θu πodéno na φaκьáno κuaλκoκóζa na deσideρáno.

7.) Let us go down and mix up their language so that they will not understand one another.”

7.) Aς deσκéndeñ na μeσκuλéngo λóσan Λínguan πoρ no na κoμπρehendéλìan.”

8.) So the LORD scattered them all over the earth, and they stopped building the city.

8.) Κóσi λo ΣENIÓΡO θe λoλ diσπeρσéngo σúπρa λam enτiéρam Τéρρam, ce θe aρρeστéno na κonστuκτáno λan Κíττa.

9.) The city was called Babylon, because there the Lord mixed up the languages of all the people, and from there he scattered them all over the earth.

9.) Λa Κíττa θe onoμaζángo Бaбyλón, πoρ κué λá λo Σenióρo θe μeσκuλéngo λaλ Λínguaλ τóτoς únaς Génτaς, ce de λa λoξ diσπeρσéngo σúπρe λam enτiéρam Τéρρam.

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