1 Phonology & Script

2 Nouns, Adjectives, Articles, and Pronouns


4 Verbs

5 Numbers

7 Time and Date

7 Compound Words

8 Sentence Structures

9 Emphatic Expressions

10 Babel Text

Since I love languages, I decided to construct my own, called Meσoγeóiκa (pronounced Mesogeóica). It has all the features that I would like a language to have.

Meσoγeóiκa is a mixture of Modern Greek, ancient Greek, German, English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese and other Romance languages.  Its grammar is heavily based on that of Greek because it has such an interesting grammar.  Other languages around the world have given me grammatical ideas for this language.  This language is a way of expressing my passion for languages and the complexity that they can have.  I am fairly pleased with the outcome.  I hope one day that I can speak this language fluently.  I also hope one day that this language will be known by at least another individual.  This language is always subject to change as all languages are.

I've been constructing it from the seventh of November 1999.  Since its vocabulary is based on European languages, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, English, German and Greek (both local and official), its named has ended up to be Meσoγeóiκa.  "Meσo-" in Greek means "the middle or centre"' and "γeo" means "Earth," and "iκa" is just an adjective ending. The language was named Meσoγeóiκa because there home is the centre of the speakers world..

The language’s grammar is heavily based on Greek.  This is quite a grammatical language, and as such Anglophones will have trouble learning the grammatical detail.  I have collected grammar from various languages around the world, natural and constructed.  I tried to make this language to sound as European as possible. I have wishful thinking when I say this language is a Greco-Romance language with Germanic influences.

I'm not the only one who is walking down this path.  There are plenty of people out there who have invented, are inventing or will be inventing languages.  The amount of conlangers-as they preferred to be called-is huge.  For all those who aren't interested in languages, you may think "Why on Earth would any one create a language?" or "How do you do it?"

The idea came to me on the seventh of November of 1999 when I was lying in bed, trying to study for my end of year exams in year twelve-the last year of high school.  I was 18 at the time.  I had always been interested in languages since I started learning Greek.  I loved the idea of verbs conjugating and nouns declining. My curiosity of languages became so great that I took German at school.

I started by creating an alphabet, to which I could write natural language with, which no other person could understand.  I mixed the Latin and Greek alphabet together and made "a secret alphabet."  A week later I thought of these questions. What if there was a language that was perfect in my world?  I wanted to create a language, which has a complex grammar and a very flexible word order.  I wanted its phonology to be beautiful. I wanted a language which had a continuous flow of words that sounded like Spanish. I wanted to create a language where everything was perfect.  It is called Meσoγeóiκa.

Scattered Tongues HQThis conlang site belongs to Carlos Perez.
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