Frequently Asked Questions

By Grill
What is the difference between Practicing and Training?
You Practice skills and spells to learn them and get better using them. You Train attributes (Str Int Wis Con Dex Hp Mana Move) to increase them. For more information try Help Practice and Help Train.

Where do I Practice?
As a newbie, you practice Up, west and south from Recall.

Where do I Train?
You ALWAYS (regardless of level) train Up, west and north from Recall.

How do I Practice or Train?
To Practice, first go to your guildmaster. Next type practice To Train, go to the Trainer and type Train In order to practice or train you need to have practice sessions. When you create a new character and everytime you level, you get practice sessions. For more information try Help Guildmaster.

How do I see which spells and skills I currently have?
To see the spells and skills you currently know, simply type practice. To see just the spells, type spells. To see just the skills, type skills. To see all the spells and skills you currently know and can currently learn, type practice at a guildmaster. Unlearned skill/spells show up at 0%.

How do I view all the spells and skills of my class?
Simply type slist, for more information try Help Slist.

What is Recall?
Recall is a prayer that transports you back to a fixed location. This location is also called Recall. Depending on your hometown you may recall in the Temple of Bel (Grand City), Temple of Sadhakas (Muntronia), Temple of Malathar (Malathar), or at the Shaman Stone (Gorlundul). For more information try Help Recall.

Who is the High Priestess Irina / Chief Priestess Ada / Dulakh The Shaman / High Priest Lallinthera?
They are located only a step away from the Recall. Being healers of the hometowns, they will cast spells and heals on lowbies (level 10 and below).

Where do I get food and water?
To get food, simply head to the baker, north, west, west and south from Recall. To get water go 1 north of Recall to the fountain. To get a bag or waterskin, go to the grocer, north, west, west and north from Recall.

How do I know how much experience I need for next level?
Type WORTH. This will tell you how much experience and how many adventure points you need to make the next level.

What are adventure points and why do I need them?
Adventure points are needed to make LEGEND Levels (70 and above). In addition, they can be exchanged for practices or used to buy quest items at special shops throughout the realms. For more information try Help Adventure.

How do I personalize my view of AAW?
Easy! Just use the Config command. For more information try Help Config and Help Prompt.

Why should I sacrifice corpses?
When you sacrifice corpses or objects, your g-d may reward you. For more information try Help Sacrifice.

What benefit is there to worshipping a specific G-d?
By worshipping one of the four gods of the realms, you can earn faith point when you sacrifice corpses or objects. Faith point will come in handy if you go PK or for important fights. For more information try Help Worship.

What are the donation pits and where are they?
The donation pits are located 1 south of the Grand City Recall. These pits contain equipment that players have donated for the use of anyone who wants it. Feel free to take anything you need!

How do I get equipment out of the donation pits?
To get equipment out of a pit, simply type: get .pit So to get a shield out of the 3rd pit type: get shield 3.pit

How do I get myself out of a donation pit?
Well, it never fails, newbies always find a way into the pits, but they can never get out. To exit a donation pit, simply type: enter.

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Edited by Seandr
September 11, 2002

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