Aaardvarks Coblers Mondays Spring2004

WINTER  2003 /4

2003 was quite a busy year on the Festival front for the group.
As well as their annual appearances at Moor and Coast Festival, Endeavour Homecoming Festival and Captain Cook Celebrations.
August found Coblers Monday hosting a daily Sing-a-round on The Fleece Balcony during Whitby Folk Week, and during October our gallant crew provided nautical niceties during Musicport 2003 World Music Festival.
'The Coblers' performed on board the Grand Turk on several occasions during the 2003 visit of the 152-ft replica Man-O-War to Whitby. The group also entertained the assembled crowds to Shanties at The Dock End on her departure.
Group members, George Clarke, Mick Green and Mick Haywood along with Derek Elliot starred as "scurvy victims" on Tuesday 28th October 2003 on the BBC2 series
"What the Industrial Revolution did for us".
The programme made by the BBC History Unit and filmed onboard "
The Endeavour" reconstructed James Lind's experiments on scurvy. The "crew" suitably dressed and made up by the BBC make-up department were given additions to their normal diet. One received a quart of cider, one was treated with seawater, and another was fed with a combination of garlic, mustard and horseradish. The fourth crewmember was given an unspecified elixir, which in fact was diluted sulphuric acid, and the fifth given a tankard of vinegar. The last was given two oranges and a lemon every day.
Four of the six reported no change, the one given cider showed only a slight improvement, but the seaman fed citrus fruits experienced a remarkable recovery and Lind had definitively established the superiority of citrus fruits above all other "remedies".

Mick Haywood's recently resigned from his post as Secretary of Whitby and District and Green Lane Allotments in order to be able to spend time working on publishing his collection of songs.

George has since recovered from being fed
sulphuric acid by the BBC and is pleased to find Mick Haywood has found time to up date our web site.

HM Bark Endeavour

Some dates in 2004 to
Catch Coblers Monday Live
30th April--2nd May
Moor and Coast Festival of Traditional Music, Song, Dance and Arts

11th to 13th June
The Robin Hood's Bay
Folk Gathering

  23rd-25th July
Scarborough Seafest 2004

21st-27th August
39th Whitby Folk Week

Wednesday 25th August
Whitby Folk Club
3rd Annual Evening on board the Grand Turk

11th-12th September
Great Yarmouth
Maritime Festival

Members of Coblers  Monday enjoy a break
during the filming of the BBC 2's Series
"What the Industrial Revolution did for us"!

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To contact us:

Phone: 01947 601963
Email:coblersmonday at

Mick Haywood
3 Woodwarks Yard
Church Street
Whitby, North Yorkshire
YO22 4DG
United Kingdom
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