Do you have a photo to add? Please contact Steve Russell
Roster expanded and corrected by Steven D.
Russell 1999, 2000 from Copyright work of Wilbur D. Jones Jr. 1991,
Alexandria, Virginia. Used with permission.
Principal Counties = Bartholomew, Johnson; Recruitment Center = Edinburg
Formed = 8-12-61, arrived Camp Morton, Indianapolis 8-12-61 (was named Color Company)
Formed By = Captain William S Johnson, Edinburg
Other Name for Company = "Edinburg Whales" (!!) Reported in Sep 1861 edition of Indianapolis Journal
Original Officers = Johnson; First Lieutenant Isaac D Collier, Edinburg; Second Lieutenant John Forlander, Edinburg
(County residence is Johnson unless otherwise indicated in parentheses)
Personal Data Key = Residence (County), date mustered in/date commissioned as, age at time of muster in, verifiable marital status, height, occupation. An ( *) means the soldier is counted against the headquarters Field and Staff in the regimental stats.
Johnson, William S *
Edinburg, 8-30-61/9-12-61, 38
Promoted to regimental Major 3-7-62; Resigned 7-10-62 family sickness; "Billy"; Died National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Danville Illinois 12-27-1904
Boyle, John T
Jeffersonville (Clark), 4-16-62/4-16-62, 37, 5-10.5, Carpenter
Prior service in Mexican War. Arrested 5-30-62. Resigned 9-30-62 under charges of cowardice; Buried Columbus Indiana City Cemetery
Putnamville (Putnam), 11-22-62/10-1-62, 22, s, 5-11
Promoted from Second Lieutenant Company I; Slightly wounded at Winchester--ball in foot. Commanded Company I 9 days in 8-62 & 40 days after Antietam. Slightly wounded at Antietam--by shell in leg. Arrested 12-6-62 for violation of Order No 5. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot to left upper 1/3 of thigh. 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Seminary United States Army General Field Hospital Georgetown Washington DC. Returned to regiment 9-63; Detached service as Provost Marshall at Tullahoma Tennessee 11-4-63 to 3-2-64, Acting 1st Division Provost Marshall 4-64; Commanded 12th Corps HQ guards 3-64, 2nd Bde Provost Marshall on General Ruger's staff 5 to 8-64. Resigned 10-5-64. "Sigh." Nephew of George Whitfield Reed of Company I. Died Greencastle Indiana 3-12-1900, buried Greencastle Forest Hill Cemetery
Collier, Isaac D
Edinburg, 8-30-61/9-12-61, 37, m, 5-9, Blacksmith
Resigned Frederick Maryland 12-4-61: lung disease & typhoid; Died 6-22-1903, buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Forlander (Forelander), John
Edinburg, 1-1-62/1-1-62, 33
Promoted from Second Lieutenant. Injured left knee 11-61 Camp Halleck Maryland holding ax while cutting timber for winter quarters. Resigned 10-4-62 eyesight disease from cold which settled in eyes: chronic opthalmia, partial blindness. Died at National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Dayton Ohio 1889
Taylorsville (Bartholomew), 9-29-62/10-4-62, 22, 6-0, School Teacher
Promoted from Second Lieutenant; Commanded Company C 5-30 to 8-30-62; Wounded at Antietam; Died hospital Smoketown Maryland 10-24-62 wounds; Buried Antietam National Cemetery
Ferguson (Fergason, Fergusen), Oliver P 2, 3, 4
Edinburg, 10-25-62/10-25-62, 23, s, 5-8.5, Teamster
Promoted from Second Lieutenant; Wounded at Antietam--musket ball right calf. Commanded Company C at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Atlanta after Captain Williams was wounded. Detached service recruiting 11-25-63 to 3-64. Regimental Ordnance Officer; Mustered out 11-4-64 term expired; Later service as First Lieutenant and Adjutant of 148th Indiana Infantry. Mustered out Indianapolis Indiana 9-5-65; Died 12-22-1908, buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Forlander (Forelander), John
Promoted First Lieutenant
Boyle, John T
Promoted from Private. Promoted Captain
Promoted from First Sergeant; Promoted First Lieutenant
Ferguson (Fergason, Fergusen), Oliver P
Promoted from First Sergeant; Promoted to First Lieutenant
Loughry (Loughery), Roger (Rodger) Sherman (L) * 2, 3, 4
Columbus (Bartholomew), 10-25-62/11-13-63, 21, 6-0, Miller
Promoted from First Sergeant; Resigned color bearer 10-19-61; Reduced to ranks from Sergeant 3-9-62; Later prom Private to Sergeant to First Sergeant to Second Lieutenant. Detached service with Best's Battery of Artillery 4-9 to 10-62. Dangerous wound at Chancellorsville--abdomen gunshot passed nearly through body left side. POW at Chancellorsville. Parolled at US Ford 5-15-63. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. 1st Division United States Army General Field Hospital Alexandria Virginia. Wolfe St Branch, Seminary United States Army General Field Hospital Georgetown Washington DC. Officer United States Army General Field Hospital Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Parolled camp Alexandria Virginia 8-31-63. Exchanged Alexandria. Returned to regiment. Commanded Company C 12-1-63 to 5-15-64. Commanded Company F 5-15-64 to 7-31-64. Mustered out 10-22-64 term expired. Died Lowel Mills Bartholomew County Indiana 2-9-77, buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Personal Data Key = Residence (County), age, verifiable marital status, height, occupation
Boyle, John T
Resigned as First Sergeant 10-14-61 into ranks
Ferguson (Fergason, Fergusen), Oliver P
Promoted Second Lieutenant
Filiman (Filliman), Jacob
Taylorsville,(Bartholomew), 25, s, 5-8, Tailor
Promoted from Sergeant. Reduced to ranks 11-62. Severely wounded at Gettysburg--gunshot right thigh. 12th Corps Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps 12-8-63. Mustered out 9-5-64; Died Pasadena Florida 9-16-1918
Foster, Robert L S (T)
Taylorsville (Bartholomew), 22, s, 6-0, Farmer
Promoted from Sergeant. POW at Winchester. Imprisoned Belle Isle Virginia, contracted disease of testicles from scurvey & mumps. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment 10-5-62. Severely wounded at Gettysburg in the charge--gunshot, ball passed through left wrist. 1st Division 12th Corps Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. McDougall United States Army General Field Hospital Fort Schuyler New York Harbor. Returned to regiment 9-4-63. Wounded at New Hope Church--gunshot to head. Cumberland General Field Hospital Chattanooga Tennessee. Returned to regiment 7-26-64. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-26-65. Died National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Indiana 6-11-1917, buried Columbus Indiana Garland Brook Cemetery
Promoted Second Lieutenant
Loughry (Loughery), Roger (Rodger) Sherman (L)
Promoted to Second Lieutenant
Beamer (Beemer), Samuel
Bartholomew County, 23, s, 5-7, Farmer
Promoted from Corporal. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot in 3 places by same bullet: right hand, left breast & shoulder & right lung, lost 2 fingers & part of thumb fractured 2 ribs. 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia; Returned to regimental 6-63; Mustered out. Died 7-27-82
Beason (Beeson), William H
Shelby County, 20, 6-0, Farmer
Promoted from Corporal. POW at Winchester. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment. Wounded at Chancellorsville. POW at Chancellorsville. Parolled City Point Virginia 5-15-63. 2nd Division/12th Corps Field Hospital Potomac Creek Virginia, Camp Parole Annapolis Maryland 5-21-63. Returned to regiment 10-63. Veteran Volunteer. Severely wounded at New Hope Church arm & shoulder. Hospital. Died at Cassville Georgia 6-64 of wounds
Carvin, John Quincy A
Bartholomew County, 21, s, 5-6, Farmer
Promoted from Corporal. Wounded at Antietam--gunshot right leg. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot to right hand, lost 2 middle fingers. 1st Division/12th Corps Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Finley United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC 7-15-63 for wounds. Died Edinburg Indiana 11-6-1908, buried Edinburg Rest Haven Cemetery
Dorn (Doren, Doron), Washington
Shelby County, 25, 5-10, Farmer
Promoted from Corporal. Mortal wound at Chancellorsville--neck. Died in the field 5-14-63 of wounds
Ferguson (Fergason, Fergusen), Oliver P
Promoted First Sergeant 4-16-62
Filiman (Filliman), Jacob
Promoted to First Sergeant 62
Foster, Robert L S (T)
Promoted from Corporal. Promoted to First Sergeant 3-30-63
Harter, Isaac D
Johnson County, 21, s, 5-9, Farmer
Promoted from Corporal. Wounded at Chancellorsville. Detached service to guard train 3-64. Mustered out. Died Sugarcreek Township Shelby County Indiana 6-4-1911. Buried at Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana, Ninevah Cemetery
Lee, Jacob A
Promoted First Sergeant 10-15-61
Loughry (Loughery), Roger (Rodger) Sherman (L)
Reduced to ranks from Sergeant 3-9-62; Promoted Sergeant from Private 11-13-62
Edinburg, 24, 5-8, Farmer
Regimental Color Sergeant 10-19-61. Wounded at Antietam. Hospital Smoketown Maryland; Died at Smoketown, Maryland 10-25-62 of wounds. Buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Sims, Noah N
Edinburg, 28, 5-10, Merchant
Promoted Company Color Sergeant 10-19-61. Company commissary during entire service with company. Court Martialed 8-13-63 violently assaulted Private Reuben Hendrickson over possession of axe--forfeit $3 per month for 2 months. Mustered out. Brother of Jerome Sims Company C. Died Edinburg Indiana 12-15-1906, buried Edinburg Rest Haven Cemetery
Beamer (Beemer), Samuel
Promoted from Private. Promoted to Sergeant 9-11-63
Beason (Beeson), William H
Promoted Sergeant 9-1-63
Brown, Edmund (Edmond) Randolph 2
Pulaski County, 17, s, 5-8, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Wounded at Antietam--left of navel. Declined promotion to Sergeant over those absent wounded; Detached service as clerk for post Provost Marshall office Tullahoma Tennessee 11-1-63 to 8-64. Mustered out 10-1-64. Regimental Historian - wrote The Twenty-Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, (1899); Died Winamac Indiana 3-14-1930, buried Winamac Cemetery
Carvin, John Quincy A
Promoted Sergeant 12-23-62
Dorn (Doren, Doron), Washington
Color Guard. Promoted Sergeant 4-1-63
East, George D
Bartholomew County, 23, s, 5-10, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Color Guard. Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left thigh. United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. United States Army General Field Hospital Chester Pennsylvania. Returned to regiment 11-62. Severely wounded at Gettysburg--buckshot to right thigh. 1st Division/12th Corps Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. United States Army Convalescent Hospital Patterson Park Baltimore Maryland. Seminary United States Army General Field Hospital Covington Kentucky. Returned to regimental 2-64. Mustered out Louisville Kentucky. Died 11-2-1923
Foster, Robert A S (T)
Promoted from Private; Promoted Sergeant 11-13-62
Fulp, Emmanuel
Bartholomew County, 41, m, 5-6, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Wounded at Winchester. Wounded at Cedar Mountain. Wounded at Antietam--bullet under left shoulder entered armpit past lung out through back. No 5 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Died Frederick 11-15-62 of wounds. Buried Antietam National Cemetery
Harter, Isaac D
Promoted Sergeant 4-16-63
Jones, William P
Bartholomew County, 26, 5-8, Farmer
Reduced to ranks insubordination 3-7-62; Deserted near Strasburg Virginia 4-8-62
Joyce (Joice), John R
Bartholomew County, 23, s, 5-10, Farmer
Promoted from Private; Wounded at Chancellorsville; Severely wounded at Resaca--gunshot back & side. Injured at Resaca--thrown from mule wagon, wheel passed over back & shoulder. Cumberland United States Army General Field Hospital Chattanooga Tennessee. Returned to regiment. 6-18-64; Mustered out 9-12-64. Died Bartholomew County Indiana 2-19-65, buried Bartholomew County Old Bethel Cemetery
Lewis (Lervis), John, Jr
Bartholomew County, 22, 5-10, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Wounded at Antietam. Died in hospital at Sharpsburg Maryland 9-26-62 of wounds. Buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Switzerland County, 19, 5-8.5, Butcher
Recruit. Promoted from Private. Wounded at Antietam--gunshot to back. No 2 United States Army General Field Hospital City Hotel Branch Frederick Maryland. Discharged at Frederick, Maryland 12-22-62 for wounds
Runkle, John L
Johnson County, 20, s, 6-1.5, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Wounded at Antietam--left leg. General Field Hospital Sharman House. Returned to regiment. Wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot right thigh, lodged in buttock. 12th Corps Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Died in Douglas United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC 10-25-63 wounds & chronic diarrhea. Buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Sharp, James R * 2
Edinburg, 19, 5-5, Clerk
Clerk Company C & regimental. Reduced to ranks from Corporal 10-19-61. POW at Winchester. Imprisoned at Richmond Virginia. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment. Promoted regimental Sergeant major from Private 4-12-63. Mustered out. "Jim," "Jimmie" Died 8-18-1924
Sims, Jerome 2
Johnson County, 18, 5-7, Farmer
Promoted from Private for gallantry. Color Guard. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--left leg & abdomen. Died in the field near Chancellorsville, Virginia 5-4-63 od wounds. Buried Fredericksburg Virginia National Cemetery. Brother of Noah N Sims Company C
Vancleiff (Vanclei(e)f), John B
Bartholomew County, 23, 5-9.5, Cooper
Promoted from Private. Detached service as Pioneer 4-9 to 8-62. Wounded at Chancellorsville. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out7-21-65. Died Franklin Indiana 10-10-83, buried Franklin Green Lawn Cemetery
Weir, George W
Edinburg, 21, s, 5-8, Carpenter
Promoted from Private. Reduced to ranks 3-9-62. Wounded at Antietam--right breast & right arm. No 1 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Capitol United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. United States Army Hospital steamer "DANIEL WEBSTER" to New York, New York. United States Army General Field Hospital Fort Schuyler New York Harbor. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps Fort Schuyler 6-6-63. Mustered out 8-15-64. Died 1-29-1906, buried Indianapolis Indiana Crown Hill Cemetery
Willis, Levi Wesley
Bartholomew County, 22, s, 5-9, Laborer
Promoted from Private. Wounded at Gettysburg in the charge--gunshot fractured both bones right forearm & hand. 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Summit House United States Army General Field Hospital Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Soldiers Home Indianapolis Indiana. Discharged Indianapolis 1-26-64 for wounds. Died Zanesville Ohio 12-21-1921, buried Caftina Ohio
Ziglar, John
Bartholomew County, 20, 5-6, Farmer
Promoted from Private. Killed--Chancellorsville--ball to breast
Applegate, Americus *
Williamsburg (Wayne), 16, s, 5-0, Musician
Fifer. Promoted to regimental Principal Musician 5-1-63. Present throughout every battle. Mustered out. Brother of Hiram & Joseph Applegate Company C, son of Charles Applegate Company C
Applegate, Hiram
Williamsburg (Wayne), 14, s, 4-8, Musician
Drummer boy. Discharged United States Army General Field Hospital Camp A Frederick Maryland 2-6-63 disability: youth, feeble constitution & incipient phthisis; Along with William S Otwell Company F was second youngest member of regiment. Brother of Americus & Joseph Applegate Company C, son of Charles Applegate Company C. Died 12-23-1910
Winship (Windship), Luther H
Bartholomew County, 20, 5-11, Farmer
Died Frederick Maryland 12-31-61 typhoid. Buried Bartholomew County Indiana Haw Creek Baptist Cemetery
Abercrombie, William
Franklin County, 5-10, Farmer
Deserted Indianapolis Indiana 9-14-61
Acton, John (Adam F)
Bartholomew County, 18, 5-10, Farmer
Died at Baltimore Maryland 12-28-61 of typhoid. Buried Baltimore National Cemetery
Acton (Actin), Thomas J
Bartholomew County, 23, 5-11.5, Farmer
Injured Stafford Court House Virginia 2-1-63 cut left foot across 2 large toes on fatigue duty cutting trees. Wounded in Virginia 4-26-63. Hospital. Returned to regiment. Wounded at Chancellorsville--foot. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Returned to regiment. Mustered out. "Tom" Died Franklin Indiana 4-30-97
Akins (Aikens), Joseph
Shelby County, 45, m, 5-8, Farmer
POW at Winchester. Died in hospital at Winchester Virginia 6-1-62
Alexander, James A
Bartholomew County, 20, 5-4, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left thigh. Hospital at King Sessing Pennsylvania. Summit House United States Army General Field Hospital West Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Transferred to United States Army, 12th US Infantry Regiment 12-24-62; Killed in action Gettysburg (with 12th Infantry)
Andrews, Elon
Bartholomew County, 28, m, 5-10, Farmer
Detached as cattle guard 12-61; Returned to regiment 62. Wounded at Gettysburg. Mustered out in Atlanta Georgia 9-12-64. Died St Louis Crossing Indiana 11-14-99, buried Bartholomew County Sidney Cemetery
Apperson, Allen Wiley
Edinburg, 19, s, 5-9, Farmer
Severely wounded at Gettysburg--gunshot right elbow. Discharged Satterlee United States Army General Field Hospital West Philadelphia Pennsylvania 10-17-63 for wounds: near total paralysis, tendons contracted so as to fix forearm at right angle to arm
Applegate, Charles S
Williamsburg (Wayne), 45, 5-6.5, Wagon maker
Detached service as Ambulance driver 12-12-61. Discharged Harpers Ferry Virginia 1-31-63 disability (age). Father of the other Applegates of Company C
Applegate, Joseph H
Williamsburg (Wayne), 18, 5-5, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--right thigh & fractured left knee. United States Army General Field Hospital No 2 City Hotel Branch & No 5 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Discharged 10-28-62 for wounds & aneurism of the aorta. Brother of Americus & Hiram Applegate of Company C, son of Charles Applegate Company C. Buried Camp Atterbury, Johnson County Indiana, Kansas Cemetery
Baker, Godfrey
Bartholomew County, 20, 5-8.5, Farmer
Died Frederick Maryland 1-1-62 pneumonia & fever
Baker, John S
Johnson County, 28, 6-.5, Farmer
Detached as Bde Teamster 12-1-61 to 6-63. Col Colgrove's Orderly 5-64. Mustered out. Died East St Louis Missouri 10-22-90
Bargman, John
Edinburg, 28, 5-10, Laborer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left thigh. United States Army General Field Hospital West Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Discharged Philadelphia 5-22-63 wounds: lost right eye, hearing impaired. Died Burks County Pennsylvania 8-9-88, buried Harris Church Cemetery
Bass, James Henry
Tipton County, 19, s, 5-8, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot wrist. United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. Transferred to United States Army 1-24-63 3rd US Artillery. Later service with 1st US Artillery. Mustered out 2-10-67. Died Tipton County Indiana 3-24-75, buried Tipton County, Tucker Cemetery
Beamer (Beemer), Samuel
Promoted Corporal 3-13-62
Boyle, John T
Resigned as First Sergeant and entered ranks 10-14-61. Promoted Second Lieutenant
Bradburn, James
Edinburg, 18, 5-7, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--top of head. United States Army General Hospital Sharman House. No 1 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. United States Army General Field Hospital Turner's Lane Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Returned to regiment 11-20-62. Severely wounded at Gettysburg--gunshot right hip. United States Army Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. United States Army Convalescent Hospital Patterson Park, Baltimore Maryland. Returned to regiment 3-63. Mustered out
Brown, Edmund (Edmond) Randolph
Promoted Corporal 3-31-63
Brown, Merick (Meric, Merrick) S
Bartholomew County, 26, 6-1.5, Farmer
Detached as cattle guard 11-18-61 to 3-62. Returned to regiment. Detached service as cattle guard 4 to 8-62. Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot right pelvis & lower abdomen, ball lodged near anus. POW at Chancellorsville. Parolled US Ford Virginia 5-15-63. 2nd Division/6th Corps Field Hospital Potomac Creek Virginia. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Hospital Washington DC. Convalescent Camp Alexandria Virginia 9-26-63. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps 1-10-64. Discharged Washington 3-18-64 for wounds: urethra & pelvis. Died 9-1-84, buried Bartholomew County Indiana Carter Cemetery
Browning, Jacob
Bartholomew County, 23, 5-6, Farmer
Discharged 12-1-61: cold, pulmonary consumption cough & fatigue of camp life
Browning, Thomas R
Bartholomew County, 22, s, 6-0, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left leg. Hospital York Pennsylvania, USAPH Camp Curtin Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Discharged Harrisburg 12-5-62 wounds. Died Ridgway Illinois 6-21-1917
Calhoon (Calhoun), James
Edinburg, 30, 5-9, Farmer
Deserted at Williamsport Maryland 6-3-62 during retreat from Winchester. Last seen north of Potomac River
Chambers, Joshua
Montgomery County, 18, s, 5-9, Farmer
Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot broken right thigh. POW at Chancellorsville. Parolled US Ford Virginia 5-15-63. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Armory Square United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Discharged Washington 4-24-64 for wounds: lost 3 inches of thigh bone, total disability. Died 1-20-65, buried Montgomery County Indiana Frantz Cemetery
Cheatham, John H
Bartholomew County, 19, 5-5, Farmer
Killed near Smithfield Virginia 3-13-62 on picket duty-- shot thru head. Buried near Smithfield. 1st member of regiment Killed by enemy
Clark, William J
Williamsburg (Wayne), 25, 5-10, Blacksmith
Transferred to United States Navy--service with western gunboat flotilla 2-17-62
Cline, William
Edinburg, 30, m, 5-11.5, Cooper
Died in regimental hospital Darnestown Maryland 11-18-61 of typhoid & measles
Colvin, Daniel J
Bartholomew County, 31, m, 5-5, Farmer
Wounded at Gettysburg--dangerous gunshot to right knee. Died 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania 7-6-63 of wounds. Buried Gettysburg National Cemetery
Crawford, Henry
Bartholomew County, 26, 6-0, Farmer
Promoted to Teamster 5-30-62; Detached service as Teamster 8-16-63. Died Kelly's Ford Virginia 8-31-63 disease: typhoid fever
Cutsinger, Stark
Shelby County, 22, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot right leg, while leaving field during battle was struck in same leg by piece of shell which shattered femur, lost right leg at thigh 6 inches above knee. United States Army Field Hospital Antietam Maryland. Hospital Smoketown Maryland. Discharged Frederick Maryland 1-10-63 for wounds: total disability
Devet, William M
Shelby County, 22, 5-10, Laborer
POW at Smithfield Virginia 3-13-62. Imprisoned Richmond Virginia, Parolled 5-11-62. Discharged Washington DC 5-21-62
Taylorsville (Bartholomew), 21, s, 5-10, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot left forearm. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Mount Pleasant United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Returned to regiment 1-64. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-21-65. Died Edinburg Indiana 7-5-1907
Din (Dinn), John Francis
Taylorsville (Bartholomew), 23, s, 5-7, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left knee joint. NO 2 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Discharged at Frederick 12-15-62 for wounds: contracted flexor tendons in joint. "Little John" Died Ninevah Township Bartholomew County Indiana 1-3-1922, buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Doyle, William G
Bartholomew County, 20, s, 5-6, Laborer
Wounded at Potomac River Virginia 5-62--gunshot left leg above ankle leg during Banks retreat. Wounded at Antietam--gunshot right wrist. Capitol General Hospital Washington DC. United States Army General Field Hospital David's Island New York Harbor. Discharged David's Island 3-31-63 for wounds: motions of wrist destroyed. Contracted smallpox the day he started home, lost left eye. Died Lebanon Indiana 3-7-1928, buried Oak Hill Cemetery
East, George
Promoted Corporal
Evans, William G
Edinburg, 29, m, 5-9, Farmer
Died Strasburg Virginia 5-21-62 disease: consumption
Filiman (Filliman), Jacob
Promoted Sergeant 10-16-61; Reduced to ranks from Sergeant 11-62
Foster, Robert L S (T)
Promoted Corporal 10-18-61
Fry (Frey), William W
Howard County, 20, s, 5-4.5, Farmer
Wounded at Winchester--gunshot left shoulder while lying down in line of battle covering Banks' retreat. United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Returned to regiment 7-11-62. Wounded at Antietam. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-21-65. Died Soldiers Home Indiana 12-4-1926
Fulp, Emanuel
Promoted Corporal 3-13-62
Gardner (Gardiner), John
Bartholomew County, 31, m, 5-10, Farmer
Killed at Antietam. Buried Antietam National Cemetery
Garrison, Joseph
Bartholomew County, 30, m, 5-7, Farmer
POW at Winchester. Confederate hospital Union Hotel Winchester Virginia 5-31-62. Parolled 6-62. Discharged Winchester Virginia 6-13-62. Died Frederick Maryland 6-29-62 of typhoid & pneumonia. Buried Antietam Maryland National Cemetery
Geary, Robert
Brown County, 22, s, 5-8, Laborer
Teamster. Accidentally wounded 11-3-62 near Hard Scrabble Virginia across from Dam No 4--climbing over fence, gun discharged, ball entered right hand through elbow lost forearm. Regimental hospital. United States Army Field Hospital Antietam Maryland. Hospital Frederick Maryland. Discharged Frederick 1-13-63 wounds. Volunteered for Veterans' reserve Corps 9-63 but was not mustered in. Died 4-4-79
Green(Greene), William N W
Bartholomew County, 21, s, 5-11.5, Wagon Maker
Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot lost left forearm 3 inches below elbow. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Mount Pleasant United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Soldiers Home Indianapolis Indiana. Discharged at Indianapolis 3-12-64 for wounds. "Bill" Brother of Edwin Spurgin, Company C. Died Columbus Indiana 7-15-1907, buried Bartholomew County Carter Cemetery
Greer (Grear), Daniel
Johnson County, 22, s, 5-10, Farmer
Court Martialed 6-20-62 for disobedience of orders--forfeit $3 per month for 2 months, carry 30 lb knapsack 4 hrs per day 2 hrs at a time for 2 days & confinement in guard house for remainder. Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--left hand & arm. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Returned to regiment 8-63. Court Martialed Battery New York City 9-2-63 disobedience of orders on guard-- allowed men to pass his post without knowledge of Officer of Guard. To police Company for 4 days & stand at attention 1 hour per day for 2 days. Wounded at New Hope Church--gunshot to left hand. General Hospital Chattanooga Tennessee. Returned to regiment 8-64; Mustered out at Atlanta Georgia 9-12-64. Died Kansas 2-14-1909
Hand, John
Bartholomew County, 24, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left hand. Wounded at Gettysburg--gunshot ball entered heel & passed through 4th metatarsal bone in right foot. 1st Division 12th Corps Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Hospital Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Harewood United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Discharged Washington 4-26-64 for wounds: contraction of the extensors, extensive sloughing resulted; "Jack" Died National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Virginia 5-10-1922, buried Bartholomew County Indiana, Carter Cemetery
Edinburg, 19, 5-0, Farmer
Severely wounded at Chancellorsville--bullet in right thigh. 1st Division/12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Campbell United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Mustered out; "Ed" Died Greenfield Indiana 7-22-1933, buried Knightstown Indiana
Hincher (Hinchere), John David
Ninevah, 17, s, 5-7.5, Laborer
Wounded at Winchester--left knee. POW at Winchester. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment 12-62. Slightly wounded at Resaca--gunshot right arm. Cumberland United States Army General Field Hospital Nashville Tennessee. Returned to regiment 6-15-64; Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-21-65. Died Repton Kentucky 2-11-1931, buried Crowell Cemetery, Crittendon County Kentucky
Johnson, Oliver R
Edinburg, 21, 5-7, Shoemaker
Quartermaster Teamster. Col Colgrove's orderly & cook from 2-63 to muster out. Mustered out. Died Edinburg Indiana 3-4-1914, buried Edinburg Rest Haven Cemetery
Jones, Edmund (Edwin) C
Bartholomew County, 28, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot right leg. No 1 United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland. Summit House United States Army General Field Hospital Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Discharged Philadelphia 1-31-63 disability: chronic rheumatism & heart disease. Died Tena Alta West Virginia 4-11-99
Jones, William P
Reduced to ranks from Corporal 3-7-62
Joyce (Joice), John
Promoted Corporal 9-1-63
Kyle, Ira
Boone County, 24, 5-10, Farmer
Injured--Front Royal Virginia 7-5-62--left hand, accidentally discharged musket on picket duty, United States Army General Field Hospital Frederick Maryland, Baltimore Maryland. Wounded at Antietam. Discharged Cliffburne United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC 11-2-62 for wounds
Lay, Thomas J
Edinburg, 31, 5-6, Carpenter
Detached as Pioneer 5-30-62. Returned to regiment. Wounded at Antietam. Transferred to United States Army 10-26-62 Company C Battalion of Engineers. Mustered out near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 7-27-64. Died National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Marion Indiana 8-18-1907, remains shipped to Anderson Indiana
Layman, Jasper N
Bartholomew County, 19, s, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Chancellorsville--spent ball ankle severe. 1st Division 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Carver United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Returned to regiment 9-22-63. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps 12-15-63 hypertrophy of heart. Mustered out 8-12-64
Layman, Martin
Bartholomew County, 21, m, 5-8, Farmer
Killed at Antietam. Buried Antietam National Cemetery
Lewis (Lervis), John, Jr
Promoted Corporal 3-13-62
Loughry (Loughery), Roger (Rodger) Sherman (L)
Reduced to ranks 3-9-62. Detached service in Artillery 4-9-62. Returned to regiment. Promoted Sergeant 11-13-62
Miller, Thomas
Bartholomew County, 18, s, 5-7, Farmer
Injured Muddy Branch Maryland 61 mending a haversack--punctured left thigh. Discharged at Fairfax Station Virginia 12-27-62 for disability: atrophy of sartorious thigh muscle. Died Brown County Indiana 5-14-1918
Morts (Mortz), Richard
Bartholomew County, 17, 5-6, Farmer
Division General Court Marshal Stafford Court House Virginia 4-13-63 stole $20 from Private Morgan Pitcher Company C 2-17-63. Drummed out of service 4-17-63--forfeiture of all pay due except $10 and that money due the sutler; shaved right side of head
McKaskay (McCasky, McCaskey, McKaska), John K *
Taylorsville (Bartholomew), 28, s, 5-8, School Teacher
Detached as clerk in Adjutants office 9-1-61. Promoted to regimental Sergeant Major from Private Company C 11-30-61. Reduced to ranks 6-1-62 in Company C, incapacity to discharge duties. Promoted to Second Lieutenant of Company I 2-14-63. Wounded at Winchester. POW at Winchester. Confederate hospital Union Hotel Winchester Virginia 5-26-62. Academy general hospital Winchester 6-8-62. Parolled Winchester 6-7-62. Camp Chase Columbus Ohio 7-18 to 9-27-62, Camp Lew Wallace Ohio 10-31. Indianapolis Indiana 1-24-63. Returned to regiment 3-63. Regimental Ordnance officer 5-13-63. Severely wounded at Gettysburg in the charge--musket ball below elbow, arm broken, 3 inches of bone cut out & never united, false joint at place of fracture. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Officer United States Army General Field Hospital Carnac's Woods, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Main Sreet United States Army General Field Hospital Covington Kentucky. Hospital at Camp Chase. Discharged Camp Chase 5-20-64 for wounds. One of 4 members who served in 3 units within regiment. Died 2-20-1900
McCowen (McKowen), James N
Bowling Green (Kentucky), 47, 5-4, Printer
POW at Winchester. Imprisoned Richmond Virginia. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment. Discharged Stafford Court House Virginia 4-24-63 disability: occasional insanity & debility contracted while POW
McGafick (McGaffick, McGaffack), George W
Ninevah, 18, 5-9, Farmer
Detached with Ambulance duty 10-27-62 to 10-63. Slightly wounded at Resaca--gunshot right foot & leg. Cumberland United States Army General Field Hospital Nashville Tennessee. Hospital at Fortress Rosecrans Murfreesboro Tennessee. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-21-65
Nugen (Nugent), Jasper N
Montgomery County, 21, s, 5-9, Farmer
Prior service with 11th Indiana Infantry. Died United States Army General Field Hospital Camp A, Frederick Maryland 2-16-63 of disease: chronic diarrhea. Buried Antietam Maryland National Cemetery
Bartholomew County, 23, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left shoulder. United States Army Field Hospital Smoketown Maryland. United States Army General Field Hospital Camp A, Frederick Maryland. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps Convalescent Camp, Alexandria Virginia 7-1-63. Mustered out at Rendezvous of Distribution Virginia 9-5-64. Died Shelbyville Indiana 7-9-1927, buried Edinburg Indiana Rest Haven Cemetery
Parker, David
Edinburg, 18, 5-4, Laborer
Wounded at Antietam. Slightly wounded at Chancellorsville--head. Severely wounded at Gettysburg--gunshot left knee & left hand. 1st Division/12th Corps Field Hospital Gettysburg Pennsylvania, United States Army General Field Hospital York Pennsylvania. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps at York 4-64
Parr, John H
Johnson County, 18, 5-7, Farmer
Provost Marshall duty at guard house Frederick Maryland 12-23-61 to 1-62. Killed at Antietam
Pickens, Alexander
Bartholomew County, 20, s, 5-5, Farmer
Discharged at Williamsport Maryland 5-20-62 for disability: incipient phthisis pulmonalis. Died 2-7-73, buried Bartholomew County Indiana Old Union Cemetery
Pitcher, Morgan
Johnson County, 28, 5-9, Farmer
Slightly wounded at Chancellorsville--shoulder. Wounded at Resaca--gunshot left thigh. Mustered out. Died Johnson County Indiana 3-21-1903
Plymate, Charles Franklin
Williamsburg (Wayne), 30, 5-10, Farmer
Detached for brigade Teamster duty 12-31-61 to 10-63. Severely wounded at Resaca--gunshot right hip. General Field Hospital Resaca Georgia. No 15 United States Army General Field Hospital Nashville Tennessee. United States Army General Field Hospital Chattanooga Tennessee. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Mustered out 7-21-65
Quillen, Edward
Bartholomew County, 28, 5-9, Farmer
Killed at Winchester
Richardson, Nathan
Edinburg, 23, s, 5-8.5, Shoemaker
Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot breast & left shoulder joint. 12th Corps General Field Hospital Acquia Creek Virginia. Lincoln United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and Tullahoma Tennessee. No 19 United States Army General Field Hospital & United States Army Convalescent Hospital Nashville Tennessee. Discharged at Nashville 3-18-64 for wounds: resection upper 1/3 of humerous, arm inflamed and useless, pieces of bone occasionally working their way out. Died Edinburg Indiana 1-18-1912, buried Edinburg Rest Haven Cemetery
Runkle, John L
Promoted Corporal 6-25-62
Sandifer, William H
Bartholomew County, 20, s, 5-10, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot right side, 1st Corps General Field Hospital Sharman House. United States Army Field Hospital Smoketown Maryland. United States Army General Field Hospital Camp A, Frederick Maryland. Returned to regiment 1-5-63. Killed at Chancellorsville--gunshot to head
Reduced to ranks from Corporal 10-19-61. Promoted to regimental Sergeant Major 4-12-63
Sholl (Shall), Ephraim
Johnson County, 35, 5-10, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam. Satterlee United States Army General Field Hospital West Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Court Martialed 8-63--forfeiture of $5. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps Philadelphia 12-25-63
Promoted Corporal for gallantry Antietam 11-13-62
Bartholomew County, 22, 5-8.5, Farmer
Slightly wounded at Chancellorsville--hip. Detached service at division HQ 4 to 6-64. Detached service as brigade HQ Provost Marshall guard 6 to 8-64. Mustered out. Died National Hospital for Disabled Veterans Marion Indiana 6-18-1911, buried Marion
Spurgin (Spurgeon), Edwin
Bartholomew County, 23, 6-0, Sawyer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot neck. Steuart's Mansion United States Army General Field Hospital Baltimore Maryland. Returned to regiment 10-10-62. Detached service as safe guard Fairfax Station Virginia 1-18 to 5-63. Severely wounded at New Hope Church--gunshot right shoulder & breast severe, Cumberland United States Army General Field Hospital Nashville Tennessee. Mustered out Indianapolis Indiana 9-13-64. "Ed" Brother of William N W Green Company C. Died 1-15-1903
Treadway, John
Bartholomew County, 18, 5-10.5, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left leg, buckshot right leg. United States Army General Field Hospital Broad & Cherry Streets Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Convalescent Camp Alexandria Virginia. Mustered out. Died Pulaski County Indiana 6-17-95
Vancleiff (Vancleif, Vancleef), John
Promoted Corporal
Wayland, David C
Edinburg, 18, 5-5, Laborer
Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Chancellorsville--gunshot right arm & thigh, ball passed through right thigh lodged left thigh; not extracted. Finley United States Army General Field Hospital Washington DC. Transferred to Veterans' Reserve Corps Indianapolis Indiana 1-14-64. Mustered out 9-6-64. Died Danville, Illinois 6-29-1929, buried Danville Greenwood Cemetery
Wayland, William D
Edinburg, 20, 5-10, Laborer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot left thigh 7 inches above knee, shell 2 wounds leg. United States Army General Field Hospital Broad & Cherry Streets Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Discharged Philadelphia 1-24-63 for wounds. Died Peoria, Illinois 6-1-1920
Weir, George
Reduced to ranks from Corporal 3-9-62
Wells, Jesse
Clinton County, 22, s, 6-0, Wagon Maker
POW at Winchester. Parolled Aikens Landing Virginia 9-13-62. Returned to regiment. Court Martialed 63--forfeiture of $4. Killed at Gettysburg--gunshot to head. Buried Gettysburg National Cemetery
Wells, John P
Bartholomew County, 22, 5-9, Farmer
Wounded at Antietam--gunshot lost most bone right thumb. Mustered out. Died Indiahoma Oklahoma 6-2-1920, buried Bartholomew County, Indiana Parkinson or Bannister Cemetery
Willis, Levi Wesley
Promoted Corporal 4-1-63
Young, John
Shelby County, 19, 5-6, Laborer
Wounded at Antietam. Severely injured at Chancellorsville during last charge--struck by tree limb on left hip. Wounded at Gettysburg--musket ball hit belt plate & nearly turned it inside out. Injured at Resaca his own gun cap exploded in right eye & contracted hernia. Veteran transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry and later consolidated with 33rd Indiana Infantry. Present throughout. Mustered out 7-21-65; Died 3-13-1909
Ziglar, John
Promoted to Corporal for gallantry at Antietam 12-23-62
Ellett (Elliott), John H
Ellettsville (Monroe), 18, s, 5-10, Farmer
Mustered in 4-1-62. Wounded at Chancellorsville. Transferred to 70th Indiana. Mustered out Goldsboro North Carolina 4-6-65. Died Martinsville Indiana 12-24-1928, buried Morgan County South Park Cemetery
Ellett (Elliott), James W (M)
Monroe County, 19, 5-7, Farmer
Mustered in 4-1-62. Detached service with (Best's) Battery F 1st New York Light Artillery 3-21-63. Died Stevenson Alabama 3-14-64 while on detached service with battery, disease. Buried Chalmette, Louisiana National Cemetery
Rous (Rouse), James C
Mustered in 1-28-62. Promoted to Corporal 4-13-62
Treadway, William
Bartholomew County, 23, 5-11, Farmer
Mustered in 1-28-62. Wounded at--New Hope Church. POW at New Hope Church, last seen alive about 9-20-64 at Andersonville Prison Georgia. Died Andersonville supposedly of chronic diarrhea shortly after last seen. Buried Andersonville National Cemetery
* For regimental totals: Williams, Josiah Clinton; Johnson, William S; Loughery, Roger S; McCasky, John K; Applegate, Americus; and Sharp, James S are counted with Company C
Killed in Action (8): Cheatham, John H; Gardner, John; Layman, Martin; Parr, John H; Quillen, Edward; Sandifer, William H; Wells, Jesse; Ziglar, John
Died of (Mortal) Wounds (9): Beason, William H; Colvin, Daniel J; Dorn, Washington; Fulp, Emmanuel; Lee, Jacob A; Lewis, John Jr; Payne, Lewis D; Runkle, John L; Sims, Jerome
Died of Disease/Sickness (9): Acton, John; Baker, Godfrey; Cline, William; Crawford, Henry; Ellett, James W; Evans, William G; Nugent, Jasper N; Treadway, William (POW); Winship, Luther H
Died of Unknown Causes (1): Akins, Joseph (POW)
Transferred to United States Army (4): Infantry - Alexander, James A; Artillery - Bass, James H; Engineers - Lay, Thomas J; Navy - Clark, William J
Discharged (28): Apperson, Allen Wiley; Applegate, Charles S; Applegate, Hiram; Applegate, Joseph; Bargman, John; Browning, Jacob; Browning, Thomas R; Carvin, John Quincy A; Chambers, Joshua; Cutsinger, Stark; Devet; William M; Dinn, John F; Doyle, William G; Garrison, Joseph; Geary, Robert; Green, William N W; Hand, John; Jones, Edmund C; Kyle, Ira; Miller, Thomas; Morts, Richard (dishonorable); McCasky, John K~; McCowen, James N; Pickens, Alexander; Richardson, Nathan; Rouse, James C; Wayland, William D; Willis, Levi Wesley
Resigned (4): Boyle, John T; Forlander, John; Johnson, William S *; Williams, Josiah Clinton *
Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps (8): Brown, Merick S; Filiman, Jacob; Layman, Jasper N; Oaks, Allen; Parker, David; Sholl, Ephraim; Wayland, David C; Weir, George
Veterans Transferred to 70th Indiana (9): Beason, William H; Dinn, James Bartholomew; Foster, Robert A S; Fry, William W; Hincher, John D; McGaffick, Georg W; Plymate, Charles Franklin; Vancleiff, John B; Young, John
Recruit Transferred to 70th Indiana (1): Ellett, John H
Mustered Out with Regiment (19): Acton, Thomas J; Andrews, Elon; Applegate, Americus *; Baker, John S; Beamer, Samuel; Bradburn, James; Brown, Edmund Randolph; East, George (Louisville); Greer, Daniel; Hart, John Edward; Harter, Isaac D; Johnson, Oliver R; Joyce, John R; Pitcher, Morgan; Sims, Noah N; Smith, Lewis; Surgin, Edwin (Indianapolis); Treadway, John; Wells, John P
Deserted (3): Abercrombie, William; Calhoon, James; Jones, William P
Wounded in Action, not Mortally (60 men for 85 times): Acton, Thomas (2 engagements); Alexander, James A; Andrews, Elon; Apperson, Allen Wiley; Applegate, Joseph H; Bargman, John; Bass, James H; Beamer, Samuel; Beason, William H (2 battles); Bradburn, James (2 battles); Brown, Edmund Randolph; Brown, Merick S (2 battles); Browning, Thomas R; Carvin, John Quincy A; Chambers, Joshua; Cutsinger, Stark; Dinn, James Bartholomew (2 battles); Dinn, John; Doyle, William G (2 engagements); East, George D (2 battles); Ellett, John H; Ferguson, Oliver P; Filiman, Jacob; Foster, Robert A S (2 battles); Fry, William W (2 battles); Fulp, Emmanuel (2 battles); Geary, Robert; Green, William N W; Greer, Daniel (2 battles); Hand, John (2 battles); Hart, John Edward; Harter, Isaac D; Hincher, John D (2 battles); Jones, Edmund C; Joyce, John S (2 battles); Lay, Thomas J; Layman, Jasper N (2 battles); Loughery, Roger S*; McKaskay, John K* (2 battles); McGaffick, George W; Oaks, Allen; Parker, David (3 battles); Pitcher, Morgan (2 batles); Plymate, Charles Franklin; Richardson, Nathan (2 battles); Runkle, John L; Sandifer, William H; Sholl,Ephraim; Smith, Lewis; Spurgin, Edwin (2 battles); Treadway, John; Treadway, William; Vancleiff, John B; Wayland, David C (2 battles); Wayland, William D; Weir, George W; Wells, John P; Willis, Levi Wesley; Williams, Josiah Clinton* (3 battles); Young, John (2 battles)
Prisoners of War (13 for 14 times): Akins, Joseph; Beason, William H (2 times); Brown, Merick S; Chambers, Joshua; Devet, William M; Foster, Robert A S; Garrison, Joseph; Hincher, John D; Loughery, Roger S*; McCasky, John K*; McCowen, James N; Sharp, James S*; Treadway, William
Injured (6 for 7 times): Acton, Thomas J; Forlander, John; Joyce, John R; Kyle, Ira; Miller, Thomas; Young, John (2 times)
Number of Men Who were Casualties: 77 (3-74)
Present Throughout (1): Young, John
Prior Civil War Service (1): Nugent, Jasper N
Later Service with Another Unit (1): Ferguson, Oliver P
Original Members: Officers = 3
Enlisted = 99
Total 102
Recruits = 4
Total Members = 106
Members in Each Rank: Officers = 8; Non-Commissioned Officers = 38; Other Enlisted = 94
Total 140
Marital Status (Verified): Married = 10; Single = 35
Average Height: Overall = 5-8.5 (68.5S) (99)
Median = 5-8.6 (68.6S)
Average Age: Overall = 23.6 years (106)
Officers = 29.1 years
Enlisted = 23.1 years
Median = 21.6 years
Manual Labor = 80 |
Transportation = 2 |
Artisan = 17 |
Farmer = 69 |
Teamster/Wagoner = 2 |
Wagon Maker = 2 |
Laborer = 10 |
Miller = 1 |
Sawyer = 1 |
Butcher = 1 |
Carpenter = 3 |
Professional = 2 |
White Collar = 2 |
Shoemaker = 2 |
School Teacher = 2 |
Merchant = 1 |
Tailor = 1 |
Clerk = 1 |
Printer = 1 |
Cooper = 2 |
Musician = 2 |
Blacksmith = 2 |
Unit: |
C |