Serenity, the dueling city

Serenity is a fantasy city in an interactive story role play. We play through yahoo messenger or the Nepherasta forums. All the rules and guides that affect the rest of Nepherasta still affect Serenity as well.

Serenity is a very magical city. It�s one of the largest cities on the planet on which is resides. Serenity is a coastal town along the east shores of the continent of Kyami, in the kingdom of Korali. Just a few years ago Serenity and all of Korali was acquired by Kayos and added to the Kelosh empire. The three most common races of Serenity are humans, griffons, and centaurs, though many other races can be found there as well including sirens and pixelves.

Be sure to stop and talk to the city guard and learn about the laws of the city, or you might find yourself in a duel.

A divider

About History Laws Talon Knights Dueling

A divider

This site was last updated on Saturday, September 2, 2006.
The city, the land, and most npcs within belong to Kehle. Individual, orignal characters belong to those that created the character, do not duplicate anything without premission.

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