Main City Page > The Lucette Level > St. Christopher's Church

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St. Christopher's Church

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The first church in the Lego City of Chris Fortier has opened for worship. There are three Catholic services, one Methodist service, and one Jewish service since the LEGO people are of those three religions only. The first phase was built on October 9, 1998 and opened October 10, 1998. Phase one included the main cathedral and the Graveyard on the SE side of the property. Currently, the graveyard is empty because LEGO people do not die, they live forever. The second phase, opened December 20, includes offices and a drive-thru confession. Phase III, which opened January 1, 1999 was simply an expansion of the cathedral.


And After!

The Church on October 10, 1998 after construction. Services began that night.

The church today, larger, prettier, more accommodating. Renovations finished January 1, 1999.

The pews, where worshippers witnessed the word.

The Pulpit and Altar, where ceremonies of the Lord took place.

Father Leogrod inspects the entrance to his church.

The cemetery, where past citizens rest in peace.

Drive-thru confession, a unique idea that may go too far... Drive up, tell your sins in the intercom, drive up to the window, get blessed!

The top of St. Christopher's resembles many small town cathedrals in Northern Maine, Quebec, and Maritime Canada.

Here are some web sites about these three religions. On demand, services for other religions will be added here at the St. Christopher Church. E-mail me if you want to see your religion's services here at the church.

The Vatican City

United Methodist Church

Zionist Organization of America

Main City Page > The Lucette Level > St. Christopher's Church

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