Main City Page>The Lucette Level>Broadside's Eldorado Fortress and Waterfront Click on image to see it larger

World Playhouse

The Interactive Mall

Fortress and Waterfront

LEGO Victory Raceway

Mayor's Palace

Civic Arena

The City Authority

St. Christopher's Church

Coast Guard Center

Asgeirsdottir Plaza

Welcome to the Historic Lego Eldorado Fortress and Waterfront. An extension of the Historic District upstairs in the Pierre Level, this district sees much action with ships sailing in and people going for leisurely walks on the Boardwalk. This Eldorado fortress had roots in the late 1750's with Governor Broadside and his many men defending the Lego Colony against the Pirates. The fortress was built as an armored stronghold to prevent pirates from coming inland. These pirates never came, and in 1825, this fortress became a tourist site. The Waterfront has a long Boardwalk with many street vendors coming out during the day. Just across the street from the Interactive Mall of Lego City, this Boardwalk provides a nice and relaxing getaway from shopping and other activities.

The Fortress

Tourists can come and enjoy old life in the fortress and see it as it was in the 1700's. Soldiers would come for meetings at the fortress regularly to discuss strategy and map out plans to get the pirates at their locations miles and miles away from the fortress. The "inland" (20 miles from the Atlantic Ocean by water) location of the fortress made it a nice retreat for soldiers. Gold was stored here, tactical decisions were made and wounded soldiers received care from medical personnel. Today the fortress is the starting point for the Clipper Tours where citizens can ride the original Colonist ship around the harbor at the LEGO City of Chris Fortier. People of all types will enjoy a tour of the Fortress.

The Harbor

This rather crowded harbor brings excitement for tourists and locals alike. Boats travel in and out of this harbor going in any direction they please almost every five minutes and sometimes the boats can wreck leaving crowds in awe, and the owners ready to brawl at one another. The harbor is home port to the underwater explorers who map out the waters from the harbor to the Chesapeake Bay to the Atlantic Ocean. Come and enjoy the harbor that has history on its side.

Some sites about Pirates:

Pirates in the Bahamas

Beej's Pirate Image Archive

Main City Page>The Lucette Level>Broadside's Eldorado Fortress and Waterfront

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