Egyptian Symbolism & Mythology

(I just included these three pictures because I liked them so much.)

statue of married couple

Husband and wife. Their childrens' names are also engraved on the seat.

goddess bowl

Bowl with the face of the goddess Hathor. At each side are three lotus flowers and two lotus buds. The bowl is covered in turquoise enamel.

tutankhamun golden shrine wall

Tutankhamun and his queen Ankhesenamun are shown in relaxed, informal poses on the golden shrine found in his tomb.

scarab bracelet


scarab god


scarab and baboons

Bracelet from Tutankhamun - Gold and Lapis Lazuli.

Green glazed stone from Amenhotep III, used to dispatch news. This one announces the opening of a lake and pleasure garden for Queen Tiy.

This may be a representation of Ra due to the association of the scarab to the sun.

Pendant of gold, with lapis scarab and carnelian sun. The baboons are worshiping the sun. The strips of lapis above and below represent the sky and sea.


In some stories, the scarab is a symbol of the sun, and linked with Ra. In an Egyptian creation legend the lotus rises from the sea, and opens to reveal a scarab which transforms itself into a boy who weeps - his tears become mankind. In this way, men are children of Ra. It also symbolizes self-creative power. As Khepri, "He who becomes" he was the aspect of the rising sun. Ra was associated with the sun at its' zenith.

Scarabs were believed to be all males, and represented virility and the generative power of life.

In burial rites, the scarab was an important symbol, and was placed over the heart as a symbol of renewed life, to stimulate the rebirth into eternal life. They were meant to be weighed against the feather of truth during final judgement, and were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead.


Bast, or Bastet, was originally a lioness-goddess, (sometimes confused with Sekhmet) personifying the fertilising warmth of the sun. Her sacred animal later became the cat. She is the goddess of pleasure and joy, and a lover of music and dance.

Her temple at Bubastis was one of the most elegant in Egypt, and the location of joyous festivals.

There were huge celebrations in her name, attracting hundreds of thousands. In return, Bast bestowed mental and physical health. She also protected against contagious disease and evil spirits.

Bast was related to the sun-god; he was either her father or her brother-husband.


A bronze statue of Bast.

Bast with her sacred animals. In her right hand she holds a sistrum, a musical instrument which drove away evil spirits.

Below is Sekhmet, the goddess of war and battle. "By thy life when I slay men my heart rejoices."

bast with kittens


A wooden mirror case found in Tut's tomb. It is overlaid in sheet gold. The inlay is colored glass, carnelian and quartz. The word "ankh" also means "mirror".

ankh mirror case


The Ankh is an ancient symbol of life. In Egypt dieties were shown carrying the ankh as a symbol of the gift of eternal life promised to their royal or priestly servants. It was also the "Key of the Nile" as a symbol of the mystic union of Isis and Osiris which initiated the annual Nile flood, the source of so much of Egypt's fertility and life.


The New Book of Goddesses & Heroines
Patricia Monaghan
Llewellyn Publications, 1997
Buy it now from Amazon!

Egyptian Mythology
Tudor Publishing Company, 1965

Gods & Goddess in Ancient Egypt
Dr. Edouard Lambelet
Lehnert & Landrock, 2nd edition, 1994(?)

Egyptian Art in the Egyptian Museum of Turin
Ernesto Scamuzzi
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1972(?)

The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects
Barbara G. Walker
HarperSanFrancisco, 1988
Buy it now from Amazon!

Masterpieces of Tutankhamun
David P. Silverman
Abbeville Press, 1978

Treasures of the World; The Pharaohs
Lionel Casson
Stonehenge Press, Inc, 1981

Treasures of Tutankhamun
Exhibition catalogue
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1976

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