
Cats are an image of wholeness - a merging of the physical and spiritual, the psychic and the sensual. For a cat, these are not separate worlds, but one. They have been tagged with a variety of traits, including curiosity, nine lives, independence, cleverness, unpredictability, and healing.

Cats have long been held sacred and linked to images of power.

Egyptians named the Goddess Bast as the divine mother of cats. The Egyptian term for the sacred cat was Mau, an imitation of a cats cry and a mother-syllable. (For more information on Bast, click here.) Cat worship began in Egypt, where the first domesticated cats descended from a wild ancestor, felis libyca.

To the Greeks, Bast's equivalent was Artemis, and to the Romans she was Diana.

Cats are at home after dark, and because darkness is the home of fears and those things humans do not want to see and cannot see, the cat has come to be associated with magic and mystery.

By the Middle Ages Diana was the name of the Queen of the Witches. The cat was then becoming linked with witchcraft and goddess worship. It was said any witch could assume a cat's shape nine times in her life. (She could also assume the shape of a hare, which were moon goddess totems. When cats were brought to England, they were confused with hares as symbols of the moon goddess.)

To the Scots, the Goddess of Witches was Mither o' the Mawkins. (Mawkin or malkin was either a hare or a cat.) As the cat became the primary lunar animal, the traditional witch's familiar was Greymalkin or Grimalkin, a "gray cat".

The Goddess Freya was pictured in a chariot drawn by cats - recalling earlier images of Cybele, the Mother of the Gods, with her chariot drawn by two lions.

If a cat is your totem animal, look for magic and mystery to come alive.

Animal-Speak The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
Ted Andrews
Llewellyn Publications, 1994
Buy it now from Amazon!

The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects
Barbara G. Walker
Harper San Francisco, 1988

Buy it now from Amazon!

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