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It's my own Strat, baby!

Here's my Number One guitar! It's an 1995 American Standard Stratocaster which I bought on February 12, 1998. It's pretty much your regular American Standard, except for one rather obvious difference. The photo at the right shows that the headstock is painted the same colour as the body. I've been told that Fender only produced guitars with matching headstocks for three months.

One thing the photos will not show is the first modification made to my Strat. A few months after I bought it, I had the bridge pickup removed and replaced with a DiMarzio Red Velvet pickup. I did this on the advice of none other than Pat Furlan, renowned guitar expert. According to Pat, this is a popular move among Strat owners who want to add a little punch to the bridge pickup.

After a few weeks of intense testing, I'd have to say Pat was right on this one! The stock pickup just didn't do anything for me, tonally-speaking. I'm very happy with the sound of the Red Velvet and it has enhanced the tone I get from the fourth position, too.

Now I'd like to know what modifications Strat owners out there have made to their beloved axes. Anyone out there have a Red Velvet in their Strat? DiMarzio also makes a Blue Velvet pickup, which is suited for replacement of either (or both) neck and middle. Personally, if I decide to replace any more pickups, Pat's told me that there's a "59 Strat" pickup that will really dish out the goods in the neck position. The neck happens to be my favorite position to play in, so I'll hold off for now.

Comments and recommendations are certainly welcome.

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