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Ooo Baby!

It's my Epiphone Junior!

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So I finally found the time to snap a few photos of my guitar collection. Here's what my brand new (as of March 2000, that is) Epiphone Junior looks like!

So how much guitar does $132 (Canadian) buy nowadays? To be blunt, this guitar NEEDS new tuners. Sound-wise, it's nothing special, although I must admit that the tone control works surprisingly well. Once I buy the tuners, next on my "to buy" list will be pots. I'm curious to see how much tone I can wring out of the pickup. After all, the cost of a new P-90 pickup is pretty much what I paid for this guitar!

A huge positive is the neck - I'm amazed at how good it feels! Before I bought this guitar, I tested it against other guitars in its relative price range (okay, there were NO guitars in its $135 range - I had to test more expensive axes). The Junior had the best fretboard by far.

And I love the color - that TV Yellow really knocks me out!

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September 2000 Update: As promised, I took advantage of the free setup offered where I bought the guitar. At the same time, I asked for a few mods including a new pot. Well, the guitar plays quite a bit better, and the tuners are no longer as big an issue. As for tone, I can get some pretty good sounds out of the guitar. For the money, it's a great "fixer-upper".

{Just a fancy divider}

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