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Ooo Baby!

The Stratomaster's Guitars!

Sorry if you were expecting a larger collection of guitars, but I find that I tend to get very attached to my gear. It's one thing to flit from pedal to pedal, but I just can't be promisicious with my guitars. Case in point: some months ago, a local guitar shop had a weekend special on brand new Godin SD guitars, and I was seriously thinking about snapping one up. However, I was strumming my Reactor while I read the various owner reviews posted on Harmony Central (I'm a multi-taking kind of guy). And the thought occured to me: "If I buy another guitar, that means I'll have less time to play THIS one."

So let other players expand their collections. For now, I'll be happy with what I've got.

Unless a truly sweet deal pops up on something I'd REALLY like, of course.

After all, LUST has a way of overcoming reason.

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