Click any item in the following table to see the related titles. To see the synopsis for a title, click its purple dot (), then click the desired chronology link in the title index. Many of the books have multiple chronology entries, with each synopsis presenting a different aspect of the story. 

Characters Index 

page 1 of  5 
    Subject Index Guide 
    Index A:   Characters 
    Index B:   Situations 
    Index C:   Aliens... 
    Index D:   Special Genres 
page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5
Carol Marcus 
Chapel in jeopardy 
Chekov - history 
Chekov in jeopardy 
David Marcus 
Edith Keeler 
Gary Mitchell 
Gary Seven 
Gillian Taylor 
Kirk - history 
Kirk in jeopardy 
Kirk in love 
Kirk - short stories 
McCoy - history 
McCoy in jeopardy 
McCoy in love 
McCoy -short stories 
Sarek & Amanda 
Scott - history 
Scott in jeopardy 
Scott in love 
Spock - history 
Spock in jeopardy 
Spock in love 
Spock - short stories 
Sulu - history 
Sulu in jeopardy 
Sulu in love 
Uhura - history 
Uhura in jeopardy 
Uhura in love 
Cusher in jeopardy 
Data in jeopardy 
La Forge 
La Forge in jeopardy 
Lwaxana Troi 
Picard - history 
Picard in jeopardy 
Picard in love 
Riker - history 
Riker in jeopardy 
Riker in love 
Ro Laren 
Tom Riker 
Troi - history 
Troi in jeopardy 
Troi in love 
Wesley in jeopardy 
Worf in jeopardy 
Worf in love 
Yar - history
Bashir in jeopardy 
Bashir in love 
Dax in jeopardy 
Dax in love 
Kai Winn 
Kira - history 
Kira in jeopardy 
Kira in love 
O'Brien in jeopardy 
Odo - history 
Odo in love 
Ro Laren 
Sisko - history 
Sisko in jeopardy 
Sisko in love 
Worf - history 
Worf in love 
Chakotay - history 
Chakotay in jeopardy 
Chakotay in love 
The Doctor 
Janeway - history 
Janeway in jeopardy 
Janeway in love 
Kes - history 
Kes in jeopardy 
Kim - history 
Kim in jeopardy 
Neelix - history 
Neelix in jeopardy 
Paris - history 
Paris in jeopardy 
Paris in love 
Paris & Torres in love 
Seven of Nine 
Seven - history 
Seven in jeopardy 
Seven in love 
Torres - history 
Torres in jeopardy 
Tuvok - history 
Tuvok in jeopardy 
Mackenzie - history 
Mackenzie in jeopardy 
Si Cwan 


Guardian of Forever 
Hugh of Borg 
Lucsly & Dulmer 


Amanda     see  Sarek & Amanda

Carol & David Marcus

.   Ashes of Eden, The
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   Faces of Fire
.   Hero of My Own Life, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Reflections     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
.   Time for Yesterday


.   Double, Double
.   Ghost-Walker
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Snake Pit!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Trellisane Confrontation, The

Chapel in jeopardy

.   Bloodthirst
.   Crossroad


.   Home is the Hunter
.   How Much for Just the Planet?
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Mission to Horatius
.   Prime Directive
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Starfleet Academy

Chekov - history

.   Kobayashi Maru, The

Chekov in jeopardy

.   Deep Domain
.   Ice Trap
.   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Three-Minute Universe, The
.   Traitor Winds
.   Uhura's Song
.   Windows on a Lost World


.   Rift, The

Edith Keeler

.   Battlestations
.   Final Frontier
.   Reflections     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )


.   Cry of the Onlies, The

Gary Mitchell

.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   My Brother's Keeper #1: Republic
.   My Brother's Keeper #2: Constitution
.   My Brother's Keeper #3: Enterprise
.   Q-Squared
.   Strangers from the Sky

Gary Seven

.   Assignment: Eternity

Gillian Taylor

.   Hero of My Own Life, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Kirk - history

.   Ashes of Eden, The
.   Avenger
.   Best Destiny
.   Captain's Table #1: War Dragons
.   Crisis on Centaurus
.   Enemy Unseen
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   Faces of Fire
.   Federation
.   Final Frontier
.   Flag Full of Stars, A
.   Kobayashi Maru, The
.   My Brother's Keeper #1: Republic
.   My Brother's Keeper #2: Constitution
.   My Brother's Keeper #3: Enterprise
.   Sarek
.   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Star Trek: The Motion Picture
.   Time for Yesterday

Kirk in jeopardy

.   Assignment: Eternity
.   Black Fire
.   Covenant of the Crown, The
.   Dark Victory
.   Day of Honor #4: Treaty's Law
.   Demons
.   Doctor's Orders
.   Double, Double
.   Entropy Effect, The
.   Fate of the Phoenix, The
.   Final Nexus, The
.   First Frontier
.   Flashback
.   From the Depths
.   Ghost-Walker
.   Ice Trap
.   Joy Machine, The
.   Killing Time
.   Legacy
.   Lights in the Sky, The     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Memory Prime
.   Mind-Sifter     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Mission to Horatius
.   Mudd in Your Eye
.   Mutiny on the Enterprise
.   My Brother's Keeper #1: Republic
.   My Brother's Keeper #2: Constitution
.   My Brother's Keeper #3: Enterprise
.   Patrian Transgression, the
.   Planet of Judgment
.   Price of the Phoenix, The
.   Prime Directive
.   Prometheus Design, The
.   Reflections     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Quick and the Dead, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Renegade
.   Return, The
.   Rings of Tautee, The
.   Rules of Engagement
.   Sanctuary
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Snake Pit!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Spectre
.   Star Trek Generations
.   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
.   Starship Trap, The
.   Strangers from the Sky
.   Three-Minute Universe, The
.   Timetrap
.   Trellisane Confrontation, The
.   Trials and Tribble-ations
.   Triangle
.   Twilight's End
.   Vulcan Academy Murders, The
.   Windows on a Lost World
.   Yesterday's Son

Kirk in love

.   Ashes of Eden, The
.   Avenger
.   Corona
.   Dark Victory
.   Death's Angel
.   Devil World
.   Enemy Unseen
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   Fate of the Phoenix, The
.   Final Frontier
.   Ghost-Walker
.   Joy Machine, The
.   Lights in the Sky, The     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Lost Years, The
.   Mind-Sifter     ( a short story from TNV )
.   My Brother's Keeper #1: Republic
.   Price of the Phoenix, The
.   Procrustean Petard, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Spectre
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Timetrap
.   Triangle
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )

Kirk - short stories

.   Face on the Barroom Floor, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   In the Maze     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Intersection Point     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Lights in the Sky, The     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Mind-Sifter     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Ni Var     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Patient Parasites, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Procrustean Petard, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Quick and the Dead, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Reflections     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Snake Pit!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Surprise!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Winged Dreamers, The     ( a short story from TNV )


.   Avenger
.   Death's Angel
.   Vulcan Academy Murders, The

McCoy - history

.   Better Man, The
.   Crisis on Centaurus
.   Dreams of the Raven
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   Final Reflection, The
.   My Brother's Keeper #2: Constitution
.   My Brother's Keeper #3: Enterprise
.   Shadows on the Sun
.   Star Trek: The Motion Picture

McCoy in jeopardy

.   Bloodthirst
.   Covenant of the Crown, The
.   Crossover
.   Flashback
.   Ice Trap
.   In the Maze     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Planet of Judgment
.   Recovery
.   Romulan Way, The
.   Sanctuary
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

McCoy in love

.   Better Man, The
.   Dreams of the Raven
.   Lost Years, The
.   Mindshadow
.   Vulcan

McCoy - short stories

.   Cave-In     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Doctors Three     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Healing Arts, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Hunting, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   In the Maze     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Mind-Sifter     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Ni Var     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Patient Parasites, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Procrustean Petard, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Quick and the Dead, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Surprise!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Winged Dreamers, The     ( a short story from TNV )


.   Mudd in Your Eye
.   Mudd's Angels


.   Captain's Table #6: Where Sea Meets Sky
.   Legacy
.   Private Anecdote, A     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Rift, The
.   Vulcan's Glory


.   Captain's Table #1: War Dragons
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure


.   Dwellers in the Crucible
.   First Law of Metaphysics, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Pandora Principle, The
.   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home


.   Death's Angel
.   Mind Meld
.   Pandora Principle, The
.   Pathways
.   Unification

Sarek & Amanda

.   Demons
.   IDIC Epidemic, The
.   Mindshadow
.   Sarek
.   Spock's World
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Vulcan Academy Murders, The
.   Vulcan's Forge


.   Abode of Life, The
.   Black Fire
.   Crossover
.   Dyson Sphere
.   Home is the Hunter
.   How Much for Just the Planet?
.   Intersection Point     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Perry's Planet
.   Prime Directive
.   Relics
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Twilight's End
.   Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited     ( a short story from TNV )

Scott - history

.   Kobayashi Maru, The
.   Vulcan's Glory

Scott in jeopardy

.   Three-Minute Universe, The

Scott in love

.   Memory Prime

Spock - history

.   Captain's Table #1: War Dragons
.   Captain's Table #6: Where Sea Meets Sky
.   Final Reflection, The
.   Ishmael
.   Legacy
.   My Brother's Keeper #3: Enterprise
.   Pandora Principle, The
.   Rift, The
.   Sarek
.   Spock's World
.   Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
.   Star Trek: The Motion Picture
.   Time for Yesterday
.   Vulcan Academy Murders, The
.   Vulcan's Forge
.   Vulcan's Glory
.   Yesterday's Son

Spock in jeopardy

.   Assignment: Eternity
.   Black Fire
.   Chain of Attack
.   Covenant of the Crown, The
.   Crossover
.   Deep Domain
.   Demons
.   Faces of Fire
.   House of Cards
.   Hunting, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   IDIC Epidemic, The
.   Intersection Point     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Ishmael
.   Legacy
.   Memory Prime
.   Mind Meld
.   Mindshadow
.   Mission to Horatius
.   My Enemy, My Ally
.   Ni Var     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Planet of Judgment
.   Sanctuary
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Spock Must Die
.   Spock, Messiah
.   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
.   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
.   Strangers from the Sky
.   Unification
.   Vulcan

Spock in love

.   Enchanted Pool, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Lost Years, The
.   Triangle

Spock - short stories

.   Cave-In     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Enchanted Pool, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   First Law of Metaphysics, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Hunting, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   In the Maze     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Intersection Point     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Lights in the Sky, The     ( a short story from SNW )
.   Marginal Existence     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Mind-Sifter     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Ni Var     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Patient Parasites, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Procrustean Petard, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Quick and the Dead, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Surprise!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Winged Dreamers, The     ( a short story from TNV )


.   Captain's Table #1: War Dragons
.   Face on the Barroom Floor, The     ( a short story from TNV )
.   Flashback
.   Home is the Hunter
.   Mission to Horatius
.   Prime Directive
.   Shadow Lord
.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Starfleet Academy
.   Surprise!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )

Sulu - history

.   Captain's Daughter, The
.   Kobayashi Maru, The

Sulu in jeopardy

.   Day of Honor #2: Armageddon Sky
.   Dwellers in the Crucible
.   Fearful Summons, The
.   Traitor Winds

Sulu in love

.   Captain's Daughter, The
.   Entropy Effect, The


.   Demons
.   Disinherited, The
.   Double, Double
.   Enterprise, the First Adventure
.   Firestorm
.   Ghost-Walker
.   Hero of My Own Life, The     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   How Much for Just the Planet?
.   Joy Machine, The
.   Memory Prime
.   My Enemy, My Ally
.   Perry's Planet
.   Prime Directive
.   Procrustean Petard, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
.   Surprise!     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Traitor Winds
.   Triptych     ( a short story from SNW II )
.   Uhura's Song

Uhura - history

.   Starless World, The
.   Three-Minute Universe, The

Uhura in jeopardy

.   Ice Trap
.   Three-Minute Universe, The

Uhura in love

.   Sleeping God, The     ( a short story from TNV 2 )
.   Tears of the Singers, The

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© 1998-1999 by Ruth Stout

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LEGAL: This site is a non-profit venture. It's sole purpose is to encourage the reading of Star Trek literature. The author is not affiliated in any fashion with the bookselling or publishing industry, and is not advocating purchasing the books from any particular outlet, nor being remunerated by any book vendor. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company, which also holds the copyright to all Star Trek television and movie photographs. No copyright infringement is intended. Please do not sue. 
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