Mark was born in Birmingham, England in 1973. He spent a lot of time at School, University, and more recently, in paid employment. He lives somewhere near London. In his spare time he enjoys music, books, the internet, writing, films with explosions and spaceships, computers, watching cartoons, alcohol, and ice cream.

Mark has been writing since 1991 and has had work published across the world - from the national press to the smallest fanzine, from official band fanclub publications to popular music websites. However, like many other people, Mark has a dayjob. If anybody would care to offer him a publishing contract for his numerous unpublished novels though, all this can change.

For more... browse the menu below...

The Guardian Questionnaire
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Me But Were Too Scared Too Ask
The A-Z of Me
First Things First
Who? Where? Why?
All About Me and About Moi, 2003
My Favourite Things
The Last Thing You Should Do

Have fun....

He can be emailed at here. And remember to remove NO SPAM.

"This is the end, my only friend,the end."

CREDITS: All HTML and content by Mark Reed. Pictures from the net, credited where we can remember where we found them.
This is a Flash-Free site. Our job is not to choke your browser with useless Flash, code, and music.

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� copyright Mark Reed, 1991-2003 except where indicated