It's obligatory for every web page to have links. Here at we're no different. These are some of the pages we waste our time with when we're not hard at work doing nothing and trying not to get caught by the boss at work.

OUR FAVOURITE LINKS......visit these nice places...


Banksy The UK�s leading urban artist
Adbusters If Adverts told the truth... the world would look like this
Subverts Not adverts, but subverts...
Couplandesque. "I don't know what it is, so it must be art". Thanks Bono.


Adam Ant - Adem - Alarm Clock - Already A Legend
Annals Of Mr Hyde - Alecya G's Plastic Castle - A rest... - Art Of Noise
By The Seashore - Carla - Cat Girl - Chris CIN
Crystal Days - Delrico Bandito - DemocraticGoddesses - Di Photo Blog
Flash - Flotsky - Freakonomics - Hedgehog Girl
I Am Not The Beatles - Javaira - Ka - Kevin King
Kieran - Legal Ease - LeeLoo - LiteraryHoax
Lithaborn - Lizze - The Londonist
Lonely Town - LostLegionary - Lord Bargain - themanwhofellbacktobed
Medbh Sings - Michelle - MilkMilkLemonade - Monogodo
The Pynch - PurpleParrot - Reader Meet Author - Rock Snobs
Ross' Blog - Sam - Sarah Beth - Sassi Frass
Sniggly Piggly - Spinsterwitch - Stef - Sweeping The Nation
Swiss Toni - Suburban Hen - Sunny's Haiku Blog - The Talent Show
ToothpasteForDinner - Too Much - TurnInTheWorld - Wendy
The Boy Wil - Yoko Spungeon


Boblog - Boris Johnson - Chewbacca - Dave Navarro
David Byrne - David Gilmour - Donald Trump - Franz Ferdinand
Henry Rollins - Iain Baker (Jesus Jones) - Jeffrey Archer - John August
Kevin Smith - Kristen Hersh - MC Hammer - Moby
Morgan Spurlock - Neil Gaiman - Radiohead - The Spy Blog
Pete Townshend - Ross Halfin - ShaunWoodwardMP - Stephen Fry
Stephen Morris - Wil Wheaton - Nick Robinson - Uri Geller


Another Copper - Call Centre Blog - Chocoreve (MP3) - Everything Reviewed
Harry's Place - King Blind (MP3) - LyingMediaBastards - Mark Arkleiman - Memory Hole
Microsoft - NeeNaw - Parking Attendant - Post Secret
Random Reality - Regnyouth (MP3) - RobotWisdom - The Tard Blog - Waiterrant


Bret Easton Ellis One trick pony... or genius... or One Trick genius?...
Bret Easton Ellis News Blog. The place to go for BEE news.
A Shedload of Bret Easton Ellis Links. Just gawp at those!
B Philip K Dick - The dogs bollocks of sites about this occasionally great writer
Douglas Coupland Bandwidth heavy but extraordinary site from Mr. C
Chuck Palahniuk. He wrote Fight Club. You know that makes sense
Free Books. Go read. It's the best, baby.
Tyler And Jacks. Fight Club on the web. No longer updated.
John Betjeman. Offical 2nd Grumpiest Man In Britain
John Hegley Funny, sharp, clever man. And his girlfriend is extraodinarily fit.
The Stephen King Link Page. If you like The King, you'll like these links.
Gonzo.Org. Online home of Hunter S Thompson
Noam Chomsky. The online guide to all Chomsky's fabulous writings.
Philip Larkin. Britain's 1st Grumpiest Man
Will Self. Britains best living writer.
William S Burroughs. The best WSB Website there is.


Public Action Incoherent rants about weird topical stuff...
Boycott Nike
Corporate Evil So just how evil are corporations? All your questions answered here.
Stop 1984 How & why you have no privacy..
The Hermes Press Why is the news not the news? ...because it�s entertainment.
Think About It Conspiracy madness. And bullshit.


McDonalds Workers Resistance The Unofficial McDonalds Staff magazine
Anti-Everything You can buy and read some great things here...
(but don�t order T-Shirts from them. They take three months to arrive and they ignore your emails)
White Dot The camapign against television starts here. Luckily they haven't cottoned onto the Internet yet.
Corporate Watch The Earth is being slowly murdered by corporations, and all we can do is protest.


John Hegley. Britains premier poet, and his very own corner of the World Wild Web.
Natalie Haynes. Funny and Foxy, Natalie is one of Britains finest stand-up comics and one of the chosen few who remembers who
Joey Deacon is and what the word Joey really means. Genius.


Evil On A Budget - being an Evil genius on $50 a day
For Sale spare missile bases for sale
Evil Overlords Home Page Does EXACTLY what it says
Villain Supply Store where baddies buy their bad shit
Master Evil Genius you think you're bad? really? nah!


Truth Or Fiction? Email, viruses, hoaxes and info.
Scambusters Who you gonna call?
Urban Legends explores the facts, the fiction, and the unusual
How Stuff Works - Does exactly what it says on the tin.


Easter Eggs and hidden stuff in near everything you own....
Free London All the free things London has to offer.


The Holocaust This is not easy stuff to read, but whats probably worse is that that it actually happened.
The JFK Files Paranoids are often right.
The JFK Murder and another site about 1962. Those who do not learn from their mistakes...


The Wankometer. How much of your webpage is corporate gobbdledygook?
Cynical Bastards Moi? Never!
Natalie Haynes One of the best stand ups there is. And she used to go to my school.
Legodeath Not even LEGO MINIFIGS are immortal
Lego Tales. Recreations of great artistic works using LEGO. Cool.
Engrish!. You talk funny! You no Engrish better than I!
TV Go Home This used to be funny. Now its dead.
Humprhey And Duncan. The adventures of two small toys.
Engrish. We happy scrappy hero puppy duck.
The Man Who Fell Asleep. Linkamania!
Bill Gates Is Dead. Like, we wish!
Glebe's Thrift Tunnel. The home of all things Morrisian
Dumb laws. The world is full of 'em.
Dean And Nigel Blend In. Yep. They blend.
Complaints. International Whinge Database
Squirrel Defamation League. Erm...
Mark Thomas. Britains answer to Micheal Moore. And better.
Block Death Where Lego Goes To Die
Landover Baptist. Almost as stupid as the real thing.
Illiegal Billboard. An alternative look at advertising.
Bar Code Art. jesus is my barcode.
Something Awful. The Internet Makes You Stupid. Yeppers.
The Onion. Like the news, only more realistic
You Must Choose. Impossible Dilemmas.
The Rockall Times. Little Britain, gone nuts.
Tangents. The Home Of Unpopular Culture On The Web
The UK Department of Social Scrutiny. Big Brother Is Watching YOU. And enjoying it....
Drew.... Hmm. Cartoons n stuff.


Police Humour Jokes by cops, for cops...
The Industry Voice For those who work in the Porno Industry.. This is probably not safe for browsing from work.
Chilling Effects. A look at the underside of the web. Online censorship.


Aint It Cool? One of the best movie sites there is.
Blade Runner. Yes, we know. Its so predictable to have a Blade Runner link. So sue me!
Stanley Kubrick The best film maker of all time. A highly unofficial yet vital site.
Another Kubrick Site Yet more genius then!
David Lynch's Dreamworld Very quiet most of the time. Spooky.
The Force. EVERYTHING Star Wars related. You Know You Want It.
Star Wars Official Site. As far as official sites go its certainly nowhere near as rubbish as most of them.
Ghostbusters.Net Who YOU gonna call?
Movie Mistakes. Thought we wouldn't notice when Hollywood cocks up? You were wrong!
Terry Gilliam. The talented one in the Python has another fansite. As your lawyer, I advise you to visit.
The Force. Best Star Wars info site there is.
Visual memory. A fantastic Stanley Kubrick Site
Holonet News. Lucasfilm run this, a fake Star Wars news site set in a galaxy far far away, and a long time ago...
James Bond website. All the newsh, 007.
The Qatsi Trilogy. Films ar art. Life Out Of Balance. Blah Blah Blah.
News Askew. Kevin Smiths own up-to-the-minute website. Schmoochie Boochies.
Outpost 31. How come anything we don't understand is always calld a Thing? Is it because its a weirdass shapeshifting alien?
You Do Not Ask Questions About Project Mayhem.
Melon Farmers. Watching The Censors Who Watch What We Watch.


Drowned In Sound Chock full of Marks articles, music reviews, indie elitism, and internal politics.
Will your CD�s play on your PC? You have been warned....
The Sisters Of Mercy One of the best (and funniest) band websites there is around. Yowsa.

There are about a gazillion other good band sites - but you can find your own.


Urban 75 The Definitive Alternative News Source
The Schnews Yet another alternative news site
The Daily Rotten Unusual, disturbing daily pics, links, news. Probably not safe for work.
Fark All the strange news there is & a whole load of weird links.
Guerilla News It must be true, its on the Internet ...
Indy Media All the news that fit to upload..

(we cannot verify the validity -or not- of these sites...)

Ghost Watcher A Ghost Cam in America...
Anomolies Unlimited is full of Strange Photos
Art Bell explores the world of the Unexplained..
1,000,000 Paranormal Links
Inner Secrets Of The Scientologists... and the Scientologists are trying to Google this site out of existence.
Power Of The Mind offers an unusual selection of Paranormal Scrapbooks and leftovers
Rense The Weird Wide Web offers its secrets..
Life After Death?. On the web no one can hear you die.
Utah UFO Hunter! He called Dave. He hunt aliens.


Alix Cavanagh A fine actress and a top mate. Give her plenty of acting work and we'll love you forever. Probably.
The Geekosphere The Geekosphere. My first attempt at a website, immaculately preserved as it was the day apathy struck.
The Romebean The website of Mark's mate Giorgia Meschini
Volume Official website of the band Mark used to sing in. Some pictures & lyrics. Thankfully no MP3�s.
Jennifer's Funky Home. I haven't seen her in years, but this is my cousin's webpage. It's small. But it's Funky.
Naomi's Blog. My Virtual Sisters (TM) updates us on life in the USA. Rockin'!
Marianne. Fellow Suedehead from Europe. Cool. Ch-Ch-Check it out!
Not Quite Sure What This Is but I've been asked to link to it. Go gawp!


Capitalism The official website of Capitalism. Not at all pro-profit propoganda. Oh no.
Movement Against The Monarchy Are you a republican? and if not, why not?
Throne Out God Save The Queen? Not at Throne Out.
Index Online Censorship across the world - at the international index of censorship
Michael Moore. Dude, where's My Country?
Open Secrets Who owns who in America? Secret Celebrity donations to political causes revealed.
Counter Punch Only we know the truth, They�re all out to get us...
Political Compass What did YOU in The Great War Of Ideaology Daddy?
Get Your War On. Operation Enduring Muthafucking Freedom In Tha House beatch...


Popbitch. The Dirt from the worlds most infamous message board.
Bobpitch. The flipside of the coin.


The Man Who Fell Asleep Chock full of stuff. More stuff than even I've got time to read.
Spleen Squidgee your third fucking eye. OK?
Lost Something Have you lost something? Maybe its here.
Public Image The unusual world of random photography in public
Kung Fu Chess Live action, online, multiplayer chess. Do you know Kung Fu? Hubba Hubba.
I Saw You Today Oh. I stood next to you on the tube train... you smiled... but I was too chickenshit to say anything...
Cocaine Anonymous You can't make THIS up. Honestly.
Pubfight Mr T vs Ice T? Who would win? You decide.
Rense. Paranoid never tasted so good.
Orlingrabbe. Opidence to tyrants is opposition To God


The Rants Of Momus A former recording artist rails against the stupidity of mankind


Michael Moore He wrote a best seller... yet the American police still break up his public readings.
John Pilger A voice in the wilderness...
The Noam Chomsky Archive get your eyes round an online resource of an unrivalled political thinker.


Satire Wire is not as good as The Onion
Dean And Nigel blend in....
Cooked & Bombed. A guide to Chris Morris
Glebe�s Thrift Funnel yet more Morrisian adventures
Mark Thomas Bit of politics eh? Ooh no. You can't have political comedy can you?


Colorgenics The wonder of color ("colour") tests in defining your personality and your feelings.
Philosophy Test Whats your philosophical outlook? Take the test.
Political Compass If you're lost, if you're lonely, ask the Political Compass to show you the way.
The Spark Gazillions of crappy quizzes...


Seethru Trivia and nonsense. No longer updated, but fully preserved as per its last days on earth.
B3ta Where we get some of those weird pictures from. Praise Photoshop!


Urban Exploration Urban adventures inside the forbidden zone
Urban Exploration Database More weirdos going around abandoned buildings, tunnels, and power stations for kicks.
Action Squad Go underneath the wiring of America. Fascinating, if a little weird.
Urban Adventurers Keep Out... but Urban Adventurers just don�t listen.
Infilitration More places you�re not supposed to go to.
Urbex Going Underground....
Dead Places Directory of the UK�s Dead Places
Abandoned Subways Whoa. Freaky.
The Secrets Of London Underground A definitive guide to strange goings on in the Underground
Sub Brit Underneath Britain lurks many a strange thing.
Underneath Dover Weird and unusual places underneath Dover in England.
Portsdown Tunnels Weirdos wandering around abandoned tunnels in the middle of nowhere. Hey, I've got a great idea. Let's Go!
Worst Case Scenarios. Shit. Fan. A guide.
Underground Kent Your mother told about kent. It was a bad place. Find Out Why.
London Underground : The Blog. A blow-by-blow account of life on the toob.
Underground Links An enormous amount of links about scecret bases.
Going Underground... with the Pow! Pow! POW!

My Death and the last thing you should do is this.

More to come when we get our shit together. You don't know how lucky you are.

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� copyright Mark Reed, 1991-2004 except where indicated.

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