Mark's been writing for years. Not just poetry. Not just reviews. Not just rants. But creatively. Stuff with plots, characters, and everything. Most of the more... juvenile stuff is stuck on an old 486 in the basement. In the meantime, here's all the other stuff we've got that we're not horrendously embarrased by.


Wake Up Dead Man

Wake Up, Dead Man (cover art for completed novel), 2004
Imagine, 2004
Monster's End, 2003
A True Ghost Story : 5 Minutes Inside a Haunted Tomb, 2002
The Four Horsemen, 2001 (unfinished novel)
The Shape Of Things, 2001
Ground Zero : Earth, 2001
Ground Zero : Space, 2001
Eight Short Stories, 1999
The Man In The Grey Suit, 1999
Foreword To An Unwritten Diary, 1999
The Facts Of Life, 1998

Reality, 2004
A Life Cut In Half, 2001 (verse)
True Love, 1998 (verse)
The Man Who Mistook His Record Collection For A Life, 1996 (verse)

Coming Soon: Anything else we can think of or find lying round the back of the sofa. Don't hold your breath though. We've done so much HTML we see it in our sleep now...

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(c) copyright Mark Reed except where indicated

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