.: E900 Hardware Pictures :.

Here are some pictures taken by Xlabs showing a dismantled E900. There are instructions how to dismantled one yourself (if you are completely mad!) and pictures showing the hardware inside. Next step, hardware modding!



.: Instructions for disassembling :.

Warning: This is highly NOT Recommended!

First remove the back plastic plate, the battery and SIM Card. Next remove the four black screws in the the back cover. Now flip the phone over to the front side front side and below the * and the # keys are two some plastic stickers covering the last two long screws. With a thin knife, remove the stickers and unscrew the uncovered screws. These ones are longer than the ones from the back. Next, the tricky part is to release the small nails that clamp the cover on, but with some care and beginning by the memory card hole you can release them. Do it gently bending the cover a bit to the sides so they will release. Once they are loose, put attention to the cable/connector for the rear speaker and release it first before removing the cover completely. Now you can slide up the cover which is still held by the clamps at the top of the phone.

To remove the mainboard you must un-glue the round thing with the red/blue wires from its holder (vibration motor?). After that you have to release the two clamps that hold the PCB in its place, one beside the power button and the other close to the rear speaker connector.

Its possible that the side buttons are stuck to the case so you have to separate them before removing the PCB. Once eveything is loose, gently lift the mainboard putting attention to the flex cable underneath, which connects this board to the slider module. This is really delicate so use your surgeon skills!


.: Pictures :.

Click to see the images full screen (Warning, these are the original size of 2048x1536).



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