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Type Name Prerequisite Details
Fire Fire Weapons none Randomly does fire damage in addition to your regular attack
Firepower Fire Weapons Increases the amount of fire damage done by Fire Ball and Wall of Flames
Fire Ball Firepower Allows you to cast a Fire Ball, which does fire damage
Wall of Flame Fire Ball Hits monster with fire damage each time it does a regular attack on you
Ice Ice Weapons none Randomly does ice damage in addition to your regular attack
Heart of Ice Ice Weapons Randomly disables a monster's regular attack for 1 round
Ice Ball Heart of Ice Allows you to cast an Ice Ball, which does ice damage
Glacier Strike Ice Ball Allows you to cast Glacier Strike (takes 3 rounds, and
does a little more than 3 times your normal damage)
Shock Shock Weapons none Randomly stuns a monster for 1 round
Disable Shock Weapons Randomly reduces a monster's defence
Fortitude Disable Increases your resistance to fire and ice damage, stun, drain, poison
Shockwave Fortitude Randomly creates a shockwave, doing damage and stun
Spectral Spectral Weapons none Increases your defence
Evasion Spectral Weapons Allows you to evade regular attacks
Absorption Evasion Allows you to absorb a monster’s regular
attack, and heal yourself with some of it
Reflex Absorption Reflects a monster's regular attack back onto itself
Life Life Weapons none Increases your chance of regenerating 1 - 3 health
while walking around and wielding a life weapon
Makes healing potions heal more health
(one more health for each skill point in this skill)
Field Medic Life Weapons Allows you to regenerate health in battle
Lifesteal Field Medic Allows you to regenerate health in battle
Resurrection Lifesteal Allows you to have the chance of being resurrected
at 50% of full health when you are defeated

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