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Welcome to the NeoQuest Encyclopedia!

Are you a beginner at NeoQuest? Need help with knowing where to go or what to do? Or are you a veteran who has beaten the game countless times, but can't quite remember all the items needed to make a Mountain Wand? Whatever information you need about the game, you can find it here. Click on the links at the top and bottom of the page to jump right into the guide itself.

If after reading my guide, you still have questions, feel free to neomail me. Please understand that I am sometimes very busy, and may take a while to get back to you. Avoid asking me questions such as "What skill points should I get?" and "Should I use the Inferno Robe or the Energy Absorber?" Why not? First of all, the information that you'll need on skills, weapons, and armour is right here in this guide. Second, I don't like telling people how they should play the game. Everyone has a different playing style, and different playing strategies. What works very well for one person may not work so well for another. Experiment and see what fits you best, for that is the point of an RPG game. It is for you to relax, have fun, and enjoy doing something where YOU are the one in control. Happy NeoQuesting!

Notice how this site is very plain, with no images at all in the guide. I've strived to make the guide as user-friendly as possible, so that even players with dial-up connections can use it without too much trouble. Having had a very slow computer in the past, I know how it is to wait ages for images to load... and then finding that those images aren't necessary for what you're looking for. I will be adding more colors soon, so that it's not all plain and white. :)

NEW! Added info on how to get the new avatar!
Come take a look at my map generator!

    Well...haven't had much time lately to update this site, nor to play NeoQuest... It will be a while before I add any new updates, but what I'm planning to work on should be well worth the wait.
Currently working on:
  • In-depth skills analysis
  • NPC conversations
  • Recoding with CSS and HTML 4
  • NeoQuest theories
  • Racing Guide
Upcoming Games:
  • Monster exp research
  • Glacier Strike research
  • Absorbing Stone research
  • Resurrection research
  • Spell stats for final staves
  • InSaNe! - 3rd time!
Update History
  • 4/19/06
    Updated petpage link for maps.
  • 11/13/05
    Fixed locations of greater healing potions.
  • 8/1/05
    Added meta tags, tweaked CSS a bit.
  • 7/25/05
    Fixed potion and monster info - strong #, level of burned skeleton, jungle beast claw.
  • 7/18/05
    Added in missing info on Dank Cave skeletons, fixed Jahbal's level.
  • 7/13/05
    Added in some missing weapon, monster, boss information. Also added avatar guide.
  • 6/27/05
    Added map generator, fixed a few errors - Sunny Town, fortitude, comma in Levels section.
  • 6/24/05
    Changed layout, added monsters and levels sections.
  • 12/04
    Moved from _Kapelo_'s petpage to geocities.
Some useful links:

Home | What is NeoQuest? | Walkthrough | Skills | Weapons | Armour | Items | NPCs | Bosses | Monsters | Levels

Guide content and HTML coding © 2005 Ecjebe.
NeoQuest, Neopets, and images © 2003 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

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