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Midi-Chlorian Test



picture of a metochondrion

Midi-chlorians are in the movie star wars (talked about in Episode I). They are microscopic life forms that are in all living cells. They were used in the movie to show why Anakin was the chosen one. Life can not exist without them, and they can not exist without life.

This is not total science fiction, there are microscopic life forms that are in all living cells, they are called metochondrions. life can not exist without metochondrions, and they can not exist without life. Metochondrions are needed to divide cells, and convert nutrients for the cells. There might be some truth to them being involved with the Force, because there is a lot of nutrients involved with gaining Force ability, in some texts.

supposedly the midi-chlorians can communicate with the Force. This says two things, 1. the Force can think, 2. humans can't understand it directly. When you quite your mind you can hear the midi-chlorians talk about the Force. Whether or not you think this is why you need to focus, that is up to you.

The more midi-chlorians you have, the more potential you have for being a Jedi. I have found this concept to be true. For example, you want to learn to play the guitar, it might be very difficult, but for others it comes naturaly. Keep in mind that sometimes the people who have the most difficulty in doing something at first, end up being one of the best in the end.

This test is not a blood test (like in the movies), it is a written one.

5,000 - 10,000 midi-chlorians (it will be difficult to be a Jedi)
10,000 - 15,000 midi-chlorians (there is a good chance for you)
15,000 - 20,000 midi-chlorians (you will be great with the force)
Over 20,000 midi-chlorians (you're the chosen one, very useful Jedi)


This may not be what the test is like in the movies at all. But for the sake of this test here are some examples of midi-chlorian counts; Anakin 21,000 Yoda 17,000 Palpatine 16,000 Luke 15,000 Obi-Wan 15,000 Qui-Gon 13,000

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