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The Dark Side

There is evil in the Force, and if we misuse the Force the evil will hurt us. That evil is what we call the dark side. There are certain abilities which are not listed as Jedi Force abilities and those are dangerous. Those abilities are also a part of the dark side. The dark side is not dangerous because it will turn you evil, it is more dangerous then that. The dark side can also harm you or even kill you if you make the wrong step with dealing in it. That is why all Jedi do not and should not study the darkside.

In the movies of Star Wars there are 2 sides of the Force; The dark side and the good side. There is no mention of the light side in the movies, but some Jedi call the good side the light side.

All Jedi are on the good side.

There is no dark Jedi or grey Jedi in the Jedi Order because that would not make sense. A Jedi is not a Jedi if he/she does not follow the Jedi Code. If anyone does not follow the Jedi code they should find a different place then this Order.

Dark side teaching would put many other Jedi in danger. The dark side is not like the movies, there is no spell that comes over you when you get too angry or afraid. It is evil within the Force and it plans to destroy us if we use it wrong. The ways of the darkside involves abilities considered by many to be unnatural.

No Jedi wants the Order to be put in danger.

All Jedi Knights and Masters must be careful when it comes to who and what they teach. If something bad or unusual with the Force happens it should be reported to the Council or the highest authority that can be contacted. In reality you can not use the darkside without putting yourself in danger.

Fear and Anger may not lead to the dark side in real life, but they do show a lack of self-control. Loosing self-control in situations can lead to dangers too. A Jedi should not be afraid or take anger out on others. If you do, you need to work on improving yourself.

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