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The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council Members, At Present:

  • Silmerion Skywalker, Jedi Master
  • Mi-Zhe Fu, Jedi Master
  • Elgion Galea, Jedi Knight
  • Rage Corelli, Jedi Knight
  • Jema Sehor, Jedi Knight
  • Cass, Jedi Knight
  • Ki-Lan Ray, Jedi Knight
  • Ian Mundi, Jedi Knight
  • Zackfett, Jedi Knight
  • Desmond, Jedi Knight
  • Tionne, Jedi Padawan
  • Sentinel, Jedi Padawan

  • We welcome people to come to us with problems. Perhaps we could be of service. We have knowledge about the Force and have many experiences to better help those in need.

    You may contact us by e-mail if you wish. You can also contact us on the Jedi Forum.

    Jedi Council E-Mails:

    Master Silmerion Skywalker: [email protected]
    Master Mi-Zhe Fu: [email protected]
    Knight Elgion Galea: [email protected]
    Knight Rage Corelli: [email protected]
    Knight Jema Sehor: [email protected]
    Knight Cass: [email protected]
    Knight Ki-Lan Ray: [email protected]
    Knight Ian Mundi: [email protected]
    Knight Zackfett: [email protected]
    Knight Desmond: [email protected]
    Padawan Tionne: [email protected]
    Padawan Sentinel: [email protected]

    The Jedi Council also makes decisions concerning the entire Order. A group of members who are knowledgeable in the Force are able to make more wise decisions than a single member.

    The Council Decisions
    July 24, 2007 Should there be a new way to leave to keep track of things better? The Council decided a leaving section should be made.
    July 20, 2007 Should the Jedi Order have a Head Administrator, Graphics Designer, Head of Security, and Meeting Advisor? The Council decided to have the New Positions and added them to the Constitution.
    June 12, 2007 Should there be a Philosophy Forum? The Council decided that there should be.
    May 29, 2007 Should training a Padawan to Knighthood be required for Masterhood? The Council decided that training a Padawan should be a requirement.
    May 27, 2007 Should Jedi be allowed to practice Fire Abilities? The Council decides to allow it as a side ability so Knights have the option to train in it.
    May 15, 2007 Should a page be added to the main site about joining? Knight Joey-Wan Kenobi made a page about joining and it was decided by the Council to be added to the main site.
    March 1, 2007 Should a Force camouflage ability be allowed for Jedi? The Council agreed that it should be allowed, but as a side ability.
    November 27, 2006 Should a cooling Force ability (Cryokinesis) be allowed for Jedi? The Council agreed to make a new part of the conduct, for side abilities (not required but allowed) and Cryokinesis was added there.
    August 30, 2006 Should younglings have a separate Trials to become students than Jedi going for Knighthood? Should Padawans be a rank of its own? The Council decides to have these changes and makes a new Constitution. The Pre-Trials were made obsolete and were put away as a historical document.
    August 28, 2006 Should the Jedi Archives have an editable version available? The Council decides to have one and this will allow trusted members a better chance to add information.
    August 14, 2006 Should Jedi be given a ceremony when they reach Knighthood? The Council agreed that they should, so Knighting Ceremonies will now take place in the Hall of Knighthood.
    May 5, 2006 Should Jedi Bioness take the responsibility of grading the Pre-Trials? The Council agreed that Bioness and with Knight Adam should handle the pre-Trials.
    March 29, 2006 Should the Jedi Order have Pre-Trials? The Council agreed that it should, and so it was put up.
    March 15, 2006 Should the Jedi who are left be put in a separate page in the Archives? The Council agreed that it should, and so the "Lost Jedi" page was put up.
    February 2, 2006 Should the Jedi Order change the appearance of the site to something more formatted with graphics? They said yes, and helped decide some of the specific graphics. Then it was put up.
    January 16, 2006 Should there be questions about the Jedi Code on the Trials? The Council took a look at the ones Master Mi-Zhe Fu made and agreed to have them up. Now there are 4 more questions added to the trials.

    The Council

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