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The jedi in the movies wore robes. Jedi were not the only people that wore robes, people on hot planits wore robes, and the senate wore robes also. Robes are common in their society, but not in ours. Think of something common to wear. The clothing should be loose, so you can do martial arts in them (not too loose, or it could get caught on something). For the foot wear, make sure you can run in them.


As you well know, a jedi's best tool is their lightsaber. Lightsabers do not exist yet, so we need to fined something that is just as useful. It has to be easy to carry, and easy to hide. Policemen use guns, but it is hard to get around with it (do to security). Guns are also to easy to use, if it falls in the wrong hands.

Swiss Army Knives are perfect. They have many function, and can fit in your pocket, or on your belt for quick use. Also there are many different kinds, so you can get proficient with yours, and if it fell in the wrong hands the person would have to figure out how to use it. Also it is considerd more of a tool then a gun is, so it can get bye security.

Of course A lightsaber is much different then a swiss army knife. Even though a swiss army knife does very different functions, it still can have just as many uses as a lightsaber.


LightsaberSwiss Army Knife
Cut open a locked doorUnscrew or screw some screws
Deflect blaster firePliers/Tweezers for grabing
Used as a weaponKnife can be fliped out
See in the darkCan and bottle opener
Used for a DuelA prying tool

With the events that have occured in the USA, we are unable to bring such tools during travel anymore. Do not worry, in the distant future we hope to be supported by the goverment (we will have our own lightsabers and transportation).

For the time being use whatever is around you in your situation. This combined with martial arts and the force, should make you a cut above the rest.

Practice Sabers

Bokkens Are a good practice weapon for the lightsaber techniques. They are 40 inches long (30" blade, 10" handle). They are made of hard wood so be careful training with them because you could really hurt someone, or even yourself.


If you are under 4 feet tall, you may want to consider practicing with a Shoto. Bokkens & Shotos are sold online at

You can also use a wooden stick cut to your waist height if you wish.


  • Brasstech Pipe, 12 inches long.
  • PVC Pipe, 1/2 inch by 40 inch. and cap.
  • Black Duct Tape.
  • Black Electrical Tape

  • Put the duct tape on the PVC pipe, and wrap it around until the Brasstech pipe can fit over it snuggly. The PVC pipe should stick out of the bottom enough to tape it on to the duct tape with the electrical tape. Tape a cap to the end of the PVC pipe. It is good to have the duct tape all covered up by the brasstech pipe. You may stylize the handle by putting electrical tape on the brasstech pipe. The sword is good for duels and practicing alone, and shares the weight of a katana. The blade shatters in under 60 degrees Fahrenheit weather though, so be aware of that.

    (This is a finished practice saber)

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