
A History

Persephane Grant Memorial

     Here is a memorial for one of the most creative and well-loved people to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts. The real person behind Persey Grant (previously Persey Morrigan) passed away in June 2003. To salute her and the wonderful character she created, here are a few pictures she used and roleplays she wrote. Please stay a while and read about the fabulous person that will constantly live in the memories of Hogwarts students and faculty.

     The images here have been taken from Persey's pic database. They have been reproduced below with the original subtexts underneath each one.

Blowin' UP Potions!

* * * * *

Persephane Morrigan
(2/16/02 11:38 am)

"Here We Come, Here We Come,
We Go on Hwivera's Bum!
Hwivera's Drawers, We come floating along!

Over here, over there,
On Hwivera's Derriere!
Hwivera's Drawers, we go floating along!

But oh my oh me,
the things we're forced to see!
And all the stories we could tell!
But we'll do our duty
and go on Hwivera's Booty!
Hwivera's drawers, we go floating along!"

Persey grinned and nodded in satisfaction. The sheer decibal power of the lyrics, not to mention the shepherd's pipe style background music charm, should be enough to get the attention of the entire Hall...if the Whizbang didn't do the job!

"Let's get the blazes out of here before we get caught!" she whispered, tugging on her friend. "It's not a successful prank till we're away after all!"

* * * * *

Persey working at the Hospital Wing

Party Persey! Dressed up and ready to Vogue

Meditative Persey, 6th Year

Hades! You come back here and help me find my way home!

* * * * *

"Dearest Professor Mugwart,
I must say I'm in shock!
Your offer to represent the House
has shook me to my socks!

I simply cannot thank you...
I cannot say enough...
So let me say that I am just
Honored to serve the 'Puff!

I will be in Tri-Wizard,
and kick bum if I may...
and bring victory to Hogwarts,
Oh what a happy day!

Thank you and thanks to Oswald
for bringing this to me!
Always in light and friendship,
your dear Per-se-pha-neeee!"

* * * * *

Persey for Fourth Year

Persey at Camp

Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm pranking with wabbits!

* * * * *
Prof Wallace
(11/17/01 3:48 pm)
The Podium - Task One

The Headmaster came up to the podium and the 3 nervous students. This task was a long time in coming and he too was anxious to get under way. Before he turned on the amplifiers, he briefly explained the rules to the 3 representatives.

When he was sure everyone understood, he began. He faced the audience and in a voice magically amplified so that all could hear, he shouted out, "Welcome to the first Not-so-annual-rarely-ever-occurs-if-at-all Tournament! Our first event will be the Rhyming Competition! The rules are simple. One student will start a rhyme by calling out a sentence. Then the next student will have to add on another sentence that rhymes. Then the next student adds on another sentence and so on and so forth until someone can no longer think up another line."

He paused for effect then continued, "I will ask everyone in the audience to NOT shout out any suggestions since the podium is magically shielded and the contestants will not hear you anyway!"

With a flourish of robes and a bow to the contestants and judges, he finished, "Let us begin!"

He took his seat in the head judge's chair and nodded to the first contestant, "Your line is:

'What can I do?'

Pick the next line, remember it has to rhyme."

Deserea VanBuren
Beauxbatons Student
(12/10/01 8:50 pm)

I walk to the podium first! I had this thing ready I knew what I was gonna do and I wasn't even worried!

I *winked* at my fellow students and headmistress to say I was okay! I cleared my throat.....

"If it's all for you."

Persephane Morrigan
Hufflepuff 4th Year
(12/18/01 8:25 pm)

Persey blinked, staring around. "How can I be choking???" She thought in sheer panic. Taking a deep breath, she said the first line that came into her stuffy head.

"Every time you're in a stew" she said, trying hard not to sneeze.

Deserea VanBuren
Beauxbatons Student
(12/28/01 5:07 pm)

Knowing that there were no longer turns, I figured that it was my chance to jump in with another line before any other competitor got the chance!

Skampering over to the podium once I again, I take a breath and out with...

"It makes me feel blue!

Persephane Morrigan
Hufflepuff, 5th Year
(12/31/01 3:47 am)

Persey smiled and looked around, feeling steadily more confident. She knew her friends and housemates, and probably all of Hoggies was out there rooting for her. She stood a little straighter, and glanced over at the girl who had just spoken. Despite the cold, and the fact that she was quite congested and would probably be sick in a day or so, she was determined to succeed!

"But I will stay..." she paused and held her breath to avoid sneezing "true."

She let out a sigh as she finished her line, thinking the sneeze had passed....but...

"ACHOOOO!" came the sneeze, with the might of a winter snowstorm, knocking the hovering Hufflepuffer into a horizontal position.

Persey blushed furiously as she tried to right herself.

Deserea VanBuren
Beauxbatons Student
(12/31/01 4:16 pm)

I run up again I was getting excited and nervouse now, but I managed to still keep myself rather composed!

"Because I love you."

I say and sit back down waiting for the next contestant.

Persephane Morrigan
Hufflepuff, 5th Year
(12/31/01 7:47 pm)

Persey struggled back to a vertical position, hoping none of the spectators (or judges) had ominoculars. Kitty-print underwear was all fine and cute, but having it put on public display was not her idea of a good time. As she heard her competitor speak again, she smiled a little. *She's good*. Persey thought, giving the girl a grin *but I can take her!*

"It's something time won't undo!" Persey said quickly, feeling certain she HAD to make up some points!!!

* * * * *

Persey in front of a lovely house in Hogsmeade!

The Mona Persey!

Oooo is she falling asleep in class?? I hope not!

Persey as the Hogwarts Nurse!

Persey in her first year. Before the lice, and before the engorgement charm.

Watch out Dallas...she's giving you that LOOK!

Baby Persey! Aww!

Persey N' Dallas...a dream in Watercolor

* * * * *
Dallas Grant
(11/19/02 9:16 am)

It was a Grant family tradition, dating back a couple hundred years. Each male was given at birth a ring with the crest and motto of the clan. In Ancient times, it was used as an identification of royalty and as a seal for official owls. Now it was purely for decoration. Dallas had it on a simple gold chain wrapped around a piece of rolled parchment.

My Darling Persey,

Tomorrow we leave Hogwarts and close the chapter on our youth. For both of us it has been a period of trials, hardships, and overcoming battles. As a child, I was told I would never walk again, and yet here I am, walking with you into the next chapter of our lives. I am so lucky to have found my soulmate so early in life!

So, I give you this ring, as a sign of my commitment to you. Take it, and know that you are a part of my family always. in times long ago, this ring was a symbol of virtue and pride, carry it as such and know that I am proud to be your husband and I love you with all my heart.

Forever Yours,

Persephane Morrigan
(11/19/02 11:32 am)

Persey came bustling into the Wing with a basketful of baby owl feed to send off with Ari, and suppliments, along with some of the harder-to-get ingredients in Holly's diet. She put everything into its' proper cupboard, just waiting to be delivered to its' proper person, and went into her office to finish some last-minute paperwork and packing.

Then, just as she sat down into her comfortable chair, she saw it. She took the ring, chain and parchment, slipping the latter out of the former. She unrolled it, and read Dallas' heartfelt note. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she put the chain around her neck.

"Thank you Dallas..." she whispered. "I love you too."

* * * * *

Persey at Graduation! Fancy!

Just a'goin' for a swim!

Persey at her wedding

Waving Good-Bye to student life!

Boy, I hope our team is winning!

I dunno, what do you think?

Dunno...does she look possessed to you?

* * * * *
Persephane Morrigan

Persey came floating out onto the outskirts of the pitch, headed towards the stands. She was late, she knew...but she could only hope it was worth it. Her roan hair was pinned tight to her head, and her usual black fluttery robes were replaced by...something...

She was wearing, it appeared, robes with a sparkling gold color charm on them. They were tucked under and billowed out heaven-only-knows how...possibly with hot air, possibly with wire, and she wore a matching sparkly gold cap on her head. Her feet could not be seen inside her giant hot-air-balloon-like robes...and a pair of wee gold wings, obviously a cloak in a past life, stuck out from behind her.

"BEHOLD...I am SUPERSNITCH...Guardian of Hufflepuff's Ultimate Victory! But for now...GO GRIFFIES!" she crowed. "And my companion...Baby SUPERSNITCH!" Hades, looking less than amused, came floating out from behind a tree with a sparlking gold color charm on his fur, and little wings too. "GO GRIFFIES!" she shouted one last time, before moving to hover above the edge of the stands, Hades at her side.

Hades miowed with annoyance as he came to rest on her shoulder. "Oh don't worry." she assured him. "I'll change you back...and since you can't fly on your own you wont' get hit."

* * * * *

She just is the cutest Nurse around!

Don't worry, I can see just fine in this light!

Persey's Patron!

Persey, preggers but still in Uniform!

Out of uniform, but still ready to work!

Persey and Felix, basking inna sun!

"And there ya have it! A little bit Dallas-chan, a dash miscellaneous others, and a whole LOT Perseyshu!"

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