
A History

The Portkey Prank

The 1946-1947 Term started off with a bang as the students in Slytherin unleashed a prank on the entire school. By turning all the doors in the castle into portkeys to different rooms, the Slytherins had the school in pandemonium as students complained they would be later for class or worse, late for dinner. No one was safe from this prank, not even the professors who would click on the Library link and find themselves in the Forbidden Forest.

Below is a table featuring all the locations used in the prank:

The Espe Hunt

An Espe is a spirit that can materialize itself into an elemental form or not and abide to a Summoner's commands when a contract between the two of them has been made.

Samuel Triscele Herald (Summoning/Conjuring Professor) was trying to contract with an Espe in the shape of a dragon and for that he used the help of some Hogwarts students.

The students were given options for special moves, normal moves, and magical moves. They were given an elaborate point system which placed them farther or nearer to the spirit of the forest. For a long while, the Forbidden Forest became a huge RPG. Luckily...no one was seriously injured.

The Wedding

According to the Daily Prophet:

"Annabella and Aaron Teobaldo, Alexia Monocerous, and Leonidas and Claudia Fitzbane are happy to announce their parents, Cosima Teobaldo and Tiberius Fitzbane are to wed on June 1, 1947. Tiberius (of North Carolina, USA) and Cosima (of New Mexico, USA) are both Professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where their nuptials will be celebrated. The wedding will be held at 2pm with reception to follow immediately after. The happy family will live in Hogsmeade."

The Panto

The fabulous play was the "White Witch & The Seven House Elves." Hogwart's first ever panto went swimmingly well. So well infact that a repeat performance has been scheduled for this years summer camp. Students from all houses sparkled in the re-telling of the muggle story Snow White, with a new magical twist by third year Hufflepudd Jarrold Glass. There was special effects, audience participation, biting programmes... the list goes on. The effort put in by everyone was fantastic. With a huge thank you to Professor Whist for all her help with costumes, and Hannah MacDonald for helping organise rehersals and the big event.

Ami Lancaster ........... The Narrator
Kathryn Holmsely ........... The Evil Stepmother
Randi Matheson ........... The Crystal Ball
Elizaveta Anavich ........... The White Witch
Sam Edwards ........... Prince Disarming & The Apple
Katrina Ithil ........... The Huntress of Darkness
Chol Hel ........... The Whomping Willow

Ace De Deuce ............. Pot the House Elf
Alik Balir ............. Cheesecloth the House Elf
John Andrews ............. Sock the House Elf
Merewen McArthur ............. Cushion the House Elf
Kitty Campbell ............. Clock the House Elf
Newton MacDonald ............. Soup the House Elf
Hannah McDonald ............. Hanky the House Elf

Yolanda J Scott ............................ Special Effects
Prof. Whist ............................ Costume Design
Chol Hel ............................ Set Design
Jarrold Glass ............................ Director & Producer

Blast From the Past

In addition to the return of Professor Salix Spes as Celtic Magic Professor, Hogwarts also saw the return of two other historical figures. Both Charles Seabold (ex-Divination Professor) and Jeanette FuCat (ex-Headmistress and Slytherin House Head) dropped in the Entrance Hall and the Professor's Lounge for a small visit from their journeys across the globe. They were also recently married.


 House Cup


The winners of the 1946-1947 House Cup were:




The Class of '47

Congratulations to the class of 1947.

Laine Alman
Annick Andora
Lavitz Arya
Valerie DeWolfe
Leonidas Fitzbane
Grajek, Nikolaus
Tabitha Hill
Katrina Ithil
Jofranka, Papusza
Holly Snow

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