
A History

The 1943-1944 Term

Love at Hogwarts Castle

Love was in the air for Hogwarts students and faculty this term as the search for couples spread rapidly throughout Hogwarts. Girlfriends and boyfriends walked through the halls with arms intertwined and hands being held. Among the couples were Leonidas Fitzbane and Alexia Monocerous, both of Gryffindor, who became quite a couple. Also, there was Catalina Merino deVidal and Samanus McStingy, both professors, who became quite attached to each other.

Lord Azamol

At about 2:00 AM during a rather bland night, a mysterious and unwanted visitor stormed Hogwarts Castle. Secretly, the wizard known as Lord Azamol entered Hogwarts through the South Tower and began his search for the mystical Stone of Aries, a talisman that when combined with its eleven other zodiacal stones, it would enable him to rule the world. He entered the South Tower, only to find someone waiting for him. Professor Tepes. Tepes is patrolling for students. He and Azamol recognized each other from another time and another place, and neither wanted to be revealed as to their true identities. So, they quickly made a pact to be secretive. They separated quickly.

Azamol made his way to the Corridors. There, he encountered Yliana Ilich Ulianov and Cosima Teobaldo. They were making small-talk while they checked the halls. Azamol confronted the two (who don't recognize him, but know bad when they see it). After inquiring for the Stone, Azamol grew tired of them not knowing what he was talking about. He locked them in a nearby room.

Azamol moved on. This time to the dungeons. He's searched every room getting angrier and angrier. In the meantime, Rupert Constrictus should came on the Corridors scene. After the two teachers are unlocked by the Slytherin ghost, all students become magically sealed into the Great Hall for their own protection.

Aya Drea Wilder is the first to find Azamol in the Dungeons. The Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and Azamol have a very exciting duel. Wilder looks as if she is on top of things and about to beat him when Azamol pulls a cheap shot and makes a bit of wall collapse on her, thus rendering her unable to move. He exits laughing. She weakened him, though...and he knows it.

Taela MacAffey and Nalini Punjab, who found themselves together while they were searching, are looking in the Hospital Wing. Azamol enters and questions the two. They, of course, have no clue where the thing is. Using both of their powers, they try to keep Azamol inside the Wing until other help can come. They throw things at him and try to sweet-talk him. Unfortunately, Azamol uses his staff to cause a small earthquake throughout the castle. A bottle of Un-Aging Potion happens to fall on Taela, but Azamol leaves the two professors.

The final scene takes part in the library. Tepes is there almost as if he knew something was supposed to occur. After a brief conversation, the back-stabbing occurs. Tepes alerts to all the other professors that Azamol is in the library. After a good many of them have arrived, they surround Azamol. In a rage, Azamol causes the books of the library to create a spinning tornado around himself. Unfortunately, Cat and Samanus are caught in the whirlwind. Eventually Azamol feels the fatigue that was set in him from all the professors. He is tired; he slips. The tornado of books comes too close to the windows and rips the curtains away from it. Because Azamol is so evil, the rising sun's rays eat away at his body until he is in vapor form and sucked back into his own staff.

To end the night, Samanus proposes to Catalina. And Cosima goes into labor for her two twins.

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