
A History

The 1940-1941 Term

The Opening Feast

As always, there is some surprise waiting for the students at the Opening Feast, and this term saw no different. Not long after the Feast had commenced, Aurora the Dragon (known for his clumsiness) wrecked the entire Great Hall. He also left behind a gift of fecal matter for the professors to clean up. They finally had to calm the beast the only way they knew how: to play music.

Pranksters at Hogwarts

Pranksters have always graced the halls of Hogwarts, but only some will always be remembered. Hogwarts most infamous prankster went by the name of Tavyan Bertholt. His sidekick was Emilie Kertzer, the Enforcer and the most frightening prefect.

Tavyan was the fearless one. He would set up pranks on even the cruelest and scariest professors, and he always got a laugh out of it. One time when the HHH had a small vacation, she left Madame Hwirva in charge. Hwirva was bent on using her newfound powers, so she banned walking in the halls. Everyone would have to fly in the corridors. But Tavyan would have none of that. He got his shoes all muddy and stomped around the castle creating a mess wherever he went.

Also, Tavyan had a one-sided love issue. Brigid Scumwart, the hag shopkeeper, was desperately in love with Tavyan, but he obviously didn't like her. She would chase him around the castle in the desperate hopes that he would give her notice. One time, he got transformed into a toddler because of a misfired spell. Brigid would still chase after him, and he would bawl like a newborn baby.
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