Gross Motor Social / Emotional Math
Fine Motor Language Science


Physical: Gross Motor:
Exhibits an acceptance of physical self through creative expression/physical play.

Displays balance/coordination through ability to run, skip, walk backwards, hop, balance, etc.

Continues to develop hand-eye coordination in such skills as catching/throwing balls, and fine motor activities.

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Fine Motor:
Shows independence in physical needs, tying shoes, dressing self, using proper hygiene after lavatory, etc.

Is adept at using writing instruments, forming letters and words, and working with a variety of art materials.

Can write first and last using primary paper as a guide.

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Takes responsibility for actions and deals appropriately with consequences.

Continues to demonstrate respect for people and property on a more consistent basis.

Has an understanding of conflict resolution.  Solves problems independently, seeking teacher intervention only when other party is uncooperative.

Establishes and maintains peer relationships. 

Is able to express emotions and has ability to cope with frustrating experiences.

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Cognitive: Language/Pre-reading:
Expresses thoughts, ideas and opinions through written and verbal language and drawings.

Uses written language to communicate thoughts and ideas to others.  Is able to sight read words.

Identifies letter symbols' names and their associated sounds.  Experiments with letters in writing projects.

Demonstrates respect for books through listening to, reading and creating stories.  Builds from book stories to create own stories, songs, dramatic play roles, etc.

Can recite, recognize and write full name.

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Demonstrates basic understanding of numeric and quantitative units of measure (height, length, weight, temperature, liquid measure etc.)

Identifies numerals, understands quantitative value and can group accordingly.

Can repeat a given pattern or design.  Can create new patterns on own.

Has understanding of and ability to classify and apply similarities and differences.

Displays understanding of spatial relationships, conservation of mass and object permanence.

Understands value (amount / worth) of coins.

Has mastered basic understanding of reading clock.

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Is able to hypothesize, experiment and draw conclusions.

Demonstrates a respect and caring for the environment.

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References: Educare Learning Center- Philadelphia PA

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Created by Sharon A. Dash
Arcadia University
July 19, 2001

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