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Fiat SpA - Italian Cars
In Rev. Moon's Pocket?

~Fiat recently joined a growing number of major corporations that are doing business with Rev. Moon and the Moonies.Rev. Moon and Fiat SpA in the car business together In an Associated Press article dated Jan. 17th 2000, it was reported that Italian car maker Fiat SpA has agreed on a joint partnership with one of Moon's front-groups called Pyongwha Motors in Communist North Korea. The plan calls for Moon's Unification Church to provide 300 million dollars in capital and have a 70% stake in all profits from the venture.

Church Joins N. Korean Auto Venture

The Associated Press
Jan 17 2000 10:24AM ET

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - The Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon plans to invest $300 million in a joint venture to build Fiat cars in North Korea, church officials said Monday.

The church's Pyonghwa Motors and North Korea's state-run Ryonbong Corp. tentatively agreed last year to build car assembly lines in Nampo on North Korea's southwestern coast.

Under a contract with Italian automaker Fiat SpA, 10,000 cars will be assembled each year, for both domestic and overseas markets, church officials said. Production is expected to start next year.

Pyonghwa Motors was founded last April for the project. It will hold a 70 percent stake in the joint venture for cash investment while Ryonbong will own the other 30 percent for offering land.

The Unification Church has so far invested $10 million in North Korea. It runs a hotel, a restaurant and a construction material trading company in Pyongyang.

Fiat and Muammar Ghadafi

~Fiat is Italy's largest private company, accounting for 5% of Italy's GDP. It has a 100 year history, and has been forging cooperative interests with other companies, including Renault as well as extending it's cars and trucks into other countries, of which North Korea is an example, and also surprisingly, China. Italy of course, in the past was a supporter of fascist regimes with Mussolini as a dictator that had forged relationships with Adolph Hiler and his Nazi Germany in an attempt at global dominion, Libyan dictator Muammar Ghadafi, major stockholder of Fiatso it is not entirely surprising that a man like Sun Myung Moon, with his desires for a one-world theocracy with himself as head, would be a prospective partner with Fiat. Fiat itself has had questionable alliances in the past as well. Decades ago it was revealed publicly that Libyan dictator Muammar Ghadafi was a major shareholder in Fiat stock. What is also quite unusual, is that apparently Ghadafi is still interested in automobile manufacture and design. Why the dictators of the world are suddenly interested in creating automobile factories is anyone's guess, but it likely has to do with the huge potential returns when these companies achieve success. As mentioned previously, Fiat is Italy's largest private company. Additionally, those profits are likely to come from new markets. It is a common belief that more and more third world nations will be in a position in coming years to purchase many new vehicles, and someone will have to be there to supply them. Besides his previous interest in Fiat, apparently Muammar Ghadafi has taken his interest in automibiles even further. Recently Ghadafi announced that he had invented the world's safest car, with airbags surrounding the entire cockpit, because of his concern for humanity. (Maybe he should help install those things on some of the planes his terrorists have bombed?)

Automobile Magazine
September 17, 1999

And from that other hotbed of automotive activity--we're speaking, of course, of Libya--the Associated Press reports that benevolent dictator Moammar Gadhafi has invented (there's that word again) "the world's safest car." Called Saroukh el-Jamahiriya, or Libya's Rocket, the slender five-passenger vehicle was unveiled in early September on the 30th anniversary of the coup that brought Gadhafi to power. The vehicle is said to feature air bags around the entire cockpit, as well as collapsible bumpers and self-activated anti-roll rocker panels. An official press release says the introduction of the Rocket is "meant to highlight (Gadhafi's) concern for humanity and human life."

CHINA - Fiat & Moon's Panda Motors

~Fiat has apparently achieved something that Sun Myung Moon could only dream about: Producing cars and trucks in China. Inexplicably, Fiat has begun assembling versions of the Palio subcompact and the Strada pickup through a partnership with Yuejin Motors in China. But it was Sun Myung Moon that had promised the Chinese Government to spend up to 1 Billion dollars to mass-produce vehicles in China under the name Panda. Moon himself, in several speeches had claimed that he had made an initial investment of 250 million dollars, toward that lofty goal, to build a small city that would provide the infrastructure to produce the vehicles, and ports to ship them out as well as a small airport to access the city and factories, and even plans for apartment buildings to house the Chinese workers expected to be employed by the project.

Artist renditions and blue-prints and all the trimmings had been completed and yet for some reason, not one car was manufactured. Suddenly Fiat, is now in the driver's seat for mass-produced cars from China for export as well as domestic use. I have no information on whether Fiat will use the property Moon had aquired a lease on, but as one article stated, it is the long term lease, which the Moonies received for relatively little in cost per year, that may prove to be Moon's best asset in China. Perhaps he rented the land and whatever development he had already performed in China, to Fiat, and possibly as a side agreement was Fiat's promise to work with Moon in the future, as has now been realized through the North Korean project? As an industrialist, Moon is no stranger to factories, having become a major industrialist in South Korea, with factories that refine Titanium and others that produce ships, and weapons. Moon apparently is no stranger to car-production either. Though the venture in China had appeared to flop, Moon succeeded in developing business relations with Vietnam, which produced Mekong another car factory, that is actually producing cars.

Fiat produced a car called Panda

~As an interesting side note, Fiat has already produced a car called Panda though it is not produced in China. So a very interesting story is developing, though not fully understood. Why did Moon begin a car factory in China, only to pull out and move into Vietnam? Why did Moon name his planned vehicle Panda when Fiat had already produced a car by that name? Why also does Fiat accomplish something in China, that Moon was unable to, when Moon had invested so much money? Then strangely, Moon and Fiat develop a partnership in yet another communist country, North Korea. There must have been an awful lot of back-room meetings between all these players for the unfolding of these events. In one speech, Moon had claimed that his only goal in China was to help the people. He pledged not to take one penny of profits out of the country, and would help them realize economic prosperity. Maybe China didn't need any more help after Moon had blown 250 million there, and other opportunities developed in Vietnam and North Korea.

Oh, and speaking about Vietnam...

"Second Messiah's" Mission to Subjugate America is Dangerously Successful

February/March 1995 Issue
By Ted Sampley
U.S. Veteran Dispatch

In the summer of 1991, Moon, with the help of allies in the Bush Administration, violated the U.S.-imposed trade embargo against Vietnam and ordered two of his companies-- the Korea-based Sea Yong International, and the Japanese firm,Saeilo Machinery Japan--to join a partnership with the Vietnam's Communist Party to form Mekong Corp. Moon originally invested over $36 million in Mekong which is building cars and trucks in Saigon and Hanoi. The Communist Party retains a 30 percent interest in Mekong. In December of that year, Moon traveled to North Korea and met with that country's communist dictator, Kim Il Sung, and reportedly signed a contract to invest billions in the North Korean economy. The Foreign Assets Control Regulations, authorized under the federal Trading With the Enemy Act, forbid U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens from doing business with the government of Vietnam and North Korea. As a permanent resident alien of the United States, Moon violated those laws. Federal agents ignored the "new Messiah's" violations of U.S. law and have refused to prosecute. Most of Moon's conservative allies still refuse to accept media reports that Moon sees himself as the son of God and that he preaches that democracy is a flop which should be replaced by a one-world government. Soon after Moon went through his dramatic ideological metamorphosis from staunch anti-communist to his new conviction of love the communists for God and profit, the U.S. government began changing U.S. policies pertaining to communist Vietnam and by 1992, it was legal for U.S. companies to enter Vietnam and open their offices. On Feb. 3, 1994, President Bill Clinton established normalized trade relations with Vietnam despite the protests by the two major POW/MIA family organizations, all the major veterans organizations, and the belief held by 80 percent of the American people that Vietnam is still holding American prisoners of war. It is no secret that Moon wanted the U.S.-imposed trade embargo against Vietnam lifted because it was hurting Vietnam's economy and, in turn, the ability of its citizens to afford Moon's cars and trucks. The question is, what effect did Moon's lobbying and influence peddling within the U.S. government have on President Clinton's decision to betray America's missing in action by normalizing trade relations with Vietnam?

~As a green-card holding permanent resident in America, it should have been illegal for Moon to begin a business project with Vietnam, under various acts of congress, that prohibit "Trading With The Enemy", yet neither the Bush administration nor the Clinton administration seemed to have any interest in prosecuting. Then suddenly, laws were subsequently changed to allow trading with Vietnam, making Moon's actions legal, but only after the violations. How did that happen? It should not just be P.O.W.'s outraged at that, but all of us. Moon has some very powerful friends in the Congress and the Whitehouse, it seems. Those "friends" are also international apparently. Moon pulled the same stunts in North Korea as well. Amazingly, it was illegal for a South Korean to do business with the North Koreans, or even to travel there without very strict government approval and oversight. Yet Moon's right hand man Bo Hi Pak was consistently doing just that for years, in secretive negotiations for Moon's proposed business ties with communist North Korea. Now, as in Vietnam, suddenly laws are changed and/or relaxed so that Moon's apparently illegal activities quickly become legal with a few clever maneuverings. Moon seeks to influence the world's leaders to the degree that his words will one day serve as law. That is what he has said, and many in the world have merely laughed at the mad-man. As for me, I am not laughing. And I hope after reading this article, you aren't either.



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