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Moon's Problem Son: Hyo Jin

Problems With Sons & Psychics

~Recently, Moon's son Hyo Jin was divorced for various mental and physical abuses of his wife, according to her testimony in the court case. Hyo Jin himself admits to a cocaine drug habit that has been treated at the Betty Ford Clinic unsuccessfully (He was kicked out for not cooperating). There is an excellent Robert Parry News Article On the problems in Moon's True Family and the embarrassment it has caused his movement. In an interview with a reporter from the Boston Globe, Hyo Jin's ex-wife revealed how she had been selected by a psychic as Hyo Jin's wife at 15 years of age. This was particularly interesting information to me, because I had been taught that Moon was the most spiritually qualified matchmaker in the world, that he was training others to do this but it took years. Here is a psychic (not a church member) that Moon has entrusted his son's life to. This is not a unique occurance. It is well documented that Moon often visits psychics throughout the world. In speeches he has made, Moon himself has said that the greatest psychics in the world will tell you who I am. And curiously, this is supposed to confirm for a person that he should follow Moon, and yet few, if any, of these "World Famous Psychics" follow Moon themselves! Moon teaches that to go to heaven you must receive the "blessing" of marriage that he gives. And yet, I don't know of even one of these psychics who have ever done so. They are great psychics, right? Don't they know that they won't go to Heaven if they don't receive Moon's blessing? You would think, as psychics, they would be lining up in droves, that Moon would be able to give an "All Psychic" marriage of thousands, That would make some headlines! But of course this never happens. Is Moon lying? Or maybe these "psychics" are gluttons for punishment? More likely, Moon knows that the suggestion of something is almost as good as it's reality. Moon knows that he can make a statement like that and no one will actually go to a famous psychic to inquire about Moon. Of concern to Christians even more, are the Bible verses which categorically state that God's people, are never to visit psychics. As the Bible so wisely asks "Why do you inquire of the dead? Should not a people inquire of their God?" And of course this is an excellent question for Moonies, who are encouraged to get answers from dead people. What more does a dead person know about God than you do? The Bible says that God is all knowing and will answer us when we pray to him. Wouldn't you want your questions answered by an "All Knowing" God who created you, rather than some dead relative of whom you didn't bother asking these things when they were alive? It is just sheer lunacy. Or maybe Moonies just like a challenge? :-)

Unification View Of Abortion

~I would say that no Christians who participate with Moon and his church are aware of his church's position on abortion. The moonies have several doctrines on the matter laid out in the "Tradition Book", which is just that, a book detailing proper protocol for Moonies regarding spiritual and moral traditions they are to uphold. This book states that the decision on abortion is to be left in the hands of the parents. Moon himself has not spoken much on abortion. But this book states that abortion is acceptable to rectify any break in the spiritual order of things. As a former member, I can tell you that a "Break in the spiritual order of things" is anything that Moon or a church leader says it is. As an example, I can describe a conversation I once had with my own church leader as a new member. I was told that we had to follow the church leader's recommendation on every matter of significance in our church life. This leader told me that he knew of a couple who had gone through their "Three Day Ceremony" (a ceremony of consummating the marriage, where the couple has sex on three consecutive nights, using the sexual positions they are told to use each night). Well this couple had done their ceremony and the wife became pregnant from it. You are not supposed to get pregnant from this ceremony, without permission. Because she had not received permission from the leader to start their family, she was ordered by the leader to have an abortion. I was told this by my own leader in the church. It coincides with the loose description given in the Tradition Book (any-break in the spiritual order) and I think that it should be reprehensible to anyone, no matter their views on abortion, that a person could be so controlled as to be ordered to have that done to them regardless of their own possible desires to have the child. No person, no group has the right to so dominate people's lives. It is inexcusable.

Indemnity Ceremony
(Beating Your Spouse!)

~This ceremony has been toned down recently, as Moon has sought to make his church more popular for the masses, but until recently, Moonies could expect to go through a special ceremony as part of their "marriage" commitment. The ceremony is called "The Indemnity Ceremony" and involves a husband first and then the wife next, taking up huge thick sticks (about the thickness of a small bat, similar to that used in stick ball) and beating each other on the buttocks three times as hard as they are physically able to do. This is to purify them sexually as a religious rite. But the practice, besides being inhuman, and degrading, is very dangerous. Many people have passed out from the pain, including a friend of mine (a man) who was taken to the hospital. The leader oversees the beatings and if he ever feels that one spouse has not hit the other with all his might, then he will pick up the stick himself and hit them all over again. This is also very unfair to the female, as she is the one who is to be beaten first. After nearly passing out, it is doubtful she has much strength left to return the favor to her husband.

~Rather than being anything of value to God, this is just another sick practice of a destructive cult with more secret bizarre practices than openly honest and wholesome ones. It is so interesting that one young man who had been caught breaking into cars in Singapore a few years ago was to endure an almost identical punishment there. This nation rose up and decried the inhumanity of such public displays of brutal punishment. Even the President had denounced it, and yet, here are millions of Moonies who have undergone the same abuse, half of them being women. Absolutely abhorrent. It is really done, as so many other Unification Church practices, to keep the member in a dependent infantile state. Other examples are being told how to go to the bathroom, members forced to sit on the floor during lectures from Moon, while he sits, king like, over them in a comfortable chair. Sitting on the floor, with him above you in a chair, brings out paternal senses and helps you see Moon as a father figure, which is what he wants as a control tactic. To be able to completely dominate members. You have to wait on permission to do virtually anything as a full time member. You are chastised constantly and have to ask for everything. It is all very infantile and for this reason, many members even in their forties seem very childlike, but not in a good way. Many of them have in fact been kept by Moon in their twenties. Dependant on Moon and leaders for their decisions. It is a tragic side effect of this cult. Members believe that childish look is an example of how Moon has made them "pure and innocent" when really they are helpless, like children, waiting to be told what to do and how to live.

Holy Wine & Using The Restroom

~I won't dwell a lot on these issues. But, when you are married by Moon, you are given a small vial of dark red liquid to drink (I think of Jim Jones every time I discuss this) The red liquid is called "Holy Wine". It is said that when you drink this wine it is what changes your blood lineage from satan's to God's. The Holy Wine contains, according to official church sources, Moon's and his wife's physical, literal blood and flesh (presumably in microscopic amounts, for the number of people he has married). It is also said to contain a particle of everything that exists in creation mixed into it, so that it represents the entirety of the cosmos and the person drinking it can become a Lord of Creation, with a new blood lineage. Outsiders are not told these things. Members know very well about them, although they would most likely argue them (from embarrassment) publicly.

Rev. Ahn feeding me at my 40-Day Training ~This is what is taught in the Forty Day Training in New York. I and thousands of others have gone through this training and heard the same things. Rev. Ahn was the teacher when I was there. He had been teaching for many years Moon's doctrines to us believers. He told us that everything he taught was personally approved by Moon before he would ever teach them in class. He shared about the true nature of the Holy Wine, and even told us that Moon's and His wife's blood had been saved for future blessings after they die. (Although I never understood why Moon's children couldn't suffice) I have also heard (I was not taught this in 40 day) that when Moon's wife first became pregnant with the first "True Child" that there was a ceremony where members drank her breast milk. I cannot confirm that this occurred, but with all the other strange practices, I believe it! Certainly not Christian, Moon's church practices have much more in common with the occult. You can read more about this in my article "Moonies And The Occult".Members lives are so controlled that they even are instructed on which hand to use when cleaning themselves with toilet paper after using the toilet. A good member will use the correct hand (The Left). He will also only step into a room with the correct foot first (The Right). There are many other such absolute instructions on walking, sleeping, being out with your wife, and even sex!

Three Day Sexual Ceremony

~A Moonie only has sex for the first time as a couple in the Three Day Ceremony. They are told that the woman must be on top of the man for sex, the first two nights, symbolizing Eve's fall (Moon teaches that eve had sex with satan, and that this is really the true nature of the "Original Sin", and then on the third and final night, the man has sex on top of the woman symbolizing Adam reasserting dominance over the woman. After this, the man is only to be on top of the woman for the rest of their lives during sex. Although Moon has changed his mind on this apparently, as I have found speeches where he speaks graphically about sex (he often does) and that a woman can be on top if she wants to. As I said, contradiction and changing philosophies are the norm in this church and not the exception. Which is so funny because for the first many years of his teaching, Moon always told people that God, and God's laws are "absolute" that God himself is "unchanging" and absolute. So funny. Moon changes his tune every other month, and the members , possibly blinded by Mind Control or persuasion, happily follow along uncritical of their contradicting Messiah. Sexuality plays a huge role in all of Moon's teachings. If you ask them they will say it is because sex was the original sin and it is therefore very important to use sex properly, that is why Moon speaks on it so often. If you ask me, I believe that Moon is simply a sexual maniac, who is afraid of his own undisciplined sexual desires and projects them on others in the form of "Absolute Religious Standards". I say this because of the charges of sexual infidelity and wanton sexual gratuitousness that have plagued Moon throughout his life. I have posted the commentaries of some of Moon's followers and ex-followers on this in my article "Moon's Lurid Lifestyle". Not to mention charges of sex orgies as sexual purification rites in his early church, It is fact that Moon had a child with a university student before ever divorcing his first wife. Wisely, she did divorced him shortly after this child of a young university student was born from Moon's sexual affair with her.

Moon Says American Women are...
"Born of Prostitutes"

~Moon clearly is obsessed with sex. Many of his speeches are peppered with sexual innuendo and instruction. All the how-to's are laid out for Moon's eager listeners. There are also the frequent bizarre declarations as well. In one speech, Moon says that all "American women are descended from the lineage of prostitutes" In another he says that women with large breasts and small hips are unbalanced and will be eliminated by the universe for their top heaviness. He also very soberly explains in one sermon how women's breasts should be of equal size. If one is lower than the other that is not good Moon says, and women should correct that problem (although he doesn't tell them how). Moon tells his followers that the women of his church are like concubines in relationship to him and should love him as a concubine (mistress) would the man she is having an affair with. Moon says his female followers must love him more than they love their own husbands.In one speech, Moon says that people do not need sexual instruction because it comes naturally , but then he goes on in the same speech, to do just that. Graphically instruct people on how to have sex. He speaks constantly on "The Sexual Organ" and asks his own members if they think that Moon as the Messiah has a gold plated sexual organ! This is disgusting commentary in a public forum, where children could be present, not to mention that Moon is drawing his member's attention, purposefully, to his own sexual organ. His speeches are much more graphic than what I should post here, but you get the idea of what a nut-case this man is. Moon is always accusing women of all the world's problems, but never does the same for men. He will tell women that they are prostitutes if they are attracted to a man, before marriage. Just attracted! Yet he never speaks as strongly to men.

Moon is a sick man, not a Messiah!


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