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Released January 20th., 2003.

I have been somewhat over worked of late, so this News Update is a little late... but better late than never, right?

The start of 2004 was a bit of a bummer, when I found out that my Partner in Crime on the Blind Lemon Blues, Sir Matthew of Beverly, would be moving away to the Hustle and Bustle Metropolis of Thunder Bay Ontario. (Well, he says it's a Work term, but we think he is going there to start a branch office of the CHMR Communist Party)

Not to worry, BLB Fans... Sir Matthew will return in April. Until then I will be hosting the show with some of the other CHMR DJ's, just for Variety. Last week Neil Power (Host of the "Going To Hell Show") co-hosted with me. The week before that, Bernie Scott (of the Prior/Scott Project) did the honors. Who will it be next week??? You will have to tune in to find out!

Those who know me well, know that I am a bit of a Wrestling fan. As a child, my father took me to St. Johns Memorial Stadium to watch Sailor White wrestle, back in the day when he was the Canadian Heavyweight Champion.

I have watched it on TV since I can remember... Killer Kowalski, Edouard Carpentier, Maurice (the Mad Dog) Vachon, and Newfoundlander's Hartford Love and Sailor White were my Saturday Afternoon Mainstay's. I recently had a chance to meet Sailor white, and share the memories of the golden age of Pro-wrestling.

The Sailor retired from the ring, and was instrumental in the formation of Cutting Edge Wrestling, the local independant promotion. I won't go into alot of detail here, but check out their webpage for a complete list of their wrestlers... and see if you recognize the ring announcer.

MIA award winner Rick Lambe tells me he is starting work on a New album soon. He didn't go into much detail, but he did say he has lots of new material ready to go. He will be a guest on the Songwriters in February, so listen for that. In the meantime, his first album "Lost Time" is still available, so check it out!

On the live music scene, Denis Parker played the Fat Cat recently, with yours truely in attendance. As always, Dennis was in the zone, rockin' the joint, as he is known to do. Between his duties with the Music Industry Association of Newfoundland, and his own music carreer, Dennis is a very busy man!

I have tendered him an open invitation to do a guest shot on The Songwriters... perhaps when his new CD is done... so be listening for that. In the meantime, Dennis' latest CD, "Snowman Blues" is still available in stores, so check it out!

Another live blues show I recently attended was the much antisipated return of Roger Howse. In my humble opinion he is one of the finest blues artists in the country today, and he has been away way too long! (To quote the old blues song) We were both members of CHMR back in the day... but when I spoke with Roger during the break, it was the first time we had seen eachother in over 20 years! To his credit... Roger remembered me.

Many of the above mentioned artists have CD's available. If you would like to pick up a copy of any of these CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of local music you're likely to find, along with all your favorites!

The ECMA's are coming to St. Johns in February! Whats that? The East Coast Music Awards are an annual event that features the best entertainers from all over Atlantic Canada. It promises to be an incredible weekend of Music, so make sure you make an effort to get out and experience the 2004 ECMA's.

In on Air News;

Just before Christmas, I produced a Filler show for the station called "A Filler Show of Epic Proportions". (A filler show is a program loaded into the computer, for play on air, in the event that a DJ cannot make his show) It was a 2 hour show featuring clissic rock epic's... songs that are Longer than 7 1/2 minutes. Last week, while I was doing Cosmic Debris, someone actually called in and asked when the epic show would be played again.

Since then I have had several feedbacks on the show, all of which were possitive... so Within the next few weeks, I will be producing "Another Filler Show of Epic Proportions". Be listening for it!

The Songwriters will be featuring some interesting guest's over the next few weeks. One guest I am working on is Paul Thorn, from Mississippi. I have been in contact with his management, and hope to set up a Telephone Interview with him sometime soon.

Cosmic Debris is puttering along, as usual... although to be honest, I am thinking of shaking it up a bit... Just gotta figure out how!

Tune into 93.5 CHMR-FM via the internet, with MP3 Stream or Real Audio, at and Find Out! See ya next month!

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