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Released October 20th., 2004.

Due to ill health and work overload, this news update was supposed to be released in August... so you will have to forgive me for being late. Regular listeners have probably noticed that allot of my shows have been pre-recorded lately (The wonder of the 'Computer Age' in live Radio), but hopefully that's going to change. Alot has happened since my last update, so lets get on with the news;

First of all, The 28th Annual Newfoundland Folk Festival was held in August, and was a great success!

In an August episode on the Songwriters, Fergus O'Byrne came in and acted as spokesman for the Festival. His work with Ryan's Fancy, a Crowd of Bold Sharemen, and Tickle Harbour makes him more than qualified to talk Newfoundland Folk Music. I have hosted over 100 different artists on the Songwriters. Fergus has always been a first class gentleman and an excellent guest. He's welcome to come back any time.

Also in August, Chris deBurgh released his new album. The Road To Freedom has a dramatic feel that borders on meloncholy, and yet has the depth that only his music can have. The album opens with a soaring instrumental that sets the table for the title track, and lays the foundation of what the albums mood. If you haven't heard this album, I highly recommend it!

Other live guests on the songwriters in the last couple of months included Steve Parsons, a young singer songwriter from Chamberlains. Still in his teens, Steve is exploring his musical muse and showing great potential. I think he will be someone to watch!

I also had Tom Boland and Tony Batten of Dungarvan in for an episode of the Songwriters. The band just released their Debut CD, "The Old Dungarvan Oak". It's a folk music fans dream. These guys were born and raised on Newfoundland folk music, but also show the traces of American and Canadian folk influences. What results is a rolicking romp through some of your old favorites. One track of note on this CD is their version of "Candle Light and Wine", which was written by Dermot O'Reilly, who also produced the Dungarvan album.

In September, it was announced that a special night of songwriter's would be held at the LSPU Hall in St. Johns, hosted by Denis Parker, and featuring 4 great young songwriters from Newfoundland. So arrangements were made, and all four will be appearing on the last two episodes of The Songwriters for October.

Also in September, word arrived that Bullseye Records will be releasing a Klaatu Boxed Set, early next year. SUN SET: 1973-1982 is set for release on May 7, 2005, and will coincide with World Contact Day - Klaatu*Kon 2005. This looks like it's going to be a Blast of epic proportions, as Klaatu members John Woloschuk, Dee Long and Terry Draper will appear together, in public, for the first time in 23 years!

The event will be held on the weekend of May 7, 2005, at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel, in Toronto, Ontario. Produced by Fans First Incorporated in association with Bullseye Records of Canada, the event will feature autograph sessions, question and answer sessions, photo sessions, a meet and greet, and a whole lot more. For more information, check out the Fans First website at

(You Know I'll Be There!)

Pink Floyd fans will be happy to know that Nick Mason's book "Inside Out - A Personal History" was published on 9th September 2004. According to the Pink Floyd Fan Club website, the project was started in 1994, but deferred due to David Gilmour's pressure related to some inaccuracies.

This should be a great read, and a must see for every Floyd fan! An inside look at one of the most influential bands of the last 40 years is just too much to resist. I mean, let's face it, you would have to be living in a cave (or on the Dark Side of the Moon) not to know who Pink Floyd are, but very rarely are we ever able to look inside the band. I look forward to checking this book out!

Many of the above mentioned artists have CD's available. If you would like to pick up a copy of any of these CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of local music you're likely to find, along with all your favorites!

In on Air News;

I haven't been on air that much lately... not Live anyway, although, we managed to get through the Hitchhikers Guide, and have now swung back into the "Monday Night Epic" on Cosmic Debris. I managed to discover some very fine music over the summer, which will be reflected in the Epics I play from now until Christmas... so tune in and check it out!

For the Most Part, the Songwriters have been repeats of shows recorded last spring... Summer Re-runs, for want of a better term. I am in the process of lining up some shows for the fall season, but nothing has been firmed up... yet!

The Hangover Cure is puttering along pretty much unchanged. I have added one little thing to make the show more interesting. (I hope) Starting in September, each episode of the Sunday Morning Hangover Cure will have a Feature Album. Each week, I'll pick a great album, and feature several cuts from it during the course of the show. So far we have featured Chris deBurgh, Gordon Lightfoot, Natalie Merchant, and I'm planning a whole lot more. If you would like to suggest a Feature album, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected], then tune in this Sunday, and see If I pick yours!

Last, but certainly not least, I have a new co-host of The Blind Lemon Blues! Fanboy Mark Jabroni, host of Ring Rust, on CHMR, is joining me this fall as the new co-host. Things are still in the formative stages, but it should make for an interesting and entertaining season of Blind Lemon...

So Keep It Tuned

and I'll see ya soon!

And that's the latest news! See you next month!

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