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Released July 20th., 2004.

What was it they said about the best laid plans of mice, men and old DJ's?

As much as I hate to admit it, The Moody Blues trip was a total washout! After all the work arranging and preparing for the trip, a breakdown in communications meant that the road manager didn't know I was coming, and thus I was unable to do any of the things that had been arranged. The result was a very long, difficult and frustrating day.

The actual live show at the Melody Tent was excellent, inspite of some sound glitches that popped up during their performance. They performed a crosssection of music covering their entire carreers, much to the delight of the sold out crowd!

It is an incredible atmosphere when an entire crowd is totally in tune with the concert performer. Imagine 2000 + people, on their feet, singing along with classics like "Night in White Satin", "Question" and "Lovely To See You". They didn't need seats for the crowd, as the band entered the building to a standing ovation... and hardly anyone sat down from there.

They even suprized me by playing a couple of songs I really didn't expect to hear. Their performance of "Are You Sitting Comfortably" (from On The Threshold of a Dream), and "Voices in the Sky" (From In Search of the Lost Chord) was flawless... but the highlight of the show was when Graham Edge got out from behind the drum kit, and fired off a high energy redition of "Higher and Higher" (From To Our Childrens Childrens Children).

The Show itself, was Amazing.

Speaking of Great Showmen... Chris deBurgh's latest CD, "The Road to Freedom" is now available. I have been trying to secure an interview with the elusive singer/songwriter for many years, and will keep trying. The rumour mill has it that deBurgh will be touring Canada in the late summer or early fall... so you never know your luck in a big world.

In local music News, Terry Penney's new CD is now available. He was my guest on The Songwriters on July 4th. The CD, 'The Struggle' is a more uptempo, rockier effort than Terry's earlier work. "It's good to finally get it out", he told me durring the show, "This album is a definate change from the sound of the first two, but I like to think it is also the next step in my evolution as a songwriter."

The Janet Cull Band have released their first CD, a self titled effort that was co produced by the band and Rick Hollett. Janet and her band still hold the record for the largest group ever interviewed at one time on the Songwriters. The day we broadcast the show live... there were 6 of them, and it made for a very interesting, and funny show. Now that the CD is out, I look forward to welcoming them back on the show sometime soon!

Duanne Andrews also has a CD on the Market, that features a collection of songs with an international feel. The production, and feel of this album ranks with some of the best I have heard this year. It has a wonderfully relaxed feel that makes this CD very comfortable to the listener. Check it out, and I think you'll see what I mean.

Blair Harvey has his latest CD on the shelves as well. "Burning Down Religion" is a Dylan-esque collection of original tunes, produced by Lee Tizzard and Blair Harvey. As singer/songwriters go, Blair is among the most talented on the island, and I will be inviting him to take part in an episode of the songwriters soon as well.

Many of the above mentioned artists have CD's available. If you would like to pick up a copy of any of these CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of local music you're likely to find, along with all your favorites!

In on Air News;

The winner of the Rock and Ride Contest Parsons & Sons Transportation "Rock~n~Ride" Contest was drawn on Thursday, July the 15th. on CHMR-FM. The winner, Mike Scott, revieved two tickets to the Salmon Festival Concert in Grand Falls/Windsor, featuring Bryan Adams.

G-Spot, the Tuesday Evening DJ, is the person who took Mike as a qualifier, so she gets to go to the show as well. I hope they Both enjoy the show...

With the Rock~n~Ride Contest now complete, we are working on the "Klondyke Kontest", with a grand price of two tickets to the Klondyke Concert, including Transportation on the Parsons & Sons Shuttle. For more details, listen to 93.5 CHMR-FM.

My guest on the "Songwriters" last week was a young singer/songwriter from CBS. Steve Parsons (no relation) have only been writing songs for a few years, and already has an impressive selection of original compositions.

OK... I admit it! I am a Stoooopid Head!

Last week, I forgot to take the Hitchhikers Guide CD with me, and had to miss a week... but not to worry fan! I will just pick up where I left off, and the series will continue, in order. It just means that we will finish a week later than announced!

Well... Thats it for now! See you next month!

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