Dog Training

Resources and Help for your Furrever Friend

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Tips for Training your Dog

Socialization and Play

Socializing your dog with people and other animals is important to your puppy's development. It is an excellent stimulation for your dog's brain mentally and physically. This will help satisfy and eliminate problem behaviors that develop when your dog is couped up in the home.


Working with your dog and training him/her on a daily basis also works along side with the stimulation of your dog's brain and eliminates problem behaviors. Try using as much positive reinforcement as much as possible. If a negative reinforcement is necessary, then it may be used, however, consult your trainer and ask how different reinforcements effect training.


Like people, dogs need exercise too. It burns energy and calms your dog down. Exercise can mean doing things with the family, playing games, walking, etc. If your dog is exercised routinely, you dog should be a well behaved dog.

Your Dogs Place

Crate training is the best way to keep your puppy away from destruction in your home when you are unable to supervise him/her. Your dog should also have this place to go to get away if he/she wants to.


Make sure you set your dog up for success, not for failure. Puppy proof your home; if you don't want your dog to chew on it or eat it, then put it away. Do not let your puppy run the house. Close doors to limit access to rooms or, use baby gates to block them from areas you do not want your dog to go. Supervise your puppy as much as possible!


Yes! This is important in your dogs behavior! Avoid too much protein, fillers, additives, artifical perservatives, dyes and by products in your puppy's food. What your dog eats will directly affect his/her behavior. See more on nutrition